
<3Maanantai 26.09.2011 00:52

ah ..

U K E ? ? ? O . OSunnuntai 25.09.2011 20:37

Flaming uke

Outgoing, sexy, and intuitive, the Flaming Uke is truly a master of social interaction once their skills have matured. It's no wonder they always seem to be the center of attention in their circle of friends - and they make sure of it, surrounding themselves with those who give them the just attention they know they deserve.

The Flaming Uke can come off as rather flamboyant and egocentric with their self-assured and sometimes downright bossy attitude, but they're only giving you their advice for your own good. And maybe that's why so many seek them out for their artistic ideas - from love, fashion, or sexy tips on how to get the attention of that special seme you've been after, the Flaming Uke is always happy to help. They make wonderful friends, just be sure to stay on their good side, as this personality is skilled with drama, and can tend to get a bit competitive, opportunistic, and jealous when crossed.

In love relationships, they get along best with the Chibi Seme and Romantic Seme. Flaming Uke seek a partner that will show them attention and appreciate their quite flaming personality without feeling completely owned by their significant other, and can get resentful if they feel they are being controlled in a romantic relationship, as they like to feel free to express their creativity.

The Flaming Uke personality best (but not always) corresponds with these associations:

Japanese Element: Fire

Chinese Zodiac: Tiger

Color: Pink Cherry

Fruit: Cherries

Dessert: Cherries Flambe

Theme Song: Vanilla by Gackt

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.09.2011 19:17

... ♥

O......OSunnuntai 25.09.2011 08:06

GAAAAAAAAAH 2Sunnuntai 25.09.2011 06:28

h ä i r i t s e v ä ä ä XDDDDDDDD

GAAAAAAAAAHSunnuntai 25.09.2011 00:29


:OOOPerjantai 23.09.2011 19:32

onks mun korvissa vikaa vai onks asagin ääni jotenki .. outo o__o

taemin ... *--*Torstai 22.09.2011 06:24

tää ei niin kuulosta ees japanilta XD

hajosin XDDPerjantai 16.09.2011 18:04

top 2 <3 XD

ps. oho ei oo sydämii : ( XD

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.09.2011 00:23

voivoivoi .. mitähän tästäkin tulee XDDD