


wear your smile like a mask ☆

You can run awayTorstai 25.02.2010 01:39

Laita musiikkisoittimesi sekoitukselle.
Joka kysymyksen kohdalla painat seuraavaa biisiä ja vastaat kysymykseen biisin nimellä.
Pistä sitten perään pätkä laulusta, joka sopii mielestäsi siihen.
Mikä laulu kuvaa...

- Elämääsi?
The Hush Sounds - Carry Me Home
"My therapist could never classify conditions
Alright, what's wrong already?
My pharmacist had better fill up my prescriptions
Here, just take two of these and call me in the morning"

- Ystäviäsi?

Death Cab For Cutie - The New Year
"I wish the world was flat like the old days
Then I could travel just by folding a map
No more airplanes or speed trains or freeways
There'd be no distance that could hold us back"

- Perhettäsi?
Family Force 5 - Share It With Me
"Maybe she needs some space
Just a little time alone
Please tell me face to face"

- Ihastustasi/tyttö/poikaystävääsi?
Alexisonfire - Passing Out in America
"No, I won't go, I want to stay here with you"

- Vihollistasi?

Silverstein - If You Could See Into My Soul
"But I'm such a good liar
You can't read the signals
And my lips are sealed
Saying words that deal
Your shame"

- Uskontoasi?
Elliot Minor - The White One Is Evil
"It's all a waste of time"

- Seksuaalisuuttasi?
Marilyn Manson - Unkillable Monster
"You never said I'll end up like this"
(Aika jännä. XD)

- Seksielämääsi?

Madina Lake - Pandora
"The way the sweat drips off your chest
You know that I'm wanting more
The lust, the sex, the heat this sweat
and nothing else matters"

- Persoonallisuuttasi?

Armor For Sleep - Remember to Feel Real
"'Cause you know I change myself to impress whoever happens to be next to me.
But I'm sick of trying so hard.
Waste all your time with me.
I know I'm a mess right now."

- Ulkonäköäsi?

Mew - 156
"In a big big way
I am really small"

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