


♥ mira 3o1o2oo8 ->

YOUTUBE-> isoperuna2Torstai 22.04.2010 17:03

Haha goverment deleted some ov meh blog thing : - D



'n umm... and yes you dont believe this : - D

today meh saw meh teacher lickin' some underpants ov some student : - D it was fun

'n ya dont want to c what the other teachers was smellin' : - D or touchin'

k - DDDD


pretty nasty, huh ?

'n Mimsi is super cutie 8 - ) etc. umm... yesterday i was on dentist 'n again one of my tooth hurts -.-' yay come on mimmi babe, kiss my rotten mouth : - D h¨åhååhåå

youtube - > isoperuna2Torstai 22.04.2010 02:50

today the fags ran out.. i got more

i danced today in classroom so i fell down to the floor n Woops. there it was, lots ov blood on floor and on meh arm : - D

it was Tango.. it Takes Two (pints ov blood) To Tango

: - D

i painted today... shit job again..... I JUST CANT PAINT GOOD ENOUGH, WHEN IM IN THIS SHIT HOLE -.-

YOUTUBE-> isoperunaKeskiviikko 21.04.2010 00:55

Mooseksen Laukeumus 3/5 Rihmasto 1:8:7

again my teeth is killin' meh... left, up.. one tooth hurts really bad -.- im gonna die in 2days if i dont get help -.-
öö etc.

buyed, bought whotever


UMMMMM...uhh.. öppp


today i buyed new soldier to my army... Darth Maul : - )

'n i saw a real soldier in bus who had scar that went all away from forehead to the back of his head..

Complete circle, Perfect BrainWash - . -

no wonder that he/she was a Soldier : - D

Youtube -> isoperuna2Tiistai 20.04.2010 02:13

tnä moltii sihteerin kaa heilumas. mäntii ostaa krandiosa pizaa mut sit kävinki hakee samal minnille liitelist jotai ihme pesuaine skeida drinkkii ja pompile Budweiserii ^^



--|. å v




y o u t u b e -> isoperuna2Maanantai 19.04.2010 00:53


cant be real :-D

today pompi was drinkin' with sihteeri in koivukylä

4minni yellooooow VK 'n strawberry räpärpeeer rekorderlig cider

'n for pomme, 4 beers. kåff

...... ........... 9


'n we were drunk 'n we went to makuuni... 'n we buyed some candy..... . . ... one of the candys was dick shaped D-k


Y O U T U B E - > isoperuna2Lauantai 17.04.2010 01:24

.tuesday i drinkd
. mimmi told mehthat
today i bought o,5L karjala 'n o,5L heineken 'n 3 x marlboro red cases

.finnair ei suostu korvaa hotelli kuluja joita islannin tulivuori aiheutti etc. ) : - D yllättäen ihan ku ne olis siel kravaatit pääl ohjaamos suunnitellu luontoäidin metkuja D - :


matti vanhane ei ota vastuuta mihinkää ku ei muka ikinä muista mitään mistä vois olla uhkaa sen uralle
umm..... . . ... 'n i took the funny pill's with beer : - )

here some pic's : - )

Y O U T U B E - > isoperuna2Perjantai 16.04.2010 02:24

The death squad ov the Chief Puppude

Ostin tnä mun armeijaa ekan jäsenen, SandTrooperin Mustalla olkasuojalla

Youtube -> isoperuna2Keskiviikko 14.04.2010 01:06

David Bowie - Space Oddity

: - )

today in Citymarket ov Jumbo, ... there was a o,5 L Budweiser ONLY A 1,99 € .. so i bought it : - )

YOUTUBE -> isoperuna2Sunnuntai 11.04.2010 23:51

Minni on ihkuin, Täsä jotain kuvija. kukkuuta

YOUTUBE -> isoperuna2Lauantai 10.04.2010 09:30

on thursday anoppi iz goin to buy a starwars toy to meh. iAYAYAY!


yesterday pop killd chicken Håhåhå about 12 yellow 'n 2 white

after thät meh drinkd pint ov krappy beer ! yaiks

SLeeeepy ^^

about 2 days ago, meh was with minni in tixi's vahinkopalvelu shit store.. .