


♥ mira 3o1o2oo8 ->

FACEBOOK -> PuppudeKeskiviikko 23.06.2010 00:24

at itäkeskus prisma

meh was buying beer for me 'n energydrink 4 mimmy

... with few coins 'n mimmys moneycard

Then... the shop bitch asked the code for the card...

SO... heres the Funny Part.. .

i said to her ... 'Wait, umm... Do you mind if i call my mom 'n ask the code'


old filthy rocker was buying beer and then she wanted to call her Momma cuz didnt knew the code : - D

'n ofcourse i wasnt callin' for 'meh' momma ... meh calld 2 mimmy who was sittin' about 25m. away

forgot the other thing


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