


i heard that your dreams came true.


- Vanhemmat »

it's summer tiiiiiimeKeskiviikko 12.05.2010 15:46

.Perjantai 26.02.2010 21:47

As I'm looking to the sky to count the stars
I wonder if you see them where you are
I'm down on both my knees and pray tomorrow brings no pain

isn't it beautiful ?Sunnuntai 07.02.2010 17:39

wake up, the party's over

SE ON CHINCHILLA!Perjantai 04.12.2009 13:04

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 23.05.2009 02:08

kritarth sanoo:
u look like a mouse

XDDMaanantai 18.05.2009 21:49

Stranger: once a bread is walking on the street, he feel hungry, then eat himself
- Vanhemmat »