Tapahtumakalenteri 2007 :
18v 9.3.
Silja Symphony 13.-15.3.
The Winyls 16.2.
The Ark 18.4. ♥
The Winyls 13.6. !! ♥
MCR 3.7. ♥
Disco Ensemble 8.9♥♥
Laakso 19.9♥♥
Laakso 22.11♥♥♥
London 16.-23.7. ♥
Sweden 27.7-5.8 ♥
Läväri 4.10.07 ♥
Adam Brody♥
"Dance to this beat"
Panic! at the disco
"I think I'm everything
hate" Boys like girls
"and convinced yourself
that's not the reason you
don't see the sun anymore"
"keep your hands to
yourself, these lips
belong to someone else"
You me at six
teen tilaa uudelle vuodelle <3