
kylmää faktaaSunnuntai 23.11.2008 14:17

jos tosta kasvat vielä suuremmaksi,
ei sulle riitä edes tilataksi.

the coreTiistai 04.11.2008 18:03

Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours

MojoSunnuntai 26.10.2008 21:54

once again
i got exceited
there was anything
to be excited for.

once again
i got to be disappointed.

i just don't get it,
what has changed?

there was a time
when got what i wanted.
nowadays i just swing
and miss.
every single time.

i wish i knew
what to do.
coz i know
i wouldn't throw
it away again.

coz nowadays
i know to
appreciate it.

come on,
let me hit it once!

played only quality handsSunnuntai 26.10.2008 21:46

AA vs Q8o preflop allin
flop 765
turn 4
river 6
Q8o wins

play only quality handsLauantai 18.10.2008 15:17

sotaratsu is all-in
sotaratsu shows high card king
j4r3k11 shows two pairs, kings and queens


welcome to the sammy showTorstai 09.10.2008 01:07

come here 'n gamble
let's throw the dice
and let it roll

pick a card
and guess
if it's
red or black
small or big
paint or no paint

hit the right river
choose the right color
throw the right count
and get the thrill
of gambling

normal people
can never understand
how does the mind
of a gambler work

gamblers mind
doesn't hate losing
it hates safety

c'mon baby,
let's go to the casino

on vain yksi oikeaLauantai 27.09.2008 05:33

huomenna alkaa
ehkä retki viimeinen

kaikkeni lupaan antaa
ja pää ylhäällä
tulen kaatumaan
osana suurta legendaa

ikuisesti tulen olemaan kiitollinen
iloista ja suruista
olen saanut kokea

jos tämä on lopun alku
niin haluan
ainaki jättää oven auki
tuleville mestareille
joita toivottavasti riittää

kokemukseni ovat tatuoitu
sieluuni ja sydämeeni

paljon olen velkaa
ja toivottavasti
nyt saan maksaa
osani siitä velasta takaisin

hey thereKeskiviikko 10.09.2008 02:49

listen to my voice, it's my disguise
i'm by your side

MixtapeLauantai 06.09.2008 08:34

Winter -05:
How did we ever get this way?

Winter -06:
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said
it would be this hard
take me back to the start.

Summer -07:
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella.

Summer -08:
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours.

Bubbling under:
I met this girl when I was three years old
And what I loved most she had so much soul.
From that point I never blow her off.

high hopesMaanantai 01.09.2008 04:38

this time
i'm out of my league
but i can't help myself
it would be
too good to be true

i have to
give myself a small chance
but i think
it's more likely
that a meteorite strikes me
than i get
what i want

i promise
that if i get it
i won't let go
no matter what

i'll hold on 'til the bitter end
except this time
it ain't gonna happen
there's not gonna be
an ending

in case
there's a start...