
(´ω`★)Perjantai 21.10.2011 21:57

kazamii (´ε` )♡

The D Issue ლ(´ڡ`ლ)Perjantai 21.10.2011 17:48

edelliseen lisätäkseni, tästä mie kyllä tyksin. 。◕‿◕。

(-_-)ゞ゛Perjantai 21.10.2011 16:49

tsunehito näyttää iha.. enpäs sanokkaa. asagi on iha perus asagi. ja no, ruiza on ruiza.

hirokiii, sun hiukset p(´⌒`。q) eiii. ja hide-zou näyttää iha kummalta. (´・_・`)

〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)Perjantai 21.10.2011 15:25

heee 。◕‿◕。

(^O^☆♪Torstai 20.10.2011 00:27

kiva tuntee 'julkkis' (^v^)

。◕‿◕。Keskiviikko 19.10.2011 02:37

:DDDMaanantai 17.10.2011 22:43


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.10.2011 14:59

Meidän psykologinen tilamme sallii meidän nähdä vain mitä haluamme / tarvitsemme / miltä tuntuu tiettynä ajankohtana.


^ o.O :DDD ok kuka tulee messii ;D XD

näin juuri.Torstai 13.10.2011 01:06

"I hate people who complain about their lifes, when they have a good life."

"I hate people who complain about themselves just to get compliments."

"I hate it when people complain about their petty problems, when my problems are way too big for them to even understant."

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa tää biisi ;____; <3Keskiviikko 12.10.2011 05:50

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness.
If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.

I fell in love with you.
In a sunset, filled with the scent of the wind,
when I recall your voice and your smiles,
I immediately become happy.

I fell in love with you,
but I haven't been able to tell anyone yet.
When I recall your voice and the way you talk,
even though I'm alone I'll become happy.

The feeling of loneliness...forlorn.
The feeling of love...sparkling.
As I'm unable to differentiate between these two feelings,
my heart becomes slowly crushed in the sunset.

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness.
If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.

I fell in love with you.
On a Sunday, filled with the scent of the rain,
when I recall your laughter as you turn back to look at me,
I immediately become wanting to see you.

This secret feeling...swaying.
This bewildered feeling...softly.
As I'm unable to embrace both of them into my arms,
my heart becomes slowly crushed in the sunset.

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Once the morning light pours in,
I, with courage, will say "I like you!"

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Today, too, the only thing real is my loneliness.
If I go see you now, I'll surely end up crying.

Simply liking you won't satisfy me.
Simply admiring you won't satiate me.
Once the morning light pours in,
I, with courage, will say "I like you!"