


shut up cunt i'll cut your tongue

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Perjantai 10.12.2010 22:36

Tulethan tanssimaan veitsenterällä
Voidaan lipsahtaa yhdessä
Viitta marttyyrin harteille haalitaan
Nenää pitkin voi silmätä muut ja osoittaa
Me sanotaan
Se on painovoimaa

♥ mmmTorstai 09.12.2010 23:48

ai koukussa vai niinku koukussa?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.12.2010 23:28

emmä tarvii poikaystävää, että saisin kaikkee kivaa. Vittu onhan mulla isi <3

mut siis joo, sademaetsät hakataan loppuun sen takia, että meitzi sais niistää
nenä on ihan punanen rasituksesta 8__D se kuolee pian 8(

ps. meitzillä o tänää nimpparit 8___________D

hmmmm....Keskiviikko 08.12.2010 23:22

vai pitäskö sittenki värjätä mustaks.....?

:SKeskiviikko 08.12.2010 22:54

pää o hajoamispisteessä, sattuu ihan lievästi
nenä irtoo, ko oon vähäc niistäny 8D
mut onneks ei kurkkuun ennää satu 8) mutten siltikään poistu kotoa huomenna 8D

hyi luoja, oon varmaa kolme litraa juonu kokista ja syöny viis appelsiinia 8D
pilleriä tekisimieleni

get a one fucking life of yours my darlingKeskiviikko 08.12.2010 13:42

Back, back, backstabber
Back, back, backstabber
Back, back, backstabber
Bored, stoned, sitting in your basement all alone
'Cause your little conversation's got around
And look at what we all found out
Lookie here we all found out
That you have got a set of loose lips
Twisting stories all because you're jealous
Now I know exactly what you're all about
And this is what you're all about
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Oh girl, you're such a shit talker
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Run your mouth more than anyone I've ever known
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Back, back, backstabber
Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk
I'm sick and tired of hearing all about my life
From other bitches with all of your lies
Wrapped up so tight, so maybe you should shut your mouth
Shut your fucking mouth
Honestly, I think it's kinda funny that
You waste your breath talking about me
Got me feeling kinda special really
This is what you're all about
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Oh girl, you're such a shit talker
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Run your mouth more than anyone I've ever known
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Katie's to the left just rippin' my style
Damn, Jeanie why you gotta tell the secrets about my sex life?
All I ever did was drive your broke ass around
Pick you up, take you out when your car broke down
Back, back, backstabber
Stabber, stabber
Back, back, backstabber
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Oh girl, you're such a shit talker
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Girl, you're such a backstabber
Taking and twisting it down, you're so manipulating
Run your mouth more than anyone I've ever known
And everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Talk, talk, talk
Back, back, backstabber
Taking and twisting it down, you're so manipulating
Girl, talk, talk, you're looking like a lunatic
Everybody knows it
And everybody knows it
Everybody knows, yeah
You're looking like a lunatic
And everybody knows, yeah
Everybody knows

knock em outKeskiviikko 08.12.2010 00:06

Oh yeah, actually yeah I'm pregnant, having a baby in like 6 months so no, and yeah, yeah...

nii vois ainaki koko yön vaa juua kokista........... janottaa ja huippaa 8<

Maanantai 06.12.2010 22:57

Honestly, I think its kinda funny that you waste
Your breath talking about me
Got me feeling kinda special really
(So this is what your all about)


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.12.2010 22:12

niimpä niin....