


Huomenna PROMLauantai 02.05.2009 02:56

tanaan ostaan mekkoa ja sellasta. yay. siis Vegasiin tanaa.
oon ollu ihan sairaan laiska ja saamaton taall photography tunnilla. mitaan saanu aikaseks. yy. thank god it's friday.

aina vaan galleriassa.

puhukaa mulle! :>

miss u.

meeeevs <3Perjantai 01.05.2009 03:02

ainiii unohin mainita. im happpppy. cuz myv's comin to finland and i'm goin to the concert in TRE!

MM LATKATorstai 30.04.2009 02:58

hittto viekoo. taalla ihan unohtanu et mm kisat kaynnissa. herttinen. mut jee Suomi voitti tanaa ! TAAS!

lovely lovely lovely.

taal niista ei hirveesti metelia pideta.

UTAHLauantai 25.04.2009 19:11

tanaan Utaaaaaah. Host aidin companyn joku picnicci! :D pitka ajomatka :<

Daft Punk ~ Something About UsTorstai 23.04.2009 02:58

:> kiva laulu.
nyt tekis mieli kuunnella taas daftin punkin tuotanto lapi. Pitaa jostain ostaa noi albumit. hm hm.. koskakoha mennaa vegasiin seuraavan kerran. no ei mul kyl oo rahaa. :<

blah blahTiistai 21.04.2009 06:43

A: Likes to drink
B: Likes people
C: Is wild and crazy
D: Has one of the best personalities ever
E: A damn good kisser
F: People adore you
G: Never let people tell you what to do
H: Have a very good personality and looks
I: Loves everyone
J: Lives life for fun
K: Really silly
L: Loved by everyone
M: Makes dating fun
N: Dead sexy
O: Best in bed
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Fucking crazy
S: Easy to fall in love with
T: Loyal to those you love
U: Really like to chill
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: One of the best damn bf/gf ne one could ask for
Z: Always ready

T Loyal to those you love
I Loves everyone
N Dead sexy
J Lives life for fun
A Likes to drink

so i'm loyal to those i love but i love everyone so i'm loyal to everybody ?
tost dead sexyst en ny tiia mut i toooootally live life for fun. and mika sita kiistamaan et i like to drink..

grand canyonSunnuntai 19.04.2009 04:30

oli se janna.

sykpeTorstai 16.04.2009 12:15

haluun puhuu suomee. NYT. taytyy kayda ostaa headset jostai.
lisailkaa ihmiset joilla on skype niin mut :)!

skypenimena on

fuck this shitKeskiviikko 15.04.2009 12:34

fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit
fuck this shit

-.-Tiistai 14.04.2009 03:23

/ \

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