


u can't make a princess out of a whore

06Lauantai 06.03.2010 16:22

Ur the one who makes me get off the bed at the mornings, knowing u r the one that i want for the rest of my days, ur all of my days.
ur looking so cool, ur looking so fine,and i whatch u like u would be the earths last flower, i wanna try to be the person u want, the person u need, but it's hard to convince that somebody
like u, could be whit someone like me.
why oh why, did i not see this before, the girl i adore is right in front of my eyes, and now ill take a step back and ask why it took so long to see that we were ment to be.
I've never really been in love and that is fine by me
I'll sit at home and refine the person I want to be
'Cause I'm still young and not yet prepared to waste my time.
If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you
Been here all along So why can't you See you belong with me.
And you've got a smile That could light up this whole town, and You say you're fine I know you better than that Hey what you doing
With a guy like that♥

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