


too cool for ya anyways

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.05.2009 02:20

[½] My fingernails/toenails are always painted
[ ] During the summer pretty much the only shoes I wear are flip flops
[ ] My favorite toy as a child were barbies
[ ] My favorite color is pink or purple
[1½] I did gymnastics
[2½] I love skirts
[ ] Hollister is my favorite place to shop
[ ] Tight jeans are the only jeans I'll wear
[3½] I love chocolate

[ ] I straighten my hair
[ ] I have at least 8 Facebook pictures
[4½] I usually go shopping once a week (I don't have any money tho)
[5½] I love to hang out with friends
[6½] I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace
[ ] I've gone to a tanning salon
[ ] I've gone to the beach to tan - not to swim
[probably by now :D 7½] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes
[7½] I watch either The OC, Laguna Beach OR Desperate Housewives
[ ] I change my profile weekly
[8½] I have worn a shower cap

[ ] I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic
[9½] My cell phone might as well become a part of me
[10½] I wear mascara everyday
[11½] I've been or am on a diet
[ ] Bathing suits are adorable
[ ] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat
[12] Big sunglasses are hot
[13] I have gotten my nails done
[14] I own over 10 purses
[ ] MuchMusic is my one of my favorite channels

[15] I like to talk about boys
[16] I love to have other people do my hair
[18] I like to give and receive hugs from all my friends
[19] I hate bugs
[20] Carnivals are so fun!
[21] Summer is THE best season
[22] My swimsuit has 2 pieces
[ ] I'm waiting for my knight in shining armor
[23] Musicians are hot (not all of them!)
[ ] You write me a poem and tell me I'm beautiful and I'm all yours

[24] I'm self-conscious
[25] I cry often
[ ] My room smells like vanilla
[26 :D] My dishes get washed more then once a week
[ ] I don't do sports
[ ] I HATE to run
[27] I squeal when I am surprised or angry
[ ] I eat dried fruit as a snack
[ ] I love romance novels
[ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute

[29] I dance a lot
[ ] I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house
[ ] I only have like 5 billion hair products
[30] I love to get dressed up
[ ] Every part of my outfit needs to match
[31] I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends
[32] I'd love to have a photo shoot of myself
[ ] Price on clothes hardly matters
[ ] I apply lip gloss 50 times a day
[ ] I wish I were a model

[ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton
[ ] I have been something that was slutty on Halloween
[ ] R&B is the best music
[ ] I pop my collar
[ ] Guys with Mohawks are GROSS!
[33] Horses are beautiful
[ ] I'd rather not pay attention in school
[ ] Cats are adorable

[ ] I write my own music
[34] I would love to visit Hawaii
[depends..34½] Valentine's day is so cute!
[ ] White is better than black
[ ] I wouldn't be caught dead in all black
[35½.. but nothing that fits! :D :D ] My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes
[36] I hate the grunge look of a beard
[37] I love to read magazines.

[38] I love to gossip
[ ] I had Lisa Frank folders, posters as a kid
[ ] I love Celine Dion
[ ] My baths are 2 hours long
[ ] My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned
[ ] My friends and I are in a strict group. We mostly only hang out with each other
[39] I like kids
[ ] Diet drinks are the best
[ ] I'm all about being vegetarian
[ ] I refuse to eat at McDonald's.

[40] I check my facebook everyday.
[40½] I love life!
[41½] I have a lot of jewelry
[ ] Claires has cheap jewelry
[ ] My screen names has x's in them
[ ] Either one of my msn names has/had <3's in them
[ ] I would never want to be the opposite sex
[ ] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed

Less than 40: Not girly
40-55: Girly
More than 50: Paris Hilton
Johanna Tukiainen:

"Me ollaan Tonyn (Halme) kanssa samaa mieltä melkein kaikesta, minäkin inhoan neekereitä. Pahimmat sairaudet tulee Afrikasta, hivit ja ebolat, ne on vaan niin alkukantaisia ihmisiä, Tuksu tiedotti Viihdeuutisten mukaan.

- Vaaleaihoiset ihmiset on vaan älykkäämpiä ja rikkaampia, ylemmällä tasolla.

Myöhemmin blondi kauhisteli sanomisiaan.

- Voi ei, toi oli kyllä rotuopillinen kauhea kommentti, hän sanoi, ja lisäsi, että tummaihoisissa on kyllä hyviä rap-artisteja. "
Onneksi nyt kuitenkin niistä on edes rapartisteiksi hei, hyvä pelastus Tuksu!! :D

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 15:57

todella ällö olo. eilen jo pyörrytti ja huippas tosi paljon mut nyt se alko taas, tällä kertaa töissä ja heti syömisen jälkeen.. kiva kun kaikki numerot ja kirjaimet vaan hyppii silmissä kun ei saa tarkennettua mihinkään ja tulee paha olo :(

en oikeen tajua miksi ku oon syönykin ihan ok nyt et ei pitäs olla sillasesta. ehkä stressi jotenki purkautuu näin? inhaa joka tapauksessa :(

uusi tukka!Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 00:00

Bad joke alert:Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 14:02

"How do you wake up Lady GaGa? You poke her face!"

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.04.2009 11:58

nukuttaa ihan sairaasti ja on tosi nätit pussit silmien alla... selkeesti tällästä se on ku ikää tulee.

muahahahhaTiistai 28.04.2009 11:44

laitoin tänään hameen ja korkkarit, ja ku kävelin tota tietä tänne töihin (vieressä menee aika vilkas autotie) niin oli niin naurettavaa nähdä miten moni rekkakuski ja muu vastaava oikeen hyppäs kiinni ikkunaan. ei se nyt varmaan niiiin erikoista ole jos on hame päällä?