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54Tiistai 08.04.2008 12:09

Arthur: Seven simple rules of going into hiding: one, never trust a cop in a raincoat. Two, beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway. Three, if asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again. Four, never give your real name. Five, if ever asked to look at yourself, dont. Six, never do anything the person standing in front of you cannot understand. And finally seven, never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.

(i'm not there - taas)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.04.2008 20:02

rakastan sitä miten johnny cashin america V - a hundred highways albumia tarkasti kuunnellessa voi kuulla sen kuinka se hengittää ja avaa suun ja voi kuvitella miten sen suu liikkuu kun se lausuu eri äänteitä ja kirjaimia ja sanoja ja ja.

55Maanantai 07.04.2008 16:40

i'm not there:n kuunteleminen ennen koetta = not so good idea.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.04.2008 19:07

I made wine from the lilac tree
Put my heart in its recipe
It makes me see what I want to see
And be what I want to be

56Sunnuntai 06.04.2008 14:32

= 8 viikkoa

garden stateSunnuntai 06.04.2008 03:37

Sam: That's life. If nothing else, its life. It's real, and sometimes it fuckin' hurts, but it's sort of all we have.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.04.2008 14:27

yes only love can break your heart
what if your world should fall apart

57Lauantai 05.04.2008 13:45

58Perjantai 04.04.2008 10:01

eilen oli hieno päivä. emilia yski ja kysyin is that your natural state ja se vastasi you ask the beatles that ?

59Torstai 03.04.2008 13:09

Billy the Kid: People are always talking about freedom. Freedom to live a certain way, without being kicked around. Course the more you live a certain way, the less it feel like freedom. Me, I can change during the course of a day. I wake and I'm one person, when I go to sleep I know for certain I'm somebody else. I don't know who I am most of the time.

(i'm not there)