
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.05.2008 20:10

vois ostaa taikasieniä jos joku myy nii kertokaa ihmeessä paljon maksaa muutama taikasieni

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.05.2008 18:53

jeejee kahvia


jeejee lisää kahvia


vois mennä w.a.s.p. keikalle jos saa jonku mukaa hmm vois lahjoa jotaki ja ostaa liput sille joka lähtee mukaa (25€)


vähä ois hienoa mutta eii

w.a.s.p. - Lake Of FoolsMaanantai 26.05.2008 20:02

Fifty million miles below my feet
There's a lot of people
I'd like to meet
There's thieves and killers
Harlots and whores
All were misguided
But not any more...
So I see their fate
In the black of the doom
Waves of fire in the storm
Creatures howl at the moon
They're screaming intensely
Their cries are heard for miles
A prince resides there
Lake of fools, burning wild

w.a.s.p. - Wild ChildMaanantai 26.05.2008 20:01

I ride, I ride the winds that bring the rain
A creature of love and I can't be tamed
I want you, cause I'm gonna take your love from him
And I'll touch your face and hot burning skin
No, he'll never ever touch you like I do
So look in my eyes and burn alive the truth

I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do... I want you

Tell me, tell me the lies you're telling him
When you run away cause I wanna know
Cause I, I'm sure it's killing him to find
That you run to me when he lets you go
Cause I'm burning, burning, burning up with fire
So come turn me on and turn the flames up higher

I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do... I want you

A naked heat machine, I want your love
When the moons arise we'll feel just what it does

I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do I want you
O.K. boy now here's your deal
Will you gamble your life?
Sign right here on the dotted line
It's the one you've waited for all of your life

Ah - will it feed my hunger
If I swallow lies right down my throat?
Or will it choke me till I'm raw?
And tomorrow when I'm gone
Will they whore my image on?
I'll will my throne away, to a virgin heir and Charlie's slave

Murders, murders in the new morgue
murders, murders in the new morgue
See old Charlie and the platinum armys

Making me their boy
Murders, murders in the new morgue

Murders, murders in the new morgue
He'll make ya scream for the cash machine
Down in Chainsaw Charlie's morgue

We'll sell your flesh by the pound you'll go
A whore of wrath just like me
We'll sell ya wholesale, we'll sell your soul
Strap on your six string and feed our machine

Ah - will it feed my hunger
f I swallow lies right down my throat?
Or will it choke me till I'm raw?
And tomorrow when I'm gone
Will they whore my image on?
I'll will my throne away, to a virgin heir and Charlie's slave

Welcome to the morgue boy
Where the music comes to die
Welcome to the morgue son
I'll cut your throat just to stay alive
Ah, trust me boy
I won't steer you wrong
If you trust me son
You won't last very long

I'm the president of showbiz, my name is Charlie
I'm a cocksucking asshole, that's what they call me
Here from my Hollywood tower I rule
I'm lying motherfucker, the chainsaw's my tool
The new morgue's our factory, to grease our lies
Our machine is hungry, it needs your life
Don't mind the faggots, and the ruthless scum
Before we're done, son we'll make you one
I'm the tin man, I've never had a heart
I'm the tin man, But I'll make you a star
I'm the tin man, I've never had a heart
I'm the tin man, but I'll make me the star

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.05.2008 15:50

tosi kiva ku joku puhakka (J%E4kisletti) kattoo maideni live dvd:tä ja kiljuu samaa aikaa

judas priest - electric eyeLauantai 24.05.2008 15:15

Up here in space
Im looking down on you
My lasers trace
Everything you do

You think youve private lives
Think nothing of the kind
There is no true escape
Im watching all the time

Im made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

Im elected electric spy
Im protected electric eye

Always in focus
You cant feel my stare
I zoom into you
You dont know Im there

I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove

Im made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

Im elected electric spy
Im protected electric eye

Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
Theres nothing you can do about it
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows

Im made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean

Im elected electric spy
Im protected electric eye

Protected. detective. electric eye

Klamydia - Aleksi Lauantai 24.05.2008 14:47

Sotkamon suunnassa illalla
potkutteli kelkallaan Aleksi.
Tien päästä näkyy valoa,
tielanahan se tietysti.
Aleksi kelkkansa kääntää
ja ankarasti pakoon potkuttaa,
ei jalas luista sitä pelottaa,
kauhuissaan ympärilleen katselee,
lumi tupruaa, silmät sokaisee.

Valo vaan vääjäämättä lähenee,
Aleksi jo tosissaan hätääntyy.
Nostaa pulkkansa tienpenkalle
ja jää siihen peloissaan istumaan.
Voi perkele! pääsee mieheltä,
Elsahan se vaan oli polkupyörällä.
Turha oli Aleksin kauhu tää,
turha oli pakoon nytkyttää.

Aleksin painajainen,
Aleksin painajainen ei niin hirvee ollutkaan.
Aleksin painajainen,
Aleksin painajainen ei niin hirvee ollutkaan,
ollutkaan, ollutkaan!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 24.05.2008 01:25

kyllä oli aika hienoa ku sain kukkaseppeleen joiltaki ysin tytöiltä (vissii joku marjo, johanna ja meri ja jotain randomeita Kaija, Saija, Raija, Maija, Faija.. ainaki) vissii sit annoin markukselle ku ajattelin että se sopii sille paremmin u se on semmonen karu äijä muutenkin