• Kuvassa:
  • Anywhere you are , I am near
    Anywhere you go , I'll be there . ♥

  • Don't promise me forever ,
    just love me day by day . ♥

  • Please don't let go ,
    because I'm still holding on . ♥

  • If I had to choose between loving you or breathing ,
    I would use my last breath to say that I love you . ♥

  • 'Cause without you ,
    there's no reason to live . ♥

  • vatumoi

    vatumoiWithout you I have nothing ,
    When I have you ,
    I have everything I need . ♥

  • Kaistinen

    KaistinenThe tender way he spoke ,
    that showed me that he cares . ♥

Kuvan ideahan oli siis se että kävin juuri suihkussa , ei se että värjäsin juuri mustat hiukset .