


JeijKeskiviikko 25.03.2009 19:19

Tilasin lisää vippiä ja seuraava päättymisajankohta on 2.6!! Eli siis ens kerran ku toi paska alkaa taas vinee että nyyh kohta ei enää oo vippei, ni onpaha ainaski kesä perkele!

Go to and look up the following:

·Your name
·Your age
·A friend
·Favorite color
·Last person you talked to
·Where you are right now
·What you're thinking about

a stunning girl who usually knows everything about everything. might be a bit mad but in a good way.
an asiatic person...usually a major babe
eon's bitch

1. A .22 caliber handgun
2. Any rim that measures 22 inches in size
3. Slang term used for women to let you know they are prostitutes.

Tall, nordic, sturdy and steadfast.
A big, strikingly attractive amazon-like woman originating from a nordic or russian type heritage.

1. The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.
2. The feeling when u wake up at 7 in the morning and remembering it's a monday.

1. A person who cares enough about abusive and ungrateful teens to work for crappy pay and long hours while hoping someday students mature enough to realize how lucky they are to have someone who gives a shit about them.
2. Good teachers are people dedicated to the education of students in their classrooms and to the institutions in which they work.
3. A person who works his/her butt off preparing for students and trying to help them get a head start in life. They work for little pay, and are spoken poorly about by people ignorant of their cause. As with all people, some care more than others. But they still do more than the average onlooker observes.
Blaa blaa ei jaksa noita kaikkia:P

A really bad place or building, especially somewhere undesirable to live or work.

1. The end of the work week, most commonly Friday (immediately after work) until Sunday night. Sunday night is the end of the weekend because you have to attempt to fall asleep feeling very depressed, due to another work week ahead.

As the highly anticipated weekend approaches, work efficiency declines. By Friday afternoon, the only work you are doing is planning on which drugs, alcohol, or other activities you will be doing immediately after work.
Most weekends are usually spent completely high on sex, drugs, and alcohol, in order to forget about your personal problems and the past 5 days of hell at work. By the time you come down off your drugs, or finish your activities, the weekend is over and you are left feeling depressed and alone on a Sunday night.
2. The time in which one can enjoy theirself, and maybe have a drink or two.
3. Period from Thursday afternoon to Monday night during which excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs are consumed in attempt to forget the previous four days.

Kurkkusein kosahtaaKeskiviikko 18.03.2009 17:05

Voi vattu voisko nää kaikki flunssat jo loppuu?
Ammusta asti on kurkku ollu ihan pirun kipee.
Onneks oven avaus oli 0e.
Väsyttääki perkeleesti. Onneks tänään saa ihan hyvällä omallatunnolla syödä jääbelöö.
Kylmä on hyväks tulehtuneelle kurkulle.
Ainaki paree ois olla.

Kesä tulee <3Sunnuntai 08.03.2009 15:11

Näin äsken partsilla KÄRPÄSEN!!
Se oli kai just vasta kuoriutunu ku se oli ihan kohmeessa ja se suki siipiään kokoajan. Siinä se lämmitteli tiiliseinällä auringon valossa^^.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 06.03.2009 19:01

Ja yötä yksin kulkee kaksonen
maailman loppuun asti miettien
mikä on outo tunne rinnassaan
ei raukka rakkautta tunnista

Kun toinen riutuu pois, heikkenee
niin toinen miettii miksi pahenee
tuo outo tunne polon rinnassa
ei raukka rakkautta tunnista

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.03.2009 10:20

"Kuta julumempi mies, sen pienempi mulukku. Kuta pienempi mies, sen julumempi mulukku."
Hirveen kivasti sanottu^^

pikkujoulut on pop.Perjantai 28.11.2008 15:34

koska ne on taas?

Lunta jumalautaSunnuntai 23.11.2008 19:15

Sitä tulee nimittäin vaakatasossa.
Kuka tahtoo ykköseksi mun ystävälistalle? Se ei paljoa vaadi. Nimittäin pipon.
Mä tahdon pipon. En vaan itaruudessani raaski sellasta ostaa.

No sviduKeskiviikko 05.11.2008 21:21

Miks pit olla kipee ku on erikoistehostekurssi. :(
Jos en tuu huomenna, oon kuollu kuumeeseen. Vlittk terkut kanervalle kaverit.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.10.2008 14:18

Jööööööööööööö mä kuolen.