
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.09.2007 18:55

Masa heitti derbillä kotiin. :))))

The Used - Buried myself aliveKeskiviikko 12.09.2007 18:54

You almost always pick the best times
To drop the worst lines
You almost made me cry again this time
Another false alarm
Red flashing lights
Well this time I'm not going to watch myself die
I think I made it a game to play your game
And let myself cry
I buried myself alive on the inside
So I could shut you out
And let you go away for a long time

I guess it's ok I puked the day away
I guess it's better you trapped yourself in your own way
And if you want me back
You're gonna have to ask

I think the chain broke away
And I felt it the day that I had my own time
I took advantage of myself and felt fine
But it was worth the night
I caught an early flight and I made it home


Nicer than that
Nicer than that

With my foot on your neck
I finally have you
Right where I want you


Nicer than that

And if you want me back
You're gonna have to ask
Nicer than that

Simple Plan - Me Against The WorldTiistai 11.09.2007 23:46

We're not gonna be
Just apart of their game
We're not gonna be
Just the victims
They're taking our dreams
And they tear them apart
Til everyone's the same
I've got no place to go
I've got no where to run
They love to watch me fall
They think they know it all

I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always say
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've gotta prove them wrong
Me against the world
It's me against the world

We won't let them change
How we feel in our hearts
We're not gonna let them control us
We won't let them shove
All their thoughts in our heads
And we'll never be like them

I've got no place to go
I've got no where to run
They love to watch me fall
They think they know it all


Now I'm sick of this waiting
So come on and take your shot
You can spit all your insults
But nothing you say is gonna change us
You can sit there and judge me
Say what you want to
We'll never let you in


I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
I've got to prove them wrong
They'll never bring us down

We'll never fall in line
I'll make it on my own
Me against the world

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.09.2007 18:14

Pääsen taas toteuttamaan pakkomielteitäni kirjotelmassa. <3
Hirtetty ihminen.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.09.2007 18:13

[ ] pentagrammit vaatteis on jees
[ ] mul on sellanen kaulassaki
[ ] vaikken oikeestaan tiiä mitä se symboloi
[ ] pesen tukkani kerran vuosikymmenessä
[ ] ja yritän päästä juurikasvullani guinessin ennätyskirjaan
[ ] kaikki muut tyylit on perseestä
[ ] varsinkin noi vitun japanifriikit
[ ] oon himas ihan kiltti mut esitän kavereille kovista
[ ] liityn vuoden etuajas seuraavan tuskan yhteisöön galtsus
[ ] kävin riparin rahan takia tai en ollenkaan


[ ] mulla on jo valmiina cossit seuraavaan animeconiin!
[ ] viikkorahat menee blippoon
[ ] tai sit backstreettiin
[ ] yhy an café ei oo mitään ilman bouta
[ ] tuun hysteeriseks kun joku japanibändi tulee suomeen
[ ] ja meen jonottaa 23453463545 päivää etukäteen keikkapaikan eteen
[ ] kaikki dissaa mua ku tykkään animesta
[ ] tosin mäkin kyl dissaan kaikkii muita ku niitä jotka kattoo animee
[ ] oon fanittanu japanii jo miljoona vuotta ja uudet fanit on perseestä
[ ] mana on mun tyyli-idoli


[x] luulen et maailmas ei oo mitään muuta ku minä ja mun aatteet
[] ...eli se on ihan ookoo et heittelen kiviä valtion laitosten ikkunoihin ja oon anarkisti
[ ] keesi löytyy
[ ] ja se on tietysti leikattu ite!
[x] värjään/oon värjänny mun tukkaa shokkiväreillä
[ ] pelle miljoona on ihan vitun oikeessa
[½] maailma on paha ja mul on vitun vaikeeta
[ ] käyn mielenosoituksissa
[ ] ...vaikka asia ei kosketa mua mitenkään
[x] kyttä on natsisika


[ ] blondaan mun tukkaa
[ ] ...vaik väri on lähempänä keltasta ku vaaleeta
[ ] poikaystäväni on komea fruittari
[ ] dokaan joka viikonloppu
[ ] mansikkasiideri on hyvää
[ ] oon koulukiusaaja
[ ] mun vaatteet on burberryy ja lacostee
[ ] mut useimmiten feikkejä
[ ] kaikki koulussani tietää mut ja mun kaverit
[ ] puhun paskaa kaikista


[ ] yo helmiveljet!
[x] yhdys sanoil ei oo välii
[ ] ei se laatu vaan määrä
[ ] ...jos puhutaan hiusgeelistä
[ ] mut jos puhutaan muijista ni se on asia erikseen
[ ] datikset ja nörtit on lol
[x] vaikka itekki dataan
[ ] ja keskiarvoki on ihan jees
[x] raitapaidat on hot
[ ] hengaan muijien kaa


[ ] Käytän mahdollisimman synkkiä vaatteita
[ ] Muuta väriä ei tueta paitsi mustaa
[ ] tukka on musta
[ ] ja kaappi on täynnä bändipaitoja
[x] ja vähän muitakin paitoja
[ ] goottimusa on ainoota oikeeta
[ ] ja nauran uniklubiteineille(kiittiteille.)
[ ] käyn schattenin foorumilla
[ ] elämä on aika ankeeta
[x] enkä usko jumalaan


[½] kuuntelen gunnareita
[x] ja nauran pissiksille
[ ] ...vaik itekki olin ennen pissis
[ ] en vaan myönnä sitä kellekään
[x] niittivyö on must
[x] ja tupeeraan mun tukkaa
[<3] bändipaidat pillifarkut
[x] ravaan keikoilla
[x] ja festareilla
[ ] ja kiasman nurtsilla


[x] en ymmärrä miks kaikki dissaa mua
[x] eikä kukaan ymmärrä mua
[x] oon aina vähän surkeena
[x] kirjoitan paljon
[x] varsinkin runoja ja angstisia novelleja
[ ] istun koulussa aina yksin
[x] tukkani roikkuu naamalla
[<3] kuuntelen my chemical romancea
[x] angstaan galtsupäivikseen
[X] ja oon oikee draamakuningatar/kuningas


[ ] muutan viel intiaan
[x] turkistarhaus on kirosana
[ ] samoin amerikan presidentti
[ ] käyn mielenosoituksissa
[x] kaikki ihmiset on samanarvoisia
[x] enkä vihaa ketään
[x] joskus itken pahaa maailmaa
[x] enkä häpeä myöntää sitä
[ ] käyn UFF:illa
[½] ja oon kasvissyöjä


[ ] larppaan
[x] luen harry pottereita
[x] ja käyn kiasman taidenäyttelyissä
[ ] mulla ei ole mitään varsinaista tyyliä
[ ] ja oon keskiverto koulussa
[ ] mulla on paljon nettikavereita
[ ] eikä yhtään irl-kaveria
[ ] irkkaan
[ ] ja mulla on omat kotisivut
[x] tykkään klassikkoelokuvista



Pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure
That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Bah bah dah bah bah dah
(Yeah, yeah)

That's okay!
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming "Let me out!"
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Bah bah dah bah bah dah

Chippin' around
Kick my brains round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours
Bah bah dah bah bah dah

People on streets
Bah bah dah

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming "Let me out!"
Pray tomorrow takes me higher (higher)

Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn

Why? Why? Why?
Love! Love! Love!

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love?

Cause love's such an old fashioned word
(give love, give love, give love, give love, give love)
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our ways
Of caring about ourselves

This is our last dance (2x)
This is ourselves under pressure

Under pressure (2x)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.09.2007 20:02

Jorma saa luvan kiittää mua ku meen tuuraamaan sitä tänä iltana. :))
In the middle of a gun fight
In the center of a restaurant
They say, "Come with your arms raised high!"
Well, they're never gonna get me
Like a bullet through a flock of doves
To wage this war against your faith in me
Your life will never be the same
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer, say a prayer

Now, but I can't
And I don't know
How we're just two men, as God had made us
Well I can't, well I can
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish
I kiss your lips again

They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost
My cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups in drag
But nobody cares if you're losing yourself
Am I losing myself?
Well, I miss my mom
Will they give me the chair
Or lethal injection, or swing from a rope if you dare
Ah, nobody knows all the trouble I've seen


To your room
What they ask of you
Will make you want to say: "So long"
Well, I don't remember
Why remember you

Do you have the keys to the hotel
'Cause I'm gonna string this motherfucker on fire (fire)

Life is but a dream for the dead
And well I, I won't go down by myself
But I'll go down with my friends
Now now now now... Now now now... Now now now!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.09.2007 15:02

Vois ainakin vähentää kiroiluu... ^^
Green Day - Ha ha you're dead

How do you get your sleep at night?
How did you get your noose so tight?
Like chewing on tinfoil its so much fun
Gonna be dead before your gone

'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I wont pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing, I'll be laughing

How many feelings can you steal?
Gotta be part of your appeal
I can see through you cause you're wearing thin
Like chewing on tinfoil once again

'Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I wont pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing,

Ha ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise
When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead

Ha ha ha


Ha ha you're dead
The joke is over
You were an asshole
And now you're gone
As your ship is going down
I'll stand by and watch you drown

Ha ha you're dead (3x)

Ha ha you're dead
You're gonna be dead
Just remember what I said
Ha ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead
Ha ha you're dead