
love.Keskiviikko 30.12.2009 03:21

There's a new wind blowing like I've never known.
I'm breathing deeper than I've ever done.
And it sure feels good to finally feel the way I do.

And I'm letting go of all my lonely yesterdays.
I've forgivin' myself for the mistakes I've made.
Now there's just one thing, the only thing I wanna do.
I wanna love somebody, love somebody like you.

I wanna feel the sun shine, shining down on me and you.
When you put your arms around me, you let me know there's nothing in this world I can't do.

I used to run in circles going nowhere fast.
I'd take one step forward and a two steps back.
Couldn't walk a straight line, even if I wanted to.

Sometimes its hard for me to understand, but you are teaching me to be a better man.
I dont wanna take this life for granted like I used to do.
I wanna love somebody, somebody like you.

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