yeap long time no write. :D ha funny. kinda of... yeah. i have mostly spend my time at gym gaining some mass in these days and my school is nice.. there is many good friends and stuff, but for subject to another. i really don`t drink as much as i just drink(alcohol) most because my sport and my feelings about drinking i don`t exactly know why, but i just don`t like it as much as i just to, but hey that`s really good feeling and what about smoking i just think that i must quit cause whats the point of smoking??? yeah and one really big thing that has change my opinion of smoking is that right now i`m in astma invetigation yeap... but i`ll write more later:D
now few months i have been thinking that i`m going to travel some places of europe with my friends then when i`m turning 16, because it`s good age start travel if you have some experience about it. I think that next summer would be awsome to go see some world. ofcourse i`m going to get baedeker, because it`s good to have that if you`r getting in to problems. maybe 2-3 years and i`m going to travel united states to see some dreams... :), but first go to asian... but see you later:)