
1. Charismatic leaders, popular with the majority.

2. Poor students, failed businessmen; but with ties to big business.

3. Not elected by a majority, but obtained office by a power grab.

4. Curtailed civil liberties in responce to questionable terrorist attacks, arrested and incarcerated large groups of people based solely on race.

5. Glorified patriotism, controlled the media, and used propaganda to stir up public support.

6. Fervent Christians, treated nation's destiny as religious cause sanctioned by God.

7. Legislated "information awareness" programs and secret police operations to eavesdrop on their people.

8. Pursued recklessly belligerent nationalist foreign policies. Quickly made and broke diplomatic ties, alliances and promises.

9. Improved popularity and justified unprecedented military build-up by bad-mouthing foreign enemies.

10. Promoted militarism while in the midst of economic recessions.

11. Used war preparations to help subsidize defence industries.

12. Propagandized the ruthlessness of enemies in order to justify their own.

13. Messianic ambition for hegemonic world dominance, based on "good vs. evil."

14. Ignored authority of the League of Nations / United Nations, and scrapped international treaties.

15. Routinely lied to further their political, economical and military agendas.

16. Depended on an axis of collaborative allies, to give the impression of having a broad popular alliance.

17. Possessed armed forces much bigger and more effective than those of other nations.

18. Pursued war without cutting back on peacetime economy. Launched unilateral, preemptive invasions as a "potential" threat to national security.

19. Occupied other nations despite united worldwide opposition.

20. Used military strategy of "shock and awe" or "Blitzkrieg", and indiscriminately inflicting high levels of bloodshed.

21. Begun warfare on a single front, then expanded to others.

22. Created illegal detention centers to hold "enemy combatants".

23. Imposed "regime change" by installing puppet governments, reinforced by full-scale military occupation under a military governor.

24. Justified war with excuses based on lies, inaccuracies and falsifications.

25. Profited from the forced work of concentration camp prisoners.

Lainasin tuolta -->

"Post scriptum" -->

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