


but there's a million another girls like you.

SLauantai 07.06.2008 15:12

Tnääää alq SUmmmerland!
Saaan koko tuottikset tallennettuu <vink>

HAHAHAHAHA siiiiiinäs näitte.Lauantai 07.06.2008 14:43

"I'm an american guy, and I love my country. But when it comes to our women, I'm not so proud.I live in Los Angeles and the girls there may aswell be battery-operated. Bleached blonde hair, perma-tans and gravity-defying breasts. It's as though they've just stepped off a factory production line. Not only do they all look the same they are super-duper shallow, which I find such a turn-off. Everytime someone walks into a room at a party, the Barbie girl types turn their heads - they're always checking out whats going on - so spending time in Britain has been refreshing as you girls are the epitome of cool. For starters, your accent is pretty damn sexy. I love it sounds so 'proper' compared to the trashy drawl of American women. It makes you sound more intelligent, cultured and well-educated too - and that's never a bad thing. British women also have a natural look that definately works for me - and most other guys I know.
!!!!_There is nothing sexier than a girl with tied back hair and minimal make-up, wearing nothing more than jeans and a tight T-shirt. _!!!!!
It's not true that guys are turned on by fake tan, t*ts and a**, but unfortunately girls in LA think it's a hot look. Boys I know much prefer the white pasty skin of British girls and adore the fact you think that makes you an English rose!


<mylova3 Told You SpLauantai 07.06.2008 01:52

Lookin' at you now I can tell
That you and your new relationship ain't goin' well
There's no reason your name should come up on my cell
Unless you're unhappy but that shouldn't be the case

'Cause you said said he was the one
Baby yes you said said you were in love
'Cause when you left me you said that you wouldn't be
Comin' back remember that but I never agreed

I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you ain't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me

Girl you know he can't touch like I do
I don't see you trippin' or flippin' over his moves
Don't take a genius to see he ain't that dude
But you let him back you don't know what you was on

When you said said he was the one
Baby yes you said said you were in love
'Cause when you left me you said that you wouldn't be
Comin' back remember that but I never agreed

I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you ain't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me

You fall on hard times it seems
But you ain't gettin' no sympathy
No baby not from me
'Cause I told you you should never leave
See you chose this road so you gotta go it alone
Remember I told you so

I hate to say it but I told you so
Told you if you left that you were gonna be miserable
Guess he don't do it like me or else you wouldn't be
Runnin' back to the past it was you that left me
I hate to say it but you know I'm right
Everytime you're up be callin' for me late at night
But now that you ain't got me tell me where you gon' be
'Cause I can't take you back no my heart won't let me

iuPerjantai 06.06.2008 19:45

Audbrey O'Day from Danity Kane was on JohnJay & Rich Morning. When asked if she's dating Jesse her response was "He's a nice guy. Yes, him and 4 other guys" (as she giggled) She also went on to say "He's probably dating 4 other girls."

lol Keeping the rumors keep swirling, could have just said Yes or No. (I know she was probably kidding)

pyhpah typerä biaatch! :))))) ^ toi o yhelt fanisivult (;

ps. ostin tänään ihankivan lehden ja super ison ctybaby julkan (:

pps. Told u so & Runnin' <rakas>

pihPerjantai 06.06.2008 11:56

Heräsinpä tänään, PERJANTAINA noin kello 7.05 ._.
Ja VAIN sen takia, koska koirat on tyhmiä

JA tuntuu etten ois nukkunu ollenq yölläkääää. Heräilin koko aja johonq Nöpön haukkuu tai vastaaavaa x_X


turha.Torstai 05.06.2008 16:59

hIHIH Tänääään Viksuuuu tulloo (;; <rakas>

ja joq tulee tnää meille yäks :')))))

<'3Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 23:38

I really love Ryan Cabrera! &lt;sydän&gt;

NYT KIITOS!Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 18:32


Vuonna 2007 "taiteilija" Guillermo Vargas Habacuc otti kadulta kulkukoiran, sitoi koiran taidegalleriaan ja antoi sen nääntyä kuoliaaksi.
Useita päiviä "taiteilija" ja galleriavieraat katsoivat tunteetta tätä "mestariteosta", jonka koiran kuolinkamppailu muodosti. Lopulta koira menehtyi.

Näyttävätkö oheiset kuvat sinusta taiteelta?

Mutta tässä ei vielä ole kaikki: arvostettu taidebiennaali Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American on nyt kutsunut taiteilijan tekemään saman julman performanssin uudelleen tämän vuoden biennaaliin.
Auta pysäyttämään tämä taiteen nimissä tehtävä eläinrääkkäys!

Mene jommalle kummalle seuraavista sivuista: tai
ja allekirjoita vetoomus "taideteoksen" pysäyttämiseksi. Lähetä tämä kirje kaikille tuntemillesi eläinihmisille. Ole kiltti. Allekirjoitus ei luonnollisestikaan maksa mitään ja aikaa siihen kuluu noin 30 sekuntia

IIIIIIIIIIIK!<3Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 01:41

SAAAAAAAIN sen tänääää!

Vast nääin myöhään KIITOS ANNIKAN .__x' typerys :''D

MUT NAM! Lähen kuunteleee sitä nytyntyntytnyt (';&lt;sydän&gt;

perkeleTiistai 03.06.2008 16:34


oon vittu oottaanu koko PÄIVÄN! ._________________X