
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.03.2007 23:21

Viattomat tunteet elää jaksaa
vaikka pimeydessä saa vain rakastaa
sydämet nuo samaan tahtiin hakkaa
ne yhteen vei kaksi maailmaa

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.03.2007 00:02

kiva ilta tänää. käytii sarin kans vierailees maijan tykön,
siel olivat pienis :>

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.03.2007 23:13

oi oli kivaa raumalla eilen sarin kans :><33

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.03.2007 20:47

A : You like to drink.
B : Everyone wants you.
C : You are really silly.
D : You like to drink.
E : Damn good kisser.
F : You are dead sexy.
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H : You have a very good personality and looks.
I : You Are Great in bed.
J : People Adore YOU!
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Everyone loves you.
M : best kisser ever.
N : You like to drink.
O : Awesome kisser.
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin crazy.
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You really like to chill.
V : You are not judgmental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Best g/f b/f anyone could ever ask for.
Z : Always ready.

J : People Adore YOU!
U : You really like to chill.
L : Everyone loves you.
I : You Are Great in bed.
A : You like to drink.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.03.2007 17:59

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

I know that you are something special
To you I'd be always faithful
I want to be what you always needed
Then I hope you'll see the heart in me

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

Your beautiful soul, yeah
You might need time to think it over
But im just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind
If you give me the chance
I will never make you cry c'mon lets try

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

Am I crazy for wanting you
Baby do you think you could want me too
I don't wanna waste your time
Do you see things the way I do
I just wanna know if you feel it too
There is nothing left to hide

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul
You're the one I wanna chase
You're the one I wanna hold
I wont let another minute go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

You beautiful soul, yeah

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.03.2007 18:21

perjantaina raumalle :)

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.03.2007 18:20

tallil tiistaina:

sari: koitas ny vähä ravii

no mä tietyst koitan ja hilde lähtee kiitolaukkaa. hetke mä siit kyl nautei, ku sen laukka on nii pehmeet, mut sit ko tajusin, ettei hilu pysähdy, ni tuntu, et henki menee. tulipa sitten mutka ja hilde teki jonku ihme loikan ja pukitti "heitänpäs ylimääräset kilot vittuun ja juoksen suorinta tietä kotii" lensin sellasen kivan kivikasan viereen kuraan. mut ei luovuteta!!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 12.03.2007 23:48

sari: vittu ku kutiaa "kröhöm"

julia: voi luoja! leikkasiksä? xD

sari: no vittu juu! ^^D

MittailuaSunnuntai 11.03.2007 17:15

Okka: Julia mä mittaan sun habas

Julia: No mittaa rauhas

Juho: HAHHAA! Julial on 2.5 cm isompi haba ku Okkal! noloo

Julia: Annas mä mittaan sun habas


Julia 27 cm

Sari 27 cm

Okka 24,5 cm

Juho 23,5 cm

Jaettu ykkös sija tytöille :> :PPPP

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.03.2007 17:09

Palosilla joskus 22.30 :

Julia: onks koda tyttö vai poika ?


" eks sä nää ku sil on oikeen pistoolit ja kaikki ? "

Julia: öö.. no mut voihan tytöilläki ol ! xD

Ja Juho nauraa. :DD


Sari istuu julian sylis. sit yht äkkii sarppa kuiskaa julian korvaan:
mä nään sun paidan sisäl.


Kiva ilta, uusiks pian ! ♥♥ :]]