


at the point of no returning

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279.Sunnuntai 15.01.2012 22:50

"My black Balenciaga will be perfect to publicly condemn you."
"I love public."
"I love condemnation."
"I love you."
"...Of course, no one does black like Dior."

278. keep calm and have piano sexSunnuntai 15.01.2012 07:30

can't stop watching

277.Tiistai 10.01.2012 02:59

please come home.

276.Lauantai 07.01.2012 21:11

i still love you and i'm so not ready to give up on you.

275.Torstai 05.01.2012 18:41

how i hate you for breaking me,
then fixing me with your kisses
and then breaking me again.

274.Torstai 05.01.2012 02:43

not every fairy tale has its happy ending.
and it another life i would be your girl
we keep all our promises, be us against the world
and in other life i would make you stay
so i don't have to say you were the one that got away.

272.Tiistai 03.01.2012 05:25

i wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name.

271.Maanantai 02.01.2012 01:37

what is wrong with us?
tältäkö se tuntuu kun löytää oikean?
hei, tältäkö se tuntuu ennen kuin me suudellaan?
ensimmäisen kerran mä olen elossa.