
auch.Maanantai 03.08.2009 12:01

huvu ha dött o bene e spagetti o ja ha sovi en timma o ja e trött.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.08.2009 01:07

he gave her 12 roses.
11 real and one fake and said,
i'll love you til the last one dies.
loving you is like breathing,
how can i stop?

-,-Sunnuntai 02.08.2009 16:36

miss uSunnuntai 02.08.2009 01:01

and then there was youLauantai 01.08.2009 02:10

echar de menosLauantai 01.08.2009 00:24

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 27.07.2009 03:22

imoron back to rånäs, seeya .
hem kanske på torsda

aahSunnuntai 26.07.2009 23:34

back home <3

<3Lauantai 25.07.2009 02:35

elle oskar aslak becka vivi TACK.
jouhoouu ååll tugeter never shall vi daai!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.07.2009 02:21
