
Älä näytä modausta
  • Kuvassa:
  • Kultani mun sua tuun rakastamaan aina
    Niin kauan ku oon elossa niin kauan et oon vainaa
    Rakkaani mun ei meitä kuolema ees erota
    Ikuisesti yhdessä ei kuolema ees pelota

  • yeah it's always better when were together

    with only two, just me and you,
    and it's you and me and all of the people

  • mihin ikinä meenki, sä oot mun beesis
    mitä ikinä teenki, sä oot mun frendi
    jos mä tarviin rahaa, sä lainaat sentit
    ku sä lähet pois, ni mä kaipaan heti

  • You're the apple of my eye,
    I miss you much
    Baby, baby, be my friend
    I will love you till the end.

  • sun hymys loistaa sillee
    et se poistaa pilvet
    ku oot vieres en haluu
    toista siihe

  • Only wanna see you happy
    In case you didn't know,
    you're my best friend

  • bbananasplit

    bbananasplitBest friend, never gonna let you down
    Best friend, always gonna be around
    You know, whatever life puts you through
    I'll be there for you

  • You're my brother, you're my sister
    We'll stick together
    No matter what, no matter what

  • I remember when we was young
    Playing pool after school, keeping it cool
    People say we were the troublesome two
    I know the girls like me and you

  • I can never forget the times you've covered my back
    You helped me out and cut me slack
    There was nothin' you'd never do
    It's all about me and you

Haluut lyödä, kumminkin tuut halaan, kyl mäki sua kulta, vihaan salaa. <3
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