
Ja köpt Azu manga Daioh igår..
ja ha sett Animen nån gång o kom int ihåg vad som hände i den så ja köpte en manga
o ja upptäckte att många av flickona därsom alla e vnner påminner lite om mejh o mina vänner..-__-;
coinsidense..?Don´t think so....>.>;
ja måst lägga hit nån fin bild på Shiyu från Serial number :3
when are they gonna come to Finland I wonder..:B

hmh...>___>Perjantai 11.01.2008 12:27


Ok THAT was the last picture of yuri!Torstai 10.01.2008 14:54


Yuuri!!!Torstai 10.01.2008 14:54

>:DTorstai 10.01.2008 13:56

I almost get a nosebleed!Torstai 10.01.2008 13:52

ok I´m done now...Torstai 10.01.2008 12:41

this is the final pic of Yuri...I promise..

. . . .Torstai 10.01.2008 12:39

OKey I love candy!!..and I love icecream!!makes me think of Yuuuri-kuun<3<3<3

In case you didn´t know who Yuri is
I´ve finally figured out that my homepage is gonna be a blogg and I kinda now what the color theme will be...o.O pink/black/violet or something like that..:D

today I´m gonna go to stockman after school to search for baby doll and hope it finally has arrived...I´m getting frustrated..=D it´s such a lovely perfume....well,after I´ve been to stockman I´m gonna go to tokyokan!!x3 to buy candy!!