


I don't need to be touched by you


- Vanhemmat »

Famous PainTorstai 13.12.2007 11:59

The famous pain is coming,
the thing that gives everyone theyr inspiration.
Why is it so hard to write about the good things and happiness?
Why everytime when I write about something positive,
it'll sound so hypocrite?

I guess it's not possible to really be honest about the good things,
when I'm using all my energy to find the worst things you can even imagine.
Fear and anger seems to be the same thing,
but we just express them differently to get more possibilitys.
Not everybody wants to be scared, 'cuz they think it'll make you weak.
Not everybody wants to be angry, 'cuz it really doesn't make you stronger.

My sadness is drowning me again, just because I wanted it.
I wanted that I could write again,
So now I got myself filled with my fears and anger.
Once again I'm in a fight with me and myself.
Once again I'm in a fight with the world, and I promise, I'll win this one.
Believe it or not, someday I'll learn write something when I'm not scared, sad or angry.
And if you didn't know, I planned it.

I'll never let anyone under my skin again,
'cuz if I did, I'd only get hurt, I've seen this all so many times.

(c) booberry

Letting goTorstai 13.12.2007 11:50

There's no point for me to say anything,
'cause i already know that you've made your decision.
You've made the choice to walk your own path, and i'm not in it.
You didn't let me come to your life.

I don't blame you,
but did you know that you made it quite obvious to me,
before you even told me about it.
And I don't mean to lie to anyone,
it still does hurt like hell,
but I have to keep moving on or else I'll be cryin' here forever.

It's your life and you're gonna live it like you want to.
So I don't want you to stay, unless you really want to.
But please remember, I never lied, I just never told you how much
it hurts to be a part from you.

And when you told me that it's over,
I got numb from the pain.
But if you ever read this,
I really do hope you're happier.

I'll miss you very much.
It's time to let you go.

(c) booberry

You don't even know me.Perjantai 23.11.2007 23:51

I feel like you're messin' with my head again,
even though I got no proofs,
but I think you don't know what you want.

Could you just once be a man, and tell me straight,
do you want me to go or do you want me to stay?
From time and time again, you're giving mixed up signs.

Are you happy now that you got me confused ?

Just tell me was it real what we had ?
Do you regret that you didn't get to know me better,
'cause if you would've done that,
things could be differently.

This all just feels so unreal, a little time a go,
I was having the time of my life
but now my life is fallin' apart
and I don't even know how long I'll be here watching the great destruction.

(c) booberry

RevelationPerjantai 23.11.2007 10:06

Don't worry, I'll be fine.
You wasn't the first one to hurt me.
But I promise, you were the last.

I hate myself, for trusting.
I don't like myself, 'cause I tried to stand up for you.
I'm ashamed 'cause I really thought you could make me complete.

I thank my friends for tellin' me,
that I'm gonna get hurt,
but next time you do,
please do it before I can feel it.

Trusting is overrated,
I think I'm going back,
to the way I used to be.

I'm not cold, I'm just gonna ignore my feelings,
So it's getting easy, I'll just ignore them,
Like I ignore you.

I hope the world gives you, what you were looking for.
I always knew, that I can't make you happy.
Thanks for letting me know that this world doesn't really change.

(c) booberry

Enjoy the ugly life.Torstai 22.11.2007 10:37

You should think again,
life's not fair and it does hurt.
But don't tell me that you're life sucks.
Don't tell me that you can't go on.

You should see mine, so you'd shut up about giving up.
Honey I'm sorry, I survived, I'm still here,
I made it trough, so I'm not gonna fall again,
Even though this is getting ugly.

You gotta hold on, to the things you got,
you gotta learn to appreciate what you got,
while you still got it.
You gotta live your life,
like you enjoy it while it's getting ugly.

So this time, I'm not gonna fall apart,
even though I could and life thinks I should.

(c) booberry

Open up.Tiistai 20.11.2007 17:46

Is it so unusual to you, to see me crawling ?
Didn't you notice how I was falling ?
Oh no, I don't hate you, I'm not angry,
'cauce I'm gettin' use to this.
I was the last one to know.

Now I'm ashamed.
I regret that I ever trusted.

(c) booberry
You didn't fight for what we had,
You didn't hang on to it.
So now, I'm just asking, was it ever real ?

I don't think so,
'cuz if you ever really cared,
you'd know now what's been goin' on lately.

I'd really want you here by my side today,
I'd like to tell you all these things.
But this life keeps kicking me down.

I'll make it trough, like I did before - without you.
I hope you know, it's hard to let you go.
But when I do, I hope I don't see you ever again.

I'd like to fight this battle with you by my side,
I'd like you to help me to make it trough,
I guess it's just too late for you to say you're sorry.

You're the best and the worst damn thing that ever happent to me.
I'll always miss you, but this time, I want to forget what we had.
Goodbye and thank you darling.

(c) booberry

You know how I need you Tiistai 20.11.2007 00:04

I need you now more than ever,
I hope you do know that you're really the only one I can trust.
I need you now,
I can't fight this battle alone, but with you,
I wanna believe I'll make it trough.

This hurts like hell,
but with you my side,
I'll survive.
I promise, I'll make it trough, just because of you.

(c) booberry

'cuz you'r perfect ? Tiistai 16.10.2007 01:25

don't need this shit right now, thank you very much.
i'm takin' step by step to get back to the top.
yeah, sure, i'm here if you really need me.
i'm always here if you need me,
but don't channel your pain to me.
'cuz for the first time,
i really didn't deserve it.
and i miss you.
i miss who you use to be.
I've changed, I've grown, when I learned that people are selfish.
I'm not cold, i'm just facin' the reality.
you put me through this pain, 'cuz someone did it to you and you have to share it.
what goes around, comes around, that's what they said, isn't it?
hope you know, I've already let go long ago.
I know I'm naive, I'm selfish and I don't think things through
But can you really honestly tell me, that there was nothing wrong with you.

(c) booberry

Neverending lovestoryPerjantai 10.08.2007 11:15

Lempibändin, idolin, tai toisinsanoen rakkauden tunnistaa. Siis se tunne, vatsanpohjassa, ja muutenki ku tietää et se on niin erilaist ku muut. Siis sen vaan tietää ku löytää sen. Mä muistan ku mä löysin GC:n. Se oli melkein paras päivä, mut 19.3 vetää paremmaks ku olin ekana tavastian takaoven jonolla ja VAU.

Tiedän; oon kickseis, mut siihenki on syynsä.
Joskus tulee kausii ku haparoin ton lempibändin kans, mut nyt taas, kaikki on nii selvää.
Eka oli MCR kausi ja sit oli A7X popitust pirun kauan, mietin jo et oks joku muuttunu ja et oonko oikeesti vaan hylänny kaiken mihi enne uskoin.

Mut eihän se niin menny. Mä huomasin sen tnä aamuna ku heräsin joskus enne 5 ja tulin mutsin koneelle dataa.

Tää kaikki tuli vaan yhtäkkii mieleen ku popittelin Diabloo koneella ollessa ja sitte huomasin et tääl oli joku linkki jonnekki Good Charloten fanisivuille. Eksyimpä lukemaan jotain kivikautisia haastatteluita ja katteleen niit vanhempii kuvii. Oi elämä. 6 vuotta. Ei uskois. Tuntuu ihan eiliseltä ku mietin sitä ku halusin näyttää Benjiltä ja ostin samanlaisia vaatteita kun benji ja ei herranjumala.
Ei sillä, oon kyllä vieläki yhtä addiktoitunu tohon bändiin mutta on sitä joo niistä ajoista vähän muututtu. Toiset muistaa, toiset ei.

Mut en voi muuta sanoo ku vau, en ikinä kuvitellu et loppupeleis musiikki oikeesti merkkaa näin paljo. Tai oon sen tienny aina, et musiikki on mulle ku elämä ja et se merkkaa mulle paljon, mut mietin vaa et must tuntuu et kestän mitä vaa nii kauan ku mul on nää neljä cd:tä ja cd-soitin. Ja just siks en tajuu miks tää bändi ei iske muihin niin paljon ku se iskee muhun.
Kai kaikille on sitte se oma juttunsa.
- Vanhemmat »