


Once Upon The Cross..

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Mnemic - DB'XX'DSunnuntai 18.06.2017 17:55


He's been told that he can't do wrong to
A lonely child that cries in his song to
Understand the man's deprivation
But to him an invitation

So he came in, the child turned it's head and
Its a sin, his eyes looked all dead then
What he saw, the fear on his face could
Wait no more, heart-stabbed and disgraced

Double crossed

That's a double cross
That Double cross
That Double cross
His pain and his loss

In his eyes the recognition of a
Nasty face whose hurt and mission has
Fucked a life of bodily prison
It's consequence of a sick mans vision he

Made a move, the gun went off and
He changed the mood into blood color madness
All he saw was the shadow of a grown man
Flesh was raw as he fell down again

All he ever wanted to be was that man
Did he ever stand up and see for himself
Never wanted that intimacy, nor that fear
If he would only reach out for me, I'd show him life

And that I can't stand you, you make me sick
So sick


Have you seen the tears that the boy cries?
Have you seen the pain that he wears inside?

So alive, the pain ensures that he
Really feels like a part of the damned
Such a bitch, joy and smile are long gone
It's just hate in small child rape land he's

All locked up in a room with his devil
It's all fucked up, he's going down in pure revenge
So he saw, his best friend helped him
Study and the score, justice done, a dead body, body

All he ever wanted to be was that man
Did he ever stand up and see for himself
Never wanted that intimacy, nor that fear
If he would only reach out for me, I'd show him life

All he ever wanted to be was that man
Did he ever stand up and see for himself
Never wanted that intimacy, nor that fear
If he would only reach out for me, I'd show him life


Won't you wait for him, won't you wait for him?
They took all he had, what's left is all in his head
Won't you wait for him, won't you wait for him?
They took all he had, what's left is all in his head

Aamupalaverissa syömättä jää sämpylä
Vaan kyllä vissyä äkkiä menee toinenkin pullo
Pesen leiman kämmenestä
Hirviö tuijottaa peilistä
Yheksän kertaa näin käy kymmenestä

Skenetän yöt
Verkostoidun avajaisten jälkilöylyissä

Töissä kuolettavan tylsä luotettava ylkä
Muuttuu matkalla kotiin ja armahtaa omatunto
Vieläkään ei posti ole tuonut erästä kutsua vaan
Piireihin uin kunhan kestää kunto

Kukaan ei kotoa hae
Se on ensimmäinen jae
Annan ilmaisen vinkin:
Sinä tarvitset linkin

En aivan nuoleskele jos ei se ole kaukanakaan
Huomaavainen lieventää totuuden
Nappailu vasta on skenetystä kun on silmäätekeviä läsnä
Itseä suosittelen kun kuosittelen

Skenetän yöt
Verkostoidun avajaisten jälkilöylyissä
Ständeille kiilaan messuilla
Suhteita solmin höyryissä

Vedän johdon irti, mutta puhelin soi silti
Kun painan oven kiinni, valo syttyy
On hankala nähdä, ovatko iloisia nuo lapset
Vaikka he noin tuolla juoksevatkin

Juuret muuttuvat käärmeiksi, kämmeniksi lehdet
Kalliosta irtoaa varjo ja omaani yhtyy

Voiko lämmin kesäyö olla muuta kuin levoton?
Menetin kuningashuoneen, vuodet, nahkani toisella on
Sain lyijyiset airot, sain kahvin öljyisen
Sylissäni tärisee tyttö täysi-ikäinen

Tiedän miten kuvassa ollaan että siitä tahtoo heti pois
Viekää kauas tuo vääristävä peili
Oletko pettynyt kun jaksan vaikka kasvot muuttuvat
Söin omenan joka ei omena ollut

Voiko lämmin kesäyö olla muuta kuin levoton?
Kun vihdoin pääsee ulos ja kohtaa uuden ilon
Sain lyijyiset airot, sain kahvin öljyisen
Sylissäni tärisee tyttö täysi-ikäinen

Lautakunnan edessä heleeni lepattivat osittain
Teidän parissa hallitsin ne täysin
Tämä aika on löytänyt minut
Astun kämmenet näkyvillä esiin

(Koti on sopivampi kuin aito)

Näithän itse putosinko jokeen vai sukelsinko
Miksi siis et kerro sitä heille

Minut tallessa pidettiin muilta turvassa
Nyt otan niin paljon takaisin

Voiko lämmin kesäyö olla muuta kuin levoton?
Sylissäni tärisee tyttö täysi-ikäinen

Voiko lämmin kesäyö olla muuta kuin levoton?

Sybreed - ReEvolutionLauantai 17.06.2017 18:34

Liberation revive our freedom
Re-evolution is near, the time has come for us

The machine has failed to victimized, to broke us on our knees
And no longer we hear their poisoned words of fear
Corporate rape is ending now, we leave our chains and rise
We fuck the system

Liberation revive our freedom
Re-evolution is near, the time has come for us

Masses on march, we want to retake our destiny
To break the government lies
We stand the fire of oppression and move unchained

The system collapse below the pressure of insurgence
Anger solidified by the years will lead our steps

No more submission for our mind
No more constrain and rights denied
We clear our future now

Liberation revive our freedom
Re-evolution is near, the time has come for us

Katatonia - Clean TodayLauantai 17.06.2017 13:29

All the white lights falling
The blue lights are falling
Night is warm
Came down with a promise
I have my best shirt on
I lower myself now
It is a way to forget
Of last year's failure

Will the streetlights reflect me well enough
Am I transparent when I am clean
Will the darkness around me be so strong
That there is no way I can be seen

Boys will we become
Heroes of this night
Or am I just happy
Whenever not sober
I cleaned myself well
Clean today

Will the streetlights reflect me well enough
Am I transparent when I am clean
Will the darkness around me be so strong
That there is no way I can be seen

And when I pause for one breath
I see millions like me

Will the streetlights reflect me well enough
Am I transparent when I am clean
Will the darkness around me be so strong
That there is no way I can be seen

Katatonia - Walking By A WireLauantai 17.06.2017 13:24

I could not breath against the wall
The clash of light against the floor
They held me up against the wall
Too young to be ignored

Standing by a building
Leaks out information
Passive death of freedom gets me
Where's my security
Behind my back it goes
Early morning's coming
The risk that I am taking
Recall a song that I heard as a child
No more false immunity
Inside the blistering cold

My youth unknown to me
I'm walking by a wire
What's left from me to breathe
Cold smell of fire
One day I will be free
I was born to be no one
My youth unknown to me
I walked behind the sun

I could not breath against the wall
The clash of light against the floor
They held me up against the wall
Too young to be ignored

Standing by a building
Leaks out information
Passive death of freedom gets me
Where's my security
Behind my back it goes
Emptiness within me
Exit signs within me
The one you're looking for is not here
Had no security
He will not come back

My youth unknown to me
I'm walking by a wire
What's left from me to breathe
Cold smell of fire
One day I will be free
I was born to be no one
My youth unknown to me
I walked behind the sun

If time itself was his demeanor
There'd be no sunlight or a glimmer
Of sunlight landin' on the street
Sunsuit girls must be discreet

Sunsuit girls must be discreet
Nursing their fathers locked inside
They masqueraded as his bride

I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
But there's somethin' in your eyes
That says maybe that's never
Never say never

Slumped by the courthouse
With windburned skin
That man could give a fuck
About the grin on your face
As you walk by, randy as a goat
He's sleepin' on papers
When he'd be warm in your coat

I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
But there's somethin' in your eyes
That says maybe that's never
Never say never

There's no easy way to lose your sight
On the street, on the stairs
Who's on your flight
Old couple walks by, as ugly as sin
But he's got her and she's got him

I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
I might like you better if we slept together
But there's somethin' in your eyes
That says maybe that's never
Never say never

Never say never
Never say never
Never say never
Never say never

The Devin Townsend Band - Depth ChargeKeskiviikko 14.06.2017 19:49

1, 2, 3, 4
All right, we are…, uh, uh, uh, uh…

I know (who's behind the door, who's behind the door)
Suddenly decide to listen to me,
Falling from the interior
Who's behind the door, who's behind the door?

Safety, (sexuality, falling away from me)
Suddenly decide to listen to me,
Thank you for being my medium
Who's behind the door, who's behind the door?

Reptile, the reptile in me, yeah
Animal, I'm an animal,
And we're all the same, all the same...
So I'm sending to you this depth charge

Known, into the unknown, seeking the unknown
Into the unknown depths
Suddenly decide to listen to me,
Thank you for the material
Who's behind the door? I'm behind the door!

Red line, the red line in me, yeah
Insect or animal,
Though we're not the same...
Everything's the same!

Known, into the unknown, seeking the unknown,
Into the unknown depths

It's all the same!
That's all that we are. Mother
Everything that we are. Father
This is all that you are. Sister
Every little thing that you are. Family

Further, further, further
Bring it on!

Known, into the unknown, seeking the unknown,
Into the unknown Depths

Known, into the unknown, no anger, no,
Into the unknown depths, depths, depths, depths, depths

Ismo Alangon Radio - Lokaa Ja KuitaTiistai 13.06.2017 11:50

On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta,
Kun väritkin pakenevat.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta,
Kun väritkin pakenevat.
(on taas lokakuu)

Jos kauneus on kuitenkin olemassa,
Ihan tavallista, käsinkosketeltavaa,
On katsottava tarkkaan ja kumarruttava,
Sillä kauneus on pientä ja matalaa.
Syksyllä sateessa surkeena oliona
Löysin maasta omenan.
Se oli tavallinen omena, loistavaa.
Mä vein sen kotiin ja söin sen heti.
Et syödä omenan voi olla niin juhlavaa.
(on taas lokakuu)
Nyt on lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.

Se puhutteli minua, neuvoja lateli:
"Mä olen osa sinua", se liverteli.
"Minä tulen puusta, puu tulee maasta.
Maa tulee luusta ja luu sieltä jostain."
Kun eron lyö suurella vasaralla, se saa mustaksi maan.
Kun mä rakastuin omenaan, mä rakastuin maailmaan.
Mä olen tuli, vesi, ilma, aurinko ja maa.
Sattuman oikusta salamat sanoivat:
"Jätä laho latosi ja näe kotisi."
On taas lokakuu.
On taas lokakuu.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta,
Kun päädytkin pakenevat.
(on taas lokakuu)
Taas on, taas on se tavallinen lokakuu.
Silmät täynnä lokaa ja kuita.
Sä olet omenapuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka syksy.
Sä olet omenapuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka syksy,
Kun hedelmät kypsyy.
Taas on, taas on...
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.
On taas lokakuu ja mun täytyy päästä sun luo joka ilta.