
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 19:31


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 01:49

haistakaa paska

Kylähullut - vitun urpoPerjantai 30.01.2009 12:43

Ilmasella kaljalla et seuraani lunasta
Hei tajua kerralla, painu vittu maisemista

Sä istut ja tuijotat, lakkaamatta louskutat
Niin sekavaa tarinaa, se kiviäkin kiinostaa

Hei vitun urpo, katoa, katoa, en kestä yhtään enempää
Hei vitun urpo, katoa, katoa, muiden hermoja repimään

No kotona nimenhuuto sua odottaa
On nii mukavaa kattoo, kuinka äiti riisuukaan

No se viimenen pisara löyty pohjan lasista
Kun pölinäs hetkeksi taukosi ja syliini yrjösi

Hei vitun urpo, katoa, katoa, en kestä yhtään enempää
Hei vitun urpo, katoa, katoa, muiden hermoja repimään

Katoa, katoa
Katoa, katoa
Urpo, katoa, katoa
Jumalauta, saatana eksä tajua
Katoa, katoa, näin on
Vittu ku mä sanon kerran
Katoa, katoa
Tajua, tajua, tajua, katoa, katoa

Cradle Of Filth - The Death Of LoveTorstai 29.01.2009 00:34

Where will you be they tense for warfare?
What will you see with your innocence there?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be they tense for warfare?

Where will you be when God is glorifying?
There we will be between the dead and dying
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when God is glorifying?

Prophecies and glory forge a massive disdain
For lying passive in the shadows whilst the enemy reigns
Devoted to the votive, holy standard above
'By command of the king of Heaven'
Came the death of love

Where will you be when they're vilifying?
How will they see when the truth is blinding?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when they're vilifying?

Where will you be when the dark is rising?
How will you keep from it's terrorizing?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when the dark is rising?

Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom
On the saintly iron maiden as she fell from her wound

But visions and ambition
Never listened to submission
And she was on a mission from the highest above
To Lord upon the slaughter
Like a sword through hissing water
She arose where archers sought her
For the death of love

The righteous death of love

Gilles adored her drama
Her suit of pure white armour
Blazed against the English in a torrent of light

And as they rallied onto night
A cancer fled his soul

Framed amid the thick of fire
Aflame, a Valkyrie
She made him click without desire
And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when they caught her breath
Her words would leave a scar

'For only in the grip of darkness
Will we shine amidst the brightest stars'

How will you breathe when their wheels are turning?
How will you know if the sky is burning?
Where will you be my darling?
How will you breathe when their wheels are turning?

Where will you be when Babel builds my fire?
Will you not flee and label me pariah?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when they light my pyre?

Aligned with Joan in all
That was enthroned and divine
He swore to score the crimes
Jackdaws poured on this dove
Crimes he knew alone
Derived from minds of the blind
The church unfurled for murder perched
Upon the death of love

Framed amid the thick of fire
Aflame, a Valkyrie
She claimed the skies were lit with spires
And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when she fought for breath
Her words would leave a scar

'For only in the grip of darkness
Will we shine amidst the brightest stars'

Impaled Nazarene - NihilKeskiviikko 28.01.2009 22:21

By sick fate we are born
They should have used condoms
Everything is being blamed on us
Mistakes, their fuck-ups

Weight of the world on shoulders
Mentally so close to breakdown
Life tends to become distorted
When everything is shit except piss

Suicide is not a solution
But it remains an excellent option
Perhaps the time is ripe to go
Time to harvest what we have sown

From wet womb we are torn
Thrown in their nightmare world
Year after year being pushed too far
Till we cross the final line

Suicide is not a solution
But it remains an excellent option
Perhaps the time is ripe to go
Time to harvest what we have sown
Rotten seeds have now grown up
Separate them from the good ones
May all deathwishes come now true
And conclude that: B.!!!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 22:18

Yngwie Malmsteen - Rising ForceKeskiviikko 28.01.2009 22:09

Out of the darkness the voices are calling
Riding the wings of a song
The Fury is screaming and Heaven is falling
I feel it coming on strong.
The lightning strikes cracking the night
It feels like never before
Thunder and sparks in the Heart of the Dark
I hear a Rising Force.
Searching my soul I find something else
I take my life in my hands
From the gates of Heaven to the altars of Hell
The Power is at my command.
The lightning strikes cracking the night
I'm not the same anymore
Thunder and spark in the Heart of the Dark
I feel a Rising Force.
Burned by the glory of a sacred fire
A Rising Force starts to shine
Alone in the inferno it soars ever higher
Leaving the demons behind.
[Repeat first and second Chorus]

Kotiteollisuus - Raskas Kantaa Tiistai 27.01.2009 18:17

Yön valossa
taotaan aurinkoa
toivosta uudesta

nähdään unta

että yön maisema
ja tunnelma, joka
on kuin Golgatalla

päiväksi muuttuisi
hätä riemuksi
muuttuisi juhlimalla

Vieraita tähtiä
taivas musta niin täynnä on, sydän
on täynnä tyhjää
silti se raskas on
se on raskas kantaa
raskas kantaa
raskas kantaa
raskas kantaa!

Turhuus makaa
päiviemme yllä
nauttii viihteestä

minä makaan
sohvalla, nautin

eikä kukaan
kerro mikä saisi
minut näkemään

etten enää
tunne ketään
en itseänikään

Mitä halusin?
Mitä hain?
Mitä sain?

Mitä halusin?
Mitä janosin?
Mitä sain?

Kotiteollisuus - Veri Valuu Maahan Tiistai 27.01.2009 18:15

Kaatopaikat, hautuumaat
ovat täynnä ja tukossa hullujenhuoneet
nyrkkiin puristuvat kädet ovat
vallanhimoisen ihmisen luoneet

Olemme kyykyttäneet köyhiä
ja vielä päälle konjakit juoneet
rahat salkkuun, sotilaat arkkuun
näin täällä käy, kun ei Jumalaa näy

Meidät tähän kirjoitan
jumaluutta ikuistan
kun Jumalan veri valuu maahan
en tunne kasvojamme
en vastaa teoistamme
Jumalan veri valuu maahan

Maa on köytetty valjaisiin
kaikuu Pirun ääni kaiken yllä
se kohoaa ylös taivaisiin
se siellä kuullaan kyllä

Ei Jumala jaksa, se on ennenkin nähnyt
kun on pärjätty selittelyllä
vain sinä saat minut uskomaan
me pidämme elämää yllä

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.01.2009 18:09

paljon hyviä keikkoja helmikuussa \o/