


Once Upon The Cross..

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Rishloo - Freaks & AnimalsKeskiviikko 17.06.2015 12:05

Under this canvas he hides a dream
A trick of the type too cheap to be free
Makes your burgeoning inquiry
More easily answered
Oh a sight they have come to see
We shan't disappoint, they've paid for a scene
And a scene they shall have indeed
This dark, dark evening.

Join us inside, that's the way here
Come now, just step right-up in line!
It's freaks, fools, and fire!
Come nearer, come closer, it's nearly time!
You there, and you there, come one and all!

It looks better in Red my calico friend
Let us brood on the hue of need
What finds your favor?
No, the show must go on instead
With hundreds of eyes at two to a head
And the blindness is thrice complete
When all stand watching.

Step aside make way for the stars' presence!
Better beware, there's lights and glittering!
Gaze deeper, stare harder, it's nearly time!
You there, and you there, come one and all..

So plain...

So have you ever wondered where were the demons they told us of?
Be patient, they're coming, shortly revealed to you
And I do think you'll find a dead-ringer
Much still hides you curious minds
There's no hurry.

Now where are my manners?
Round and around..
Why, I believe they've all arrived..
Out, out, from the wings.

Set all the props in place, lower the lights and wait.
Now, bring them in, let them watch, let the spectacle rise.
Hold your breath, this suspense lead the arrogant dead eyes.
More than them will you spend for the vision of your life.

Let the curtains fall down
Look now, and see, that's quite the motley
Disguise you've borrowed.
My friend, it seems quite odd
But you are the show you've paid for!
Step through the mirror and now the circus spins on and on so,
Come one, come all, tonight!

Rishloo - ScissorlipsKeskiviikko 17.06.2015 10:29

Where are you?
I'm lost upon this boulevard
and I'm afraid this plastic mask made room enough for all of us

now Scissorlips has come to grips while chewing paper fingertips
that boulevards made boulevards of boulevards in endless strips
sing your lullaby
sing, sing, sing

I want hear it from your lips-what's it worth shining for?
nevermind your thirst, nevermind the curses you utter vacantly
I can hear them scream from below, I still hear them screaming below
all we are is all we are, transcendental animals

where are you?
I'm high above this boulevard
I left behind this passive mask to prove to us it's not enough

now Scissorlips throws Scissorfits 'til bleeding's what the kissing gets
to fork the tongues of old and young, forever speaking opposites

...trying to dig up the love-you call this love?

for the love of loss, we find
for the love of joy, we cry
for the love growth, we sever
for the love of now, we never
for the love of peace, we kill
for the love of wealth, we steal
for the love of difference, confine
for the love of unity, divide
for the love of love, we hate

who wouldn't want to disappear?
but I'm still here, I am still here
having come out the other side wearing horrors that climb from our soul
and I am still here, I am still here
falling facedown into the light, wholly naked I cling to these roots
and I am still here, I am still here

Rishloo - River Of GlassMaanantai 15.06.2015 10:44

I'm sure that I'm fine but I heard there's a bath in a river of glass so I'll take it
I've always known that the smiles that were shown were plastic and hollow lines
and I'll be damned, your metaphor dollar-fed God got into my head

Hey now, plastics gather 'round now you're waitin' with your hands out for the blood flies to come and carry you home

doubt is a crime and I caught me at last running circles in rounded-off places
scanning for hope but these windows of gold play tricks on my eyes...

...why don't we pull apart, look inside the curtains of origins that imitate life
and where you are is where I'll be floating arms of azure seize
who will you inspire?
as I watch this world below, and the world I watch grows smaller and smaller
fear and love all collide and all at once
the piper plays green tearing the sleeves pulled up from the sea and thrown through the ceiling
stepping stones so carefully untouched
you'll only leave this world alone

strange that you think you can fly
strapped to a stone in a blinked needle's eye

I'll be damned, your all-time-low just lowered again
hey now plastics gather round now you're waitin' with your hands out, waitin' for the war flies,
waitin' for the blood flies to come and carry you home

Rishloo - Turning Sheep Into GoatsSunnuntai 14.06.2015 21:33

And may every seed you sow stretch out your mortal skin
so you dreams can grow to know the web you weave within
the healing process has begun, carving lessons on our arms
I hope you'll always look with love on the early days

reaching, reach through the healing
finding out you found your way home

got just what you wanted, didn't you?
stopped the whole fuckin' world, didn't you?
are you happy now?

tracing pathways in the sand, clutched tight to trembling whims
for the moment whole enough to know the feeling when
curiosity still calls, if only I could have grasped
the notion long enough to truly understand

Rishloo - SystematomaticSunnuntai 14.06.2015 15:59

Hey you, I've seen you here before
in your eyes, prizmatic sight on and on as I defy
denials, back from the broken glass
sapphire visions and favored derisions with spiders on your mind shaking fists full of string as I

tie me up in knots while contradictory impulse lusts
the dreaming loom is twisted and confused
the stories on the spools will weave us back into one

and here we find ourselves again
tightrope decisions and blood-colored medicine a million miles from eye-to-eye
it feels much as it did before biting the tails in self-made betrayals
forever repeating this deceit, so who cares if I...

...while spinning I spun you a web
while spinning I spun you,
stammering words in a daze, seemingly starry-eyed followers mumbling praise
and all of the world is a stage, fleetingly these marionettes dance straight to their graves
with every desire on a string the future hangs perilously
it's the start of the tie that will bind and the last fraying strand

spinning on the dreaming loom a web of lies and tangled truths
with every knot that comes undone, we weave ourselves back into one

Gojira - Wolf Down The EarthSunnuntai 05.04.2015 16:32

First of all you will eat all the bodies
No matter they pray for freedom they'll kill you
Forward you crush those going backward
The wolves are now your lords
Voracious flames upon the earth

Second step you eat all the creation
Swallow the trees the lakes and all the valleys
Crush the moon, and drink the rivers flowing
Deep rolling ocean blow
Burning all that lives

They teach you how to conquer and rule the world
The towers that you built so strong, no man can touch
They tell you how to find and raise the fears
and let them grow inside of your heart they need no walls

Is there a chance you face the void inside?
Winds of doom will blow your pride away

Behold the bright lights coming down on time
Before these altars black, made from your sacrifice
You take for granted what's been there for ages
Inside the womb the new blood gets ready to fight

The buildings of our fathers
crumbling in dark vibrations
Wolf down the one that made us all
No hope, you wolf down the earth

Tämmöstä..Sunnuntai 05.04.2015 00:21

? Puhaltanut purkkapallon? - kyl
? Soittanut yli puolentunnin puhelun? - khyl
? Katsonut kokonaisen jääkiekko pelin? - todellakin..
? Soittanut bassoa? - yrittänyt
? Nukkunut oman ikäisesi vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustajan vieressä? - olen
? Pelannut ringetteä? - öö en
? Istunut kamelin selässä? - noup
? Tehnyt graffitin alikulkutunneliin tai seinään? - ehkä jotain sen tapaista kyllä..
? Hajottanut kukkamaljakon? - oon
? Kuunnellut jonkun huolia? - olen ja olen hyvä siinä
? Ollut konsertissa? - kyllä
? Käyttänyt nuuskaa? - en käyttänyt, mutta kokeillut monesti..
? Kannustanut jotakin jalkapallo joukkuetta? - en todellakaan..
? Kokeillut joogaa? - olen.. ihan suolesta..!
? Suudellut jotakuta joka seurustelee jonkun muun kanssa? - olen
? Käyttänyt ripsiväriä? - en käyttänyt mutta testannu..

? Suudella varattua? - ei ole kyllä tapana, mutta minkä sille voi jos joku varattu hyppää päälle..:D
? Hypätä katolta tuhannesta eurosta? - korkeus..?
? Elää sinkkuna koko elämäsi? - se on yksi peloistani..
? Himoita parhaan kaverisi tyttöystävää? - sekin on tehty..

? Seurusteletko? - K'YLLÄ
? Voisitko suudella jotakuta? - Rakastani
? Oletko rakastunut/ihastunut? - olen
? Istutko omassa huoneessa? - juu
? Onko sinulla suruja? - ehkä joitain pieniä
? Entä iloja? - on
? Onko sinulla tylsää? - on

? Keneltä on saapunut viimeisin viesti? - stonelta
? Entä puhelu? - juhana
? Mikä on taustakuvanasi juuri nyt? - tommonen sekava
? Onko sinulla kännykkäkorua? - ei
? Heitteletkö kännykkääsi? - ehkä joskus..

Onko sinulla oma(t)...
? Televisio? - o
? Kännykkä? - o
? Web-kamera? - läpyssä
? Tietokone? - on
? Viikko-/kuukausi-/vuosiraha? - työttömyyskorvaus
? Jokin soitin/instrumentti? - kirves
? Kamera? - on luurissa
? Järjestelmäkamera? - ei
? Iso huone? - asunto
? PS3 tai Wii? - ei
? Radio? - kännys
? Ilmastointi? - o jonkinlainen
? Ikkuna? - no on
? Kuulokkeet? - on
? Jokin merkki laukku/kengät tai vastaava? - on

- Kuka viimeksi katsoi sinua pitkään? - emäntä
- Mitä lukee kolmannessa saapuneessa tekstiviestissäsi ? - en jaksa
- Biisi jonka kuulit viimeksi? - Dj RX vs Proteus live @ MOVEMENT
- Millainen mieliala tällä hetkellä? - jaa'a
- Muistatko milloin viimeksi itkit itsesi uneen? - en
- Nauratko enemmän kuin itket? - kyl
- Oletko hiljainen? - riippuu mielentilasta
- Onko sydämesi ikinä särkynyt? - on
- Onko sinulla yhtään korua nyt, jos niin millainen? - lävärit5
- Oliko juuri ajattelemasi asia jokin, joka huolestuttaa sinua? - kyllä
- Suutelisitko henkilöä, jota viimeisimpänä ajattelit? - juu
- Tekisikö mielesi jonkun luokse? - ei vaan johonkin
- Onko sulla paitaa, jossa on jonkun julkkiksen kuva? - noup

Vieressä viimeksi nukuit? - muru
Kanssa puhuit viimeksi puhelimessa? - J
Kanssa viimeksi nauroit? - varmaan murun..

Haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - rakasta
Mikä sinut saa yleensä itkemään? - jaa'a
Rakastaako sinua kukaan? - rakastaa toivottavasti.. läppä..
Ikävöitkö ketään juuri nyt? - en

? oletko varattu vai vapaa? - varattu
? miksi? - rakastuin
? oletko onnellinen tällä hetkellä? - no joo olen
? haluaisitko itkeä vai nauraa? - molempia
? minkä värinen paita sinulla on päällä nyt? - musta huppari
? entäpä housut? - metrot

Gojira - VacuityPerjantai 13.03.2015 10:10

The sickness of this world is destroying all the dreams
The fools are kings, tearing apart the soul
The race for complication communicate reaction
The lack of heart of men, I grow distant from the core

Borrow this body for a lifetime, earthly material
My soul unraveled out of mental
The shell returns to dust

I focus on the present concentrate on what I find
Accelerate the vision high beyond the curse of time
Bring light to my attention, the walls of vacuum fall
This force increases and tells me where to go

Follow, I enter my dimensions, awakened heart of life
Enforce my senses, I'm understanding
I find the will to live straight

I feel the change I see the vicious circle
finally turned into a virtuous one
Having the whole world in my hands, filled

Out of the frame I feel so vast I'm all around myself
Imaginative interaction
But I keep struggling inside to hold this always
Forever there

Is it the fear to fall in space that keeps us from understanding
The only way to find the power is to look inside
Increase your fall on purpose and let this river flow
Now you hold this secret appeared out of the vacuum of space

Remain in what you are, the center of your life
You made it to this point no one can tell you how
You crawled and bled all the way but you were the only one
That was tearing your soul apart, you finally find yourself

11. Wolf Down The Earth

First of all you will eat all the bodies
No matter they pray for freedom they'll kill you
Forward you crush those going backward
The wolves are now your lords
Voracious flames upon the earth

Second step you eat all the creation
Swallow the trees the lakes and all the valleys
Crush the moon, and drink the rivers flowing
Deep rolling ocean blow
Burning all that lives

They teach you how to conquer and rule the world
The towers that you built so strong, no man can touch
They tell you how to find and raise the fears
and let them grow inside of your heart they need no walls

Is there a chance you face the void inside?
Winds of doom will blow your pride away

Behold the bright lights coming down on time
Before these altars black, made from your sacrifice
You take for granted what's been there for ages
Inside the womb the new blood gets ready to fight

The buildings of our fathers
crumbling in dark vibrations
Wolf down the one that made us all
No hope, you wolf down the earth

Gojira - Of Blood And SaltSunnuntai 01.03.2015 02:52

Tää on niin mahtava biisi..!!!

I take what lifeÂ’s been given
With my bloody hands
Discovery of the world
As my head decides
Swallow the lies
From sick ideals

So my head is on fire
CanÂ’t stand the pressure
IÂ’ve got to run away
My head is exploding
Come back to the reason
I fade away
All hail the new blood
Flowing from lies again

LetÂ’s go

Swallowing the dust from sick ideas from the past
This is this our refugees never gonna die
All hail the new blood flowing from life again
You take with all our breed and no respect to life

The operator, pass down to us control
The walk and wicked of all going to the wall

This life is so dead, consuming to the bone
Expand the pieces crushing to the face of all
From equal slayers ff the earth, I hear the moan
A wretch destroys to wipe us from this race.

I Puncture inflame, what do and destroy
Filth soured from this world
Depends on our souls

From all blood and salt