


♥ mira 3o1o2oo8 ->

y OUT ube - > isoperuna2Perjantai 03.09.2010 20:05

So this a new beginning, as the new century dawns
The world's a better place for you and me
Shouldn't smoke or drink or watch that evil filthy porn.
Be Christian and God will set you free.
But being poor is worse than having AIDS,
The homeless live in boxes at our feet
Living in a constant state of dull frustrated rage,
The innocent shot daily in the street

Brave new world, brave new world, brave new world

The government has always been you pal as you well know
Absolute corrupted power play,
If we all wipe each other out, it only goes to show
While the bureaucrats get richer by the day,
Smoking dope will get you more than murder one,
And even worse than statutory rape,
Don't understand your children, so you send them all to jail,
Beleive me, you will never make a worse mistake.


The government is coming and it wants to be your friend,
It wants to show you how to be a snitch
Inform upon your children, the inevitable end,
Is everyone's a victim but the filthy fucking rich,
And religion, like the monster that it is
Keeps telling you to turn the other cheek
God is on your side, but I don't think that you're on his,
If Jesus showed up now he'd be in jail by next week,



you TU Be -> isoperuna2Torstai 02.09.2010 01:53

Viiltää sanat syvempään
Ohi kiitää tunnit kuin itsestään
Pelko tarttuu äänees ja sanoihin
Se kaikki sattuu

Viiltää totuus sydämeen
Se piirtää kuvamme uudelleen
Lehden selaan, sua tarkkailen
Pelin pelaat sä korttiin viimeiseen

Vaikka maailman ääriin mä vuokses sun matkasin
Tiellä kuoleman porteilla helvetin poikkesin
Ei tarvii todistaa mun mitään
se toinen saa sut kyllä pitää
En katso taakseni
Mä elän itselleni

Maahan löit mut polvilleen
Haavat tuskin arpeutuneet
Ylös nousen, niinhän mä aina teen
Suuntaan toiseen, valoon ja huomiseen


Vaikka maailman ääriin mä vuokses sun matkasin
Tiellä kuolevan porteilla helvetin poikkesin
Ei tarvii todistaa mun mitään
se toinen saa sut kyllä pitää

Ja vaikka maailman ääriin mä vuokses sun matkasin
Tiellä kuolevan porteilla helvetin poikkesin
Ei tarvii todistaa mun mitään
se toinen saa sut kyllä pitää
En katso taakseni, ei
En katso taakseni, eiei
En katso taakseni, Mä elän itselleni


y OUTU b E - > isoperuna2Torstai 12.08.2010 03:11

day 11 meh waz with mimmy at vantaa airport

and 10 too

day 1o we saw Michael Fuckin' Monroe there ...

we had great little chat and we 'clicked' our fists together or somethin' !yAAY

he told us that umm.. he did gig with Slash and mike bumpd to some fence 'n brokd few ribs

but still mikey was Soo fun and good lookin' etc. : p hohooo

AND We got his autographs : )

etc. : ) wicked

pommy stopd smokin' yesterday

ONLY Cuz it was thing how i got new skateboard complete

Toy machine | Pills

toy machine wheels


yOuTUBe- > isoperuna2Lauantai 31.07.2010 01:50

oltii äske 2vko savos lomal,

kaatu pihalle n. 7 isoo puuta

keinu, terassin kaide ja yks taso paskaks

auto melkei paskaks ja meinasin jäävä isoimman siel kaatuneen poun allepalle...


huussin päälle yks puu ja se isoin se melkein-tappaja-puu oli järvestä ovelle saakka pitkä

5sekuntii sinnetänne ni olisin nutu dead
yesterday mi kot a seizure when i was on bus-stop with mimmy at Vaarala

there was about 1minutepinute that mimmys bus would cum

and then it started. WAAW Kood luck

so mi papa drivd 'n i got back to basecamp


mi stopd usin' da chickens

FACEBOOK -> PuppudeTorstai 01.07.2010 03:10

i got these boots

FACEBOOK -> PuppudeKeskiviikko 30.06.2010 17:42

'how to get pregnant?

Find rockstar and put his pants on'

- Puppude

fACEBOOK -> PuppudePerjantai 25.06.2010 02:00

yesterday meh waz with mimmy on mimmys bed

eatin' chocolate

i putd da chocolate thing under my jack t-shirt

(we didnt c that, but 2pieces of chocolate was dropd on bed)

we were lookin' tv about 1hour

then we saw... there was chocolate on our faces, shirts, pants, legginsseses, bed etc.

the funniest thing there was that on mimmy's äss was about 3cm thick layer of melted chocolate... it lookd like Po0OåP


on the bed was one huge chocolate poop thing... lookd just like real POOOOPy


FACEBOOK -> PuppudeKeskiviikko 23.06.2010 00:24

at itäkeskus prisma

meh was buying beer for me 'n energydrink 4 mimmy

... with few coins 'n mimmys moneycard

Then... the shop bitch asked the code for the card...

SO... heres the Funny Part.. .

i said to her ... 'Wait, umm... Do you mind if i call my mom 'n ask the code'


old filthy rocker was buying beer and then she wanted to call her Momma cuz didnt knew the code : - D

'n ofcourse i wasnt callin' for 'meh' momma ... meh calld 2 mimmy who was sittin' about 25m. away

forgot the other thing
