
Ghost Of LovePerjantai 10.10.2008 21:14

I am near you
You don't see me
Can you feel me
I'm closer than close

Does it hurt?
Does it burn?
Do you know
What you've lost?
Are you scared
of the dark?

Now that you're gone
All that remains
Is the ghost of love
Deep in my mind
I hear the chains
Of the ghost of love

You are falling
Down and dirty
You'll be crawling
Lower than low

Can you sleep
Can you breathe
When you know
What you've done?
Tell me where
will you run

Now that you're gone
All that remains
Is the ghost of love
Deep in my mind
I hear the chains
Of the ghost of love

You were flawless
Cruel and thoughtless
And all that you left of me
Is the Ghost of love

I'm fading
I'm barely breathing
Can't hold on
I'm dying
I must be bleeding
Won't be long

Now that you're gone
All that remains
Is the ghost of love
Deep in my mind
I hear the chains
Of the ghost of love

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.10.2008 19:03


oivallus (Y)Torstai 09.10.2008 02:07

oho huomenna on kokeet
oho en oo lukenu
oho tulee vitonen

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.10.2008 23:31

Ainiin tulihan sitä rasmuksen keikallaki oltuu perjantaina 8D

pitäs viel ostaa niiden levyyy 8)))<3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.10.2008 21:18

Ah tänää koulussa kiskan takii:D Oli kuitenki hauskaa sallan ja minnan kans 8)<3

Huomenna uusiks :O Saapahan manimanimani... €____€ ::::D

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.10.2008 21:13

Yhyy tet loppu. Vähä tulee ikäväväää 8'<

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.10.2008 19:02

Tuiii noi eskarilaiset on niin sulosia <3____<3

sorry boysTiistai 30.09.2008 18:40

Meen pian naimisiin neljän kans 8'>

TETMaanantai 29.09.2008 18:04

Jee oli tosi mahtavaa... vielä 4 päivää...vielä 4 päivää O______x