


too cool for ya anyways

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.03.2008 01:44

kerroin äidille miten pettyny oon ihmisiin ja et oon periaattees istunu kotona oottaen et luvatut asiat toteutuu ni se kysy et no missäs on umar. sit kerroin et sen kans just oonki istunu ja ihmetelly missä jutut viipyy ni sen vastaus oli et " kurja juttu " eikä mitään muuta. kiitos :D

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 21:58

Sunday, Mar 23, 2008 Your willingness to take care of all your duties and obligations is bound to impress people and help you to earn the respect of others right now. Other people are likely to take note of your dedication and effort today. And this could really help you out if you've been looking to get ahead.

This could turn out to be one of your better days of the month. Whatever you find yourself doing today, youÂ’re likely to be willing to work very hard at accomplishing something right now.


LOL voin sanoo et aika päinvastoin

arghSunnuntai 23.03.2008 21:13

1. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?

2. Does a kiss make you feel better?
usually... depends a lot on who kisses and how, in what situation, though

3. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
nope, but almost

4. Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in?
well as I'm getting in, so I guess I should say before, since I start the water just before I'm in?

5. What did you do today?

6. Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower?

7. Have you had more than 1 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time?
no, see, if I had, I'd be easy and a slut, but if I was a boy I'd be THE MAN and it would be perfectly ok. since I'm not a man, of course I haven't had many boyfriends, I wouldn't want to be easy now would I.

8. Have you ever thought about your death?
who hasn't

9. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
right now? I don't know.. I don't really feel like I belong anywhere.

10. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field?

11. What is your favorite sport to watch?
not a fan of watching sports that much..

12. What color is your shower curtain?
don't have one

13. Have you ever had stitches?
yup and they grew into my skin. nice experience I tell you.

14. How long ago did you hug someone?
well I kind of hugged umar in the morning I guess.. if that counts really since it was when we were sleeping

15. Does it take a lot to make you cry?
sometimes it's amazing how easy it is

16. Are you close with your mom?

17. Do you wish you were famous?
Not really. I mean sometimes it might be nice, there are obviously good sides but I guess in the end there's more of the downsides.

18. WhatÂ’s your favorite song at the moment?

19. What are you doing tomorrow?
school <3<3 BLAAH

20. Wanting to tell someone something?
YES but don't know how + I don't know if there's any point in telling because I'm just a stupid girl so I'd be just "tripping"

21. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?

22. Have you ever run over an animal?
not really

23. Whats your favorite cereal?
don't have any favourites

24. Have you ever had an hot chocolate with marshmallows?

25. What are you doing this moment?
nothing besides sulking in my room and doing this stupid thing

26. Would you kiss someone of the same sex for 5 euros?
depends on who I'd have to kiss..

27. WhereÂ’s your favorite place to be?
where the fun is

28. WhatÂ’s your favorite song?
not answering..

29. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker?

30. Have you ever climbed to a roof?

31. Do you dream much?

32. Do you snore?

33. Have you ever thought about being a model?
I've thought about how it would be but not actually being one

34. What do you think about racism?
the worst excuse of disliking other people and trying to make yourself feel better about your own pathetic nonsucceeding's really selfcentered

35. Funniest thing you heard today?
"It's because I'm sick, that's all, I'm sorry, ok"

36. What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of losing people which obviously always happens at some point

37. Do you like someone?
yes.. I think it would be easier not to

38. Ever been in love?
I think now I am

39. What does love mean to you?
Love means caring and putting someone else before you, not even doing it conciously. it is something you can't fully explain, it just happens.

40. Believe in love at first sight?
i don't think LOVE can happen at first sight... but immeadiate attraction, maybe a promise of "this-could-be-something". I've experinced that so I believe in it.

pöllin lj:sta:

1. What is your most guilty pleasure?
eating for sure + shopping

2. Do you plan ahead of time, or do you prefer spontaneity?
I plan spontaneously :D

3. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
well... who isn't?

4. Are you having an existential crisis?
not really... maybe a bit more than ever before but at this moment I can't really say I am.

5. What was the last book you read for pleasure and would you recommend it?
I don't really remember any REALLY good books I could recommend right now.. my mind is all blank

6. Which artist reminds you most of your childhood?
Boybands like BSB, Five, Hanson, XL5... :D of course also all the girl groups like Spice Girls

7. Is there anything that made you unhappy recently?
yep, my beloved boyfriend and our shared friends

8. What do you want most in life?

9. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins do you think you relate to the most & why?
I'm too lazy and love to eat too much..

10.Who is currently the most important person to you?
now that I think of it, I really can't say. right this moment, I feel quite alone :(

11. What are your political views?
my political view is that I HATE POLITICS.

12. If you could keep any animal for a pet, what would you keep?
dooooggy dogs are so sweet :)

13. Do you have a motto?
hakuna matata is something I try to follow, my dad always teaches me that :) He is such a disney character, he is really like baloo :D :D

14. What do you think your friendships represent or say about you? I'm not asking what your FRIENDS say about you, but the choice of people you surround yourself with; what do you think that indicates about your personality?
well... I don't really care. I hope people see that I love my friends,they are like me, we have fun, we want to be ourselves no matter what the others think about it. I think it shows too. we don't care if other people don't understand it.

15. Do you have an all time favourite song?

16. What sort of drunk are you?
I don't know.. never been REALLY drunk.. I guess it all depends on the mood and the situations, as always.. if someone is drunk, I think it just makes situations and reactions to them a bit more extreme.

17. Name a talent that you wish you had.
be really good in something that I'm interested in

18. Out of all the places you have traveled to, which is your favourite city?
well for example Reno, it was really nice

19. Do you believe in soul mates?
at some level, yes

20. List three things you want to do before you die and why.
- I want to be really in love and to be loved in return
- I want to do something good for people, especially for the ones I love, it doesn't have to be anything that big (I mean I'm not talking about Nobel level :D)
- I want to be regarded as a person who is loving, caring and tries to take everyone into consideration before acting. a good person.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.03.2008 19:34

oonko joskus sanonu jotain sen suuntasta et jätkät on paljon rennompia kavereina ja muutenki? no, tällä hetkellä vois melkeenpä perua sanansa.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.03.2008 17:14

ai nii karon kaveri oli nahny unta jossa oli umar ja ku se ei muistanu milta umar nayttaa ni se naytti siina unessa ihan akonilta :D :D :D :D :D katjaki naki unta jossa oli tavallaan umar, ei silleen mut periaattees kuitenkin ;D hassuu. ku umar kuuli naista ni se sano et ooooo what's going on with me :D :D ja sit ku kerroin katjan unesta ni se sano silleen et well... dreams have a meaning.
oon poikien luona ja opetin umarille vahan naisten biologiaa (siis kuukautiskierrosta ja tallasista jutuista) ja se oli ihan innoissaan et jeeee opin juttuja siistii sa opetat mulle ni nyt ymmarran naisten juttujaki vahan paremmin :D se oppi kaikkee ihan ovulaatiosta kuukautisvuotoon ja et miten hedelmoitys tapahtuu ja noi perusjutut, niilla ei oo kovin tarkkaan koulussa kayty koskaan niita. aika hassuu ku suomes tollaset kaydaan monta kertaa lapi ja aika nuorena jo ekan kerran.

sit ne taas pakkosyotti mulle vaik mita ranskiksii ja paahtoleipaa suklaalla ku se lupas sallalle et pitaa musta huolta :D voi voi ei se ehka tollasella ruokavaliolla onnistu. sen jalkeen oon tassa seuraillu miten se SIIVOAA. taa on oikeesti kiehtovaa, toi on ihmeen siisti ihminen vaikkei sita ehka kampan kunnosta ihan aina uskoiskaan :D se aina silittaa vaatteensa ja tiskailee lauantaisin (ainakin) ja nytki se on jo puol tuntii imuroinu tata olohuonetta ja eteista :D sulosta. kohta kai lahetaan shoppailee VIHDOIN. en kyl tiia mita siita tulee mut ENIVEIS mennaan niin ku on puhuttu oooooo jotain viis kuukautta ehka.

cok güzel etten sanoisPerjantai 21.03.2008 00:59

oon niin ylpee! tein term paperin valmiiks tänään vaik pitäs palauttaa vasta maanantaina!!! vähän oon HYVÄ

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 20.03.2008 19:56

tiiättekö millanen ääni lähtee nigerialaisesta miehestä kun laittaa tosi kylmän käden sen paidan alle? suosittelen kokeilemaan, siitä riittää viihdettä pariks tunniks eteen päin :D :D
Maalaa munasi ja voita!

Pääsiäisen kunniaksi IRC-Gallerian ylläpito järjestää munanmaalausilpailun! Ota kuva maalaamastasi pääsiäismunasta ja osallistu kilpailuun Maalaa munasi! -yhteisössä. Yhteisössä voit myös äänestää parhaita ehdotuksia, joiden joukosta valitsemme voittajat.

Kilpailuun voit osallistua 25.3. asti.

Ylläpito toivottaa kaikille munarikasta pääsiästä!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 18.03.2008 19:54

Jenna sanoo:
no on kyllä kumma jollei tajua.

sweetz sanoo:
again: mies

sweetz sanoo:
correction: mies pilvessä

sweetz sanoo:
täydellinen yhdistelmä

Jenna sanoo:
cok güzel!

sweetz sanoo:
cok cok cok COK güzel

Jenna sanoo:

sweetz sanoo:
cok cok cok cok COK BANZA