


kiva ilma hei oon lesbo

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don't know what i saw
but i ain't seeing it now
woke up this morning, bitterness in my mouth

i love you more than anything.Torstai 22.01.2009 21:58

but it is time to move on.

just how low can my heart sink?Torstai 22.01.2009 18:00

i'm not jealous but i won't lie,
i don't want to hear about your wonderful life.

möyh.Keskiviikko 21.01.2009 00:13

"krista, kuoliks sää?"
"joo, nuoli lävisti mut."
"eiks se oo vähän vanhanaikasta?"
"robin williams ampu mut jousella."

just one.. or one thousand.Tiistai 20.01.2009 17:57

excuse me for this
i just want a kiss
i just want to know what it feels like to touch
something so pure
something i'm so sure of
what it feels like to stand outside your door
i'm unworthy
i can see you're above me
but i can be lovely given the chance

don't move
i want to remember you just like this
don't move
it's only a breath or two between our lips

yaaaawwww.Tiistai 20.01.2009 00:04

hyvää yötä, nähään joskus.

one day.Maanantai 19.01.2009 22:35

one minute you laugh
the next minute you're slowly sinking into something black
i get the feeling that lately nothing ever really lasts
i keep trying to get up but i keep falling back
and you love
and you hate
and you wait
'cause one minute goes fast

if?Maanantai 19.01.2009 16:32

what if you could be loved
if you could be touched
then i wouldnÂ’t have to be
fighting my enemy
donÂ’t come back insomnia
what if you could be mine
if you could be loved
then i wouldnÂ’t fall so deep
putting my mind to sleep
donÂ’t come back insomnia

i'm gonna live.Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 20:53

and i don't know
this could break my heart or save me
nothing's real
until you let go completely
so here i go with all my thoughts i've been saving
so here i go with all my fears weighing on me