


People keep asking me why I dance and I ask them why they breathe.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 20:26

Särkkis<3Torstai 29.05.2008 11:49

Parast särkkikses ;) Haluun mennä sinne uudestaa<3

huomen kannettava ;)Torstai 22.05.2008 23:11

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.05.2008 21:54

Newsman go hell minikui buta sa
Newsman go hell newsociety
Newsman go hell kitanai buta sa
Newsman go hell check it up

Dir en grey - Mr. Newsman <3

Needles are piercing through my skin.Keskiviikko 14.05.2008 00:17

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.05.2008 00:17

Haluuks joku vaihtaa elämää mun kans?

T__TTiistai 13.05.2008 22:37

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 12.05.2008 02:04

Hieno päivä taas kerran! :)

Aleksa form Arizona, let's E-mail! ;;))

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 02.05.2008 13:46

I'll never walk alone again, the winds of time are to strong.
Ah, it's that what you hurts, which you'll have to live with...
Ah, this tight embrace, and this burning, unchanged heart.
In this ever changing time, love will never change.

Will you hold my heart? Stop flowing tears.
Again, all of my heart is broken....

Forever love, forever dream
Only flowing emotions,bury this intense,
trying, meaningless times.
Oh tell me why ... all I see is blue in my heart.

Will you stay with me? Wait until after the wind passes,
all my tears are still flowing...

Forever love, forever dream Stay with me like this.
Hold my trembling heart in the dawn.
Oh stay with me...

Ah, everything good seems to be ending,
in this unending night.
Ah, what else would you lose if nothing at all matters.

Forever love, forever dream, stay with me like this.
Hold my trembling heart in the dawn.

Oh will you stay with me... Until the wind passes,
stay with me again.

Forever love, forever dream, I'll never walk this path.
Oh tell me why, tell me true, teach me how to live.
Forever love, forever dream, within flowing tears
Bright seasons will forever change again and again ....
forever love...
