


I don't need to be touched by you
Oh please don't be ashamed by our beauty,
there's nothing wrong with us.
I know they say we're not normal when we're together,
but who defines normal ?

I know they say that if we'd loved each other,
we'd do things differently.
But honey, isn't this supposed to be what we want,
and not what they want to see?

I don't know why I did it,
I guess I got tired being alone.
And yes, I was kinda trying to hurt you,
I wanted to make you jealous.
I'd be so happy, if it worked.

'Cause maybe soon, maybe even tomorrow,
I can get that kiss that I've been wanting so long.
Oh I'm guilty, if you want to see me that way.
You can punish me all you want,
but I'm already numb by the pain that you caused me.

(c) booberry

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