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Hilf mir fliegen~*Torstai 15.05.2008 00:39

I landed here somewhere
Can't tell who I am anymore
Lost the memories
Photo's don't say much
Bring me back, bring me home
I can't make it all alone

Come and help me fly
Lend me your wings
I trade you the world for them
Trade all I have for them
I'll trade them tonight
For everything I own

Tell me all lies
Make me believe all of it
Or I can't breathe no more
And this silence makes me deaf
Just grey walls and no light
All here is without me

I find me here no more
Don't recognice myself anymore
Come and pull me out of here
I would give all I have for it
I am homesick
And want to go back
I go away more and more
with every moment

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