


at the point of no returning

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275.Torstai 05.01.2012 18:41

how i hate you for breaking me,
then fixing me with your kisses
and then breaking me again.

274.Torstai 05.01.2012 02:43

not every fairy tale has its happy ending.
and it another life i would be your girl
we keep all our promises, be us against the world
and in other life i would make you stay
so i don't have to say you were the one that got away.

272.Tiistai 03.01.2012 05:25

i wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name.

271.Maanantai 02.01.2012 01:37

what is wrong with us?
tältäkö se tuntuu kun löytää oikean?
hei, tältäkö se tuntuu ennen kuin me suudellaan?
ensimmäisen kerran mä olen elossa.

269.Keskiviikko 28.12.2011 03:01

268.Tiistai 27.12.2011 05:37

the happier you get, the harder you fall.

267.Tiistai 27.12.2011 00:30

i met a boy.
we talked, it was epic.
then the sun came up and reality set in.

266.Lauantai 24.12.2011 03:52

how much do i have to give to get something back?