
RuinedSunnuntai 08.11.2009 17:59

I'm ruined.
My heart is broken, my faith is gone, nothing matters. I just wanna leave.
Pain's power grows to me wings. Odd, they're beautiful, painless, perfect. One wing is four tall, red feathers. I rise high up in the air, to better place. I share a tear to my dears, the ones I cause pain by this. But when the fallen tear touches my wings, they set on fire. Flames are ripping my wings. The falling, burning pieces take my heartbeats with them. Wings carcass is melting and burning my skin, soft feathers are turning to ash. Wind blowes it away, and I start falling back to ground. The fire inside of me is burning my senses, my feelings. I'm dieing, the wings were my soul, and it's gone now. The fire inside of me is more painful than ever, but I'm not ready to close my eyes. I won't give up my burned breaths. I destroied my wings because I care. I decide to care the rest of my life. I decide to live for someone. The fire inside of me suddenly stops, the ice cold freeze covers it. I stand up and walk back the place they call my home. There's always soul. When first one leaves, other one grows. My new soul doesn't do anything but cares. My new wings are leather, and only one spike keeps them in shape. They are not made to escape, they are made to leave with someone, someone I love, someone I want to save from this pain in this world.

Tylsä Omegle-elämäPerjantai 06.11.2009 00:02

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: You are?
You: one fucking idiot
Stranger: alright
You: u?
Stranger: another fucking idiot
Stranger: makes two us
You: jipii
Stranger: mmh
Stranger: Do you live in Europe?
You: of cöyrse
Stranger: in Germany?
You: no.
You: in land of penguins
You: fiunland
You: finland
You: ai mean
Stranger: right, right
Stranger: But Finalnd doesn't have any penguins.
Stranger: Norway has.
You: orly
You: i thought penguins live in south pole
Stranger: yeah, last time I checked it was norway
Stranger: nah
Stranger: How do they want to be eaten by polar bears then?
You: Well
You: dunno
Stranger: riddle me that, mister
Stranger: yeah, right huh
You: excuse me
You: i'm
Stranger: a lady
You: missie
You: ladeh.
Stranger: idiot sounds so male though
Stranger: You sure about that missie part?
You: yeah.,
You: I checked
Stranger: Do you have any other funny letters apart from ö?
You: ä
You: å
Stranger: cool
Stranger: any more?
You: no.
Stranger: How does å sound like?
You: oo
Stranger: å sounds like oo?
You: yeah
Stranger: and ä?
Stranger: Like the ea in bear?
You: no, its like..
You: cat's a.
Stranger: yeah, that's the ea in bear
You: thats ö
You: Ö.Ö
Stranger: bear or bare
Stranger: same pronounciation
You: fuck you its not
Stranger: But I think you can also pronounce it like in beer
You: no,
You: in beer its ie.
Stranger: oh right
You: otr
You: or
You: iö
Stranger: but its going in the same direction
You: far from it.
You: ä sounds like ä
You: xD
Stranger: yeahmsmoethinglikethat
Stranger: What does korpikila mean?
You: well I knoe whats korpi, but kila is sometnhin ...
You: jkjfdlg
You: its not finnish
Stranger: ok
Stranger: whats korpi?
Stranger: eagle?
You: korpi its like forest
You: korppi is a bird
Stranger: oh swweet
You: korppi is raven
Stranger: ah right
Stranger: Is there a difference in pronounciation between korpi and korppi?
You: yeah.
Stranger: ok
You: why you asked bout that "korppikila"
You: Ö.Ö
Stranger: uhh, just crossed my mind
Stranger: I thought of Finland
Stranger: blonde girls
Stranger: snow
Stranger: and korppikila
Stranger: oh, and vodka
You: vodka is russian
You: zS
Stranger: yeah, but that white goose vodka for example, its from Finland
Stranger: and you people drink that stuff a lot
You: well..
You: krhm.
You: we drink KOSKENKORVA
Stranger: How many hours have passed since you have had your last glass of vodka?
You: umm.
You: three four minutes
You: these glasses are too small
Stranger: yeah, yeah
Stranger: btw, what do you do at 7 am in the morning, when you run out of vodka?
Stranger: shops dont sell any yet
Stranger: you dont have any friends.
Stranger: What do you do?
You: suicide
Stranger: yeah, I suppose
Stranger: suicide is fairly widespread in Finski as well no?
You: well, we got our cellars full of vodka.
You: so it just cant run out
You: cause we full it every morning
Stranger: clever clever
Stranger: Do you have blonde hair?
You: of course.
You: and blue eyes.
Stranger: nice
Stranger: No wonder Hitler was interested in breeding with you.
You: excatly
Stranger: Why do all of cour clubs close at 4 am?
Stranger: or public houses in general
You: dunno DxD
Stranger: :|<
Stranger: find out!
You: find out yourself
Stranger: cocky brat
Stranger: I will teach you to have respect from the elders
Stranger: Do you live in Helsinki?
You: damn
You: yes.
You: actually
You: in Vantaa.
You: but its reeealy near of helsinki
Stranger: yeah, I still count that as Helsinki
Stranger: Do you own a Nokia phone?
You: ofcourse
Stranger: The N900?
You: no
Stranger: N97?
You: Nokia Xprsmusic
Stranger: oh the 5800?

You: yes
Stranger: that comes with music?
Stranger: How do you like it?
You: I have to buy o new one
You: this is shitty
Stranger: ok
Stranger: Why not buy an iPhone?
You: iPhone is stupid.
Stranger: nonono
Stranger: iphone is great
You: iPhone sucks.
Stranger: How about the Palm Pre?
You: wtf?
Stranger: mayb you dont have that yet
Stranger: But if you dont like palm or apple, you could look into an Android phone
Stranger: from Samsung or HTC
You: like I CARE.
Stranger: But Nokias N900 should be out in November, with Maemo as os.
Stranger: it is supposed to be very good
Stranger: ok
Stranger: would you rather talk about girly stuff?
Stranger: like dolls and horses?
You: well Im not a phone freak
Stranger: yeah, unfortunately
You: and I eat horses.
Stranger: no way!
You: and the dolls are made for burn
Stranger: You are a wicked one.
You: gotjic.
Stranger: Do you burn like your dolls like you burn your churches?
You: gothic.
You: yeahh.
Stranger: You are a gothic?
You: yep.
Stranger: black nails, black eyes, black hair, black clothes?
You: well.
You: not black hair
You: and other eye is balck, other is white.
Stranger: yeah, you already said you had blonde
Stranger: just a test
Stranger: However you said you had blue eyes
You: contact lenses
Stranger: I see
Stranger: So that looks like totally awesome with one black and one white eye?
Stranger: Or why do you do that?
You: yep, I look like those murderdolls.
Stranger: great
Stranger: people are must be totally scared o fyou
Stranger: Can I see a photo of you?
You: fivw of my friend started screaming when they saw me.
You: I don't have photos in this computer >.<
Stranger: then take one with your 5800
You: I broke the camera from it like months ago.
You: xD.
Stranger: oh what a coincidence
Stranger: that's really too bad
Stranger: What does your boyfriend think about your outfit?
You: well his style is like mine.
You: he loves it
You: <3.
You: xD.
Stranger: cooool
Stranger: Are you like 17 years old?
You: 16.
Stranger: yeah, the same
Stranger: well then
You: but i have been gothic since when i was 13
Stranger: So you already have a Gothic history
You: hv.
You: yp.
Stranger: So, what do Goths do?
Stranger: Are goths politically motivated?
Stranger: Do you hate life?
You: I don't hate life. Everybody thinks so.
Stranger: Then what defines a goth?
Stranger: Only the black clothes?
Stranger: Is there a certain mindset behind it?
You: what defines a goth.. Look, lifestyle, weird believening
You: xDD.
Stranger: that's not very precise
Stranger: well, I have to prepare a meal for myself
Stranger: Have a nice goth life
Stranger: Näkemiin
You: heippa.
Ihan väärin.

Nelli-Pidä musta kiiTorstai 05.11.2009 16:36

tylsää..?Sunnuntai 25.10.2009 23:52

Mummosi antaa sinulle 80 euroa viisisenttisinä:
[ ] RAHAA!!
[x] Eiks mummoilla tosiaanka ole muuta ko pikkukolikoita..?
[ ] N-näin paljo... en mä voi..
[x] Mistäs tää nyt tuli?
[ ] Jeeee~

Olet luokkasi ainoa jolla on vihreät housut:
[ ] täh?
[x] So?
[ ] Äkkiä vaihtaan!
[x] Jeeee~
[x] On nää ainaki hienommat ku noilla urpoilla.

Kun tulet kotiin lavuaarissasi on meduusa:
[x] Wtf?
[x] Mikä toi on?
[x] Äitiiiii....
[x] Voi ku söpö.
[ ] Jeeee~

Vihamiehesi ilmoittaa rakastavansa sinua:
[ ] Yööögh!
[ ] (someone loves me)] Jeeee~
[ ] Mäki sua <3
[ ] Lol mä vihaan sua.
[x] Aha.. kiva..

Hän osoittautuukin An Cafen laulajaksi:
[ ] Vielä pahempi!
[ ] Noni, sänkyyn siitä.
[ ] No SUSTA mä tykkään.
[ ] Iiii vähäx ihQ!
[x] ...jaa minkä laulaja?

Saat matematiikasta numeroksi viitosen:
[ ] Ainaha mä.
[ ] Jeeee~
[ ] Nyt ei kyllä kunnian kukko laula...
[x] Nyt on kyllä sattunu joku väärinkäsitys...
[x] Eii mun elämä on ohi...

Salkkarit lopetetaan:
[ ] Vihdoinkin!
[ ] Jeeee~
[ ] Miksi luojani miksi?!
[x] Ei Ismoa pois teeveestä!
[ ] Mä teen itsemurhan.

Saat joululahjaksi Digimonin:
[ ] Mikä toi on...?
[ ] Jeeee~
[ ] Isiiii! En mä mitään rumaa otusta toivonu!
[x] Vähä söpö.
[ ] Normii.

Voitat Magic the Gatheringin maailman mestaruuden:
[ ] Jeeee~
[x] ...jaa minkä?
[x] Saaks mä rahaaki?
[ ] En mä kyllä tietääkseni..
[ ] *itkee onnesta*

Sauli Niinistö tulee sanomaan sinulle: ''Sinulla on munaa!'':
[ ] Ihanaa ku joku kerranki huomas sen!
[x] Ainaki enemmän ku sulla.
[x] Ootko kattellu, vai?
[ ] Mutta mähän olen tyttö...?
[ ] Wtf?

Dinosaurukset palaavat:
[x] Jeeee~
[ ] ÄÄÄ me kuollaaan!
[ ] Mitä ne täällä tekee..?
[x] No jo oli aikakin..
[ ] Äiti auta!

Taivaalta sataa hiivaa:
[ ] Jeeee~
[x] Wtf?
[x] Eww.. mitä mönjää tää on?
[ ] Mitäs se Jumala taas sekoilee..?

Sinut liitetään kuolonsyöjiin:
[x] Jeeee~
[x] Pääseks mä nyt sänkyyn Voldemortin kanssa?
[ ] ...jaa mihin?
[x] Mut en mä taho...
[ ] Mwahahaa! Avada Kedavra!

Tunnetko muuten ketään HIIVAHÄIRIÖtä?
[ ] Juu frendei..
[ ] Mä niin vihaan sitä.
[ ] En?
[ ] En haaskaa aikaani mokoman roskaväen seurassa...
[x] Hetko... sehän olen mä!

Nyt on testi loppu:
[ ] Vihdoin...
[x] Jeeee~
[ ] Eikäääh...
[ ] Olipas se kamala..
[ ] Pwah.

Omegle on kiva.Lauantai 24.10.2009 00:48

You: Pizzaslice!
Stranger: hello
You: I'm Kirkkovene. How r u?
Stranger: i fine thanks
Stranger: and u
You: Im cool.
You: I raiped y dog yesterday.
You: I think it died.
You: I have to buy a new one.
Stranger: what kind of
Stranger: ?
You: What you say? white or brown.
You: I like dalmatians!
You: they are perfectly tight.
You: You have dogs or cats I could rape
You: ?+
Stranger: no i dont have
Stranger: cause
Stranger: i dont like
Stranger: dog
You: Well thats just boring. Dogs are very good lovers!!
Stranger: maybe but i scared
You: You dont need to be scared.
You: every dog insane.
You: doesnt do a thing to you
Stranger: i think
Stranger: when you choose a dog as pet, be sure to find one that matches your personality.
You: yeah! wild and rough is juust perfect!
Stranger: what do you do with your dog ?
You: well I have sex with it.
Stranger: are you guy
Stranger: or girl
You: Im tarnsexual
You: trans
You: transsexual
You: I was a girl.
You: But now im a guy.
You: what about you?
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 19 and you
You: I dont give a heck if youre under 15.
You: reeally?
You: You sound a little bit youger.
You: younger.
You: well i am
Stranger: yeah i know
You: this is a secret
You: you know.
You: i am.
You: 13.
Stranger: :D you are child
You: yeahhh.
You: I live
You: in
You: streets.
You: and now i am
You: in libraru
You: libraru
You: library
You: so i can get on this
You: thingy
You: machine
You: compuutter.
Stranger: where are you now?
Stranger: which country
You: Im borned in israel
You: but now i in
You: russian.
You: or
You: fiinland.
You: is Helsinki in russian or in finland?
Stranger is typing...
Stranger: maybe ukrain
You: i googled it
You: its in finland.
You: this is a cool counrty.
You: snowy.
You: hey
You: i sorry
You: i need to leave
You: the angry
You: librarudude
You: is coming.
Stranger: ok good bye
You: byehh sexyy.

WHYGODWHYPerjantai 23.10.2009 21:49

Halloween jää si ilman pukua stna.
Mä meen alasti.

piste.Keskiviikko 21.10.2009 18:23

Mun uudet piilarit on ihunat! <3
Saa kehua.
Mä säikäytä kaikki henkihieveriin näillä >8D

mMaanantai 19.10.2009 18:13

James blunt on vaa niiiiiiiiiiiin ihanaaaaaaahaaa <233333

Goodbye my lover, 1973, carry you home, youre beautiful