


u can't make a princess out of a whore

11Torstai 25.03.2010 18:07

You want away
Yet don't know where it'd be better
and you hide everything
What do i do?
If i would see even one tear
I'd wipe it away
You told you're scared of daylight
yet you stay awake at night
and can't fall sleep
I don't know how to help
Perhaps with unbroken wings
we'll glide some day
Somewhere below others are asleep
No one finds
To the darkness, we are marked
The secret lies with the trees of the black forest
Inside of you
Heavy water, without beaches
moves the involuntary one
like a tide is rises or falls
and takes the sad one
When I can't reach you
I'm always scared
That you'll hurt yourself again
And I can't help

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