
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.12.2006 13:53

Kylmän aseman tunnelissa istuu
istui yksi mies
vanha ja heikko
alla peiton, päässä kivenheiton siitä mitä kutsumme sivistykseksi
puhuu mulle ja samalla yskii
kertoi kuinka vanhuus tuli sittenkin yksin
ei olis tahtonu
eikä olis uskonu, että juuri hälle vois käydä näin
ei oo missään enää mitään järkee
kun kaikki jotka olivat joskus niin tärkeet
ovat joko kuolleet taikka hylänneet hänet
mun elämästä jäljellä on enää ylämäet

hiljaa, hiljaa kuihdut pois
vuodet koittaa sinutkin
ehkä sitä toivotkin
hiljaa, hiljaa kuihdut pois
aika sinut omistaa
niinkuin kaiken muunkin aikanaan

1, 2, 10 vuotta
yksin oon ollut, ei suru sulata
silti siit on ollutvarmasti kauan kun sain viimeks tuntea rauhan
kaljaa, viinaa niitä juo liikaa
mutta mitä välii ku peli on ohi
kyynel silmiin ottaa taas huikan
ei kai siinä auta enää muukaan
yksi valinta sulki toisen
kohta vei mahdollisuuden

hiljaa, hiljaa kuihdut pois
vuodet koittaa sinutkin
ehkä sitä toivotkin
hiljaa, hiljaa kuihdut pois
aika sinut omistaa
niinkuin kaiken muunkin aikanaan

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.12.2006 01:28

' Olipa kerran mies ja nainen. He olivat veneilemässä ja löysivät ihan uuden saaren. Saarella ei ollu nimeä ja he päättivät antaa sen sille. Aikansa he miettivät nimeä muttei keksineet, joten he päättivät antaa sen nimeksi mitä toinen sanoo seuraavaksi. Mieheltä putosi airo veteen ja hän kirosi; 'KAMELIN PYLLY SENTÄÄN!'
Saaren nimeksi tuli kamelin pylly. Mies ja nainen olivat asuneet saarella jo hetken ja nainen sai lapsen. He eivät keksineet lapselle mitään nimeä, joten päättivät antaa nimen samallalailla kuin saarelle. Eräänä päivänä saarelle oli tullut niin syvä monttu ettei sen loppua nähnyt. Nainen menin montun reunalle ja huusi; 'REIKÄ!' Lapsen nimeksi tuli Reikä. Eräänä päivänä reikä katosi saarelle ja mies ja nainen soittivat poliisin. Aikansa he kiertelivät siellä kunnes törmäsivät. Mies ja nainen sanoivat poliisille; ' Olemma etsineet koko kamelin pllyn mutta reikää ei näy missään!!'

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.12.2006 01:25

Pikku-Kalle potki edessä istuvaa tyttöä.
Oli uskonnon tunti ja opettaja kysyi:
-mikä olivat Aatamin ensimmäiset sanat Eevalle?
Potkimisesta tuskastuneena tyttö kivahti:
- Lopeta jo tuo hiplaaminen!

HIHAHOSunnuntai 03.12.2006 01:24

Pieni intiaanipoika juttelee äitinsä kanssa.
-Äiti, miksi siskoni nimi on Kuunvarjo?
-Koska hänen saadessa alkunsa kuu loi varjonsa minun ja isäsi ylle.
-Äiti, miksi toisen siskoni nimi on Vehreä niitty?
-Koska hän sai alkunsa kauniina kesäpäivänä vehreällä niityllä.
-Äiti, miksi veljeni nimi on Upottava suo?
-No niin, Revennyt kumi, olepa jo hiljaa.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 22:11

Mirror, Mirror on the wall: have I got it?
'Cause Mirror, you've always told me who I am
I'm finding it's not easy to be perfect
So sorry, you won't define me
Sorry, you don't own me

Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
Yeah, yeah
I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try, no, I won't try

Mirror, I am seeing a new reflection
I'm looking into the eyes of He who made me
And to Him, I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me
Yeah, yeah

Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
Yeah, yeah
I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try, no, I won't try

You don't define me, you don't define me
You don't define me, you don't define me

Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
Yeah, yeah
I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try, no, I won't try
Yeah, yeah

Who are you to tell me
That I'm less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
Yeah, yeah
I don't need to listen
To the list of things I should do
I won't try, no, I won't try

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 22:11

Mirror, Mirror lie to me.
Show me what I wanna see.
Mirror, Mirror lie to me.

Why don't I like the girl I see?
The one who's standing right in front of me.
Why don't I think before I speak?
I should have listened to that voice inside me.
I must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind
To say the kind of thing I said last night

Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
You don't have to tell me,
Who's the biggest fool of all.
Mirror, Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
And bring my baby back,
Bring my baby back to me.

Mirror, Mirror lie to me
Show me what I wanna see
Mirror, Mirror lie to me
Show me what I wanna see

Why did I let you walk away?
When all I had to do was say 'I'm sorry'.
I let my pride get in the way
In the heat of the moment I was to blame.
I must be stupid, must be crazy, must be out of my mind
Now in the cold light of the day I realize

Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
You don't have to tell me,
Who's the biggest fool of all.
Mirror, Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
And bring my baby back,
Bring my baby back to me.

If only wishes could be dreams,
And all my dreams could come true.
There would be two of us standing here in front of you.
If you could show me that someone that I used to be.
Bring back my baby, my baby to me

Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
You don't have to tell me,
Who's the biggest fool of all.
Mirror, Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
And bring my baby back,
Bring my baby back to me.

Mirror, Mirror hanging on the wall,
You don't have to tell me,
Who's the biggest fool of all.
Mirror, Mirror I wish you could lie to me.
And bring my baby back,
Bring my baby back to me.

Mirror, Mirror lie to me
Show me what I wanna see
Mirror, Mirror lie to me

Mirror, Mirror lie to me
Show me what I wanna see
Mirror, Mirror lie to me

Mirror, Mirror lie to me

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 22:09

Can you hear me?
Am I gettin' through to you?

Is it late there?
There's a laughter on the line
Are you sure you're there alone?

'Cause I'm
Trying to explain
Something's wrong
You just don't sound the same

Why don't you
Why don't you
Go outside
Go outside

Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone, too long.

If your lips
Feel lonely and thirsty
Kiss the rain
And wait for the dawn.

Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the nights
as empty for me, as for you
If you feel
You can't wait till morning
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain

Do you miss me?
I hear you say you do
But not the way I'm missing you

What's new?
How's the weather?
Is it stormy where you are?
You sound so close but it feels
like you're so far
Oh would it mean anything
If you knew
What I'm left imagining
In my mind
In my mind
Would you go
Would you go
Kiss the rain

And you'd fall over me
Think of me
Think of me
Think of me
Only me
Kiss the rain
Whenever you need me
Kiss the rain
Whenever I'm gone too long
If your lips
Feel lonely and tempted
Kiss the rain
and wait for the dawn

Keep in mind
We're under the same sky
And the nights
As empty for me, as for you

If you feel
You can't wait till morning

Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain
Kiss the rain

Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 22:09

Softly we tremble tonight,
picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in site,
I said I'd never leave you'll never change
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.

Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for meÂ….

We made plans to grow old,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse are we the same people as before this came to light?

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for meÂ…

You must live for me too'...
For me too...yeah, yeahÂ…
You said that you would die for meÂ…

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price
You said, you said that you would die for meÂ…

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.11.2006 17:37

Naura joka päivä peilin edessä ainakin kolme kertaa. Aamulla, päivällä ja illalla. Syystä tai ilman syytä. Naura ääneen ja takahampaat vilkkuen. Myös äänetön naurusessio kelpaa, jos tilanne niin vaatii. Jos käytössäsi ei satu olemaan peiliä, session voi suorittaa myös kasvotusten kaverin kanssa. tärkeintä on että naurat.