
Goddammit!!!!!Torstai 26.06.2008 04:23

I'm gonna get that mathafukcaas name!!!!!>__< &¤%#¤"%%&#!!!!!

hmm,työtä..?Torstai 26.06.2008 04:17

istun auringossa pari tuntia,ja sitten vaihdan paikka ja istun siell pari tuntia,ja sitten ehkä meen vessalle kerran...ja sitten istun vielä joku tunti...sitt mun työpäivä on loppu ja meen kotiin istuskelemaan koska mulla ei ole ollut aikaa siihen kun olen tehnyt niin paljon töitä .___.
-sounds reasonable..?

That was an ooold picture!!!Maanantai 09.06.2008 19:45

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 09.06.2008 19:45

xD :D guess who..?

That's it!Now I'm gonna take a SHOWAAAAH!!Maanantai 09.06.2008 16:33

I just have a wierd feeling that this is gonna be the worst summer know it's like the feeling when you see dark clouds on the horizon and you know in your stomach that "that's not good....baad"

So......I dunno....maybe I'm gonna take an impulse trip somewhere...dunno...maybe Spain....where I can just relax and don't worry about SHIT THAT I ALWAYS HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT CAUSE NOFUCKINGBODY ELSE WANTS TO GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!FUUUCK!!! . . . ....well...anyway...I think it sounds like a good plan....:3

cause it would be sooo great to just say " fuck these a-holes..I'm leaving.." cause they'r not THAT important to me as they think they are......

but still.......I always let things go by and fight for these kind'of things to that the only one suffering is myself and nobody else even knows that I'm suffering for their sake....
why do I keep doing stuff like that...?

OMG that stuff almost sounds depressing!:D
I better shut up!xD