


too cool for ya anyways

Forty-random-questions:Perjantai 10.02.2006 21:58

1. Are you wearing a necklace?
a) yes.

2. Does your computer have a mouse?
a) Yeah.

3. Who is the 1 main person you talk to in each of your classes?
a) katja

4. Do you have a cut in your nose?
a) No.

5. Are you rich?
a) No.

6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house?
a) 3 + a room for guests

7. What song are you listening to?
a) dance,dance-fall out boy.

8. What's the last mall you went to?
a) ummÂ…letÂ’s say Mylly

9. Are you alone?
a)I wish I was.

10. Do you have any older siblings?
a) Yeah.

11. What is the last thing you ate?
a) salmiac.

12. Who was the last person to come over your house?
a) Katja.

13. Who was the last person that called you?
a) some guy from a bank.

14. Who was the last person you texted?
a) mum.

15. What time is it?
a) 7:55 PM.

16. What should you be doing?
a) Nothing.

17. Who is the last person you imed? :
a) -

18. Did you go out to eat yesterday?
a) nope.

19. What are you thinking right now?:
a) “It’s Friday and I’m at home alone. WHY???”

20. What color is your shirt?
a) Green.

21. What color is your keyboard?
a) black.

22. What do you feel like eating?
a) Nothing.

23. Are you in college?
a) nah

24. What is the last word you wrote?
a) nah.

25. Are you bored?
a) Uh-huh. *sigh*

26. How many teeth do you have?
a) All of them :D

27. Miss anyone right now?
a) Yup.

28. Do you wear glasses?
a) yup

29. What color are your shoes?
a) Black.

30. Are your toes painted?
a) Nah.

31. Last thing you drank?
a) Coca Cola.

32. Last word you typed?
a) Cola.

33. Wanna go to sleep?
a) Nah, not really.

34. Who do you hate?
a) Depends..

35. Do you have a crush?

36. What time is it now?
a) 7:58 PM.

37. What are you looking at?
a) My computer screen.

38. What's the last word you said?

39. Do you have lipgloss on?
a) Nup. Lip BALM.

40. Do you have eyeliner on?
a) nope.

Three ThingsTorstai 09.02.2006 16:37

Three things that scare me:
1: mj :D
2: future
3: some dolls. (like some Ventriloquist dolls or porcelain dolls.)

Three people who make me laugh:
1: Katja (tähän lasketaan sitten kummatkin :D)
2: Senja
3: Jenny

Three Things I love:
1: My friends.
2: My mp3
3: My band tees.

Three Things I hate:
1: Anything to do with math.
2: umm...when people just can't get over the fact that I'm right and they're wrong :D :D
3: Homophobes, rasist/sexist people, jackasses.

Three things I don't understand:
1: Why all the cool things happen so that I can't possibly be involved.
2: Why I have to attend the religion course even though I don't have school anymore
3: Why I don't get math or chemistry.

Three things on my desk:
1: loads of papers
2: a valentine's day gift from Rovaniemi <3.
3: CD's.

Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Typing.
2: Being bored.
3: Preparing to leave to go get the dl.

Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Travel the world
2: khrm..katjas, the house ;D
3: Travel with a band. [Not, NOT as a groupie].

Three things I can do:
1: I can do this funny sound (like a 'kukkopilli') with my hands by blowing (hard to explain)
2: Talk. Too much.
3: Breath ("se oliki mun hengitys!!!")

Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Shy with new people, not as much as it used to be, though.
2: Sarcastic.
3: Odd.

Three things I can't do:
1: Fly, sadly.
2: Touch my nose with my tongue.
3: Play anything as good as I'd like to.

slogan generator tietää KAIKENTorstai 09.02.2006 16:13

No-One Does Chicken Like Saara.
-no sitä oon aina sanonu.

Hope It's Saara, It's Saara, We Hope It's Saara...
-nimmarit myöhemmin, kiitos.

(on muuten pervo generaattori. yleisen mielenterveyden säilyttämiseksi sensuroin muutaman,mutta ihan esimerkkinä: It's DIFFERENT in Saara.)

If You Like A Lot Of Saara On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.
- there's a club????!!!! O_O

The Coolest Saara on Ice.

Only Saara Has The Answer.
-niin. siinäs näette, en ole ainoa joka on tätä mieltä.

Clunk Click, Every Saara.

The Joy of Saara.
-everlasting :D

Nothing Acts Faster Than Saara.
-...when she notices a cd she has been hunting for weeks.

minäkin juttelin oraakkelin kanssa.Keskiviikko 08.02.2006 19:07

Saanko sen pinssikoneen?
-Et. Äläkä kinua

No miksen?
-Älä esitä viatonta, olet kyllä ansainnut rangaistuksesi.

Siis miten niin?
-Juuri niin.

No just. Pitäsköhän mun lukea huomiseen saksan kokeeseen?
-Elä, sillä se voi olla vaarallista.

Sitähän minäkin. Ootko muuten koskaan ollu MCR:n keikalla?
-En, mutta sinä olet.

No enkä ole! Olen kyllä menossa.
-Musta sun ei ole turvallista saada tietää.

Tietää mitä?
-Tunteitani sinua kohtaan.

Joo ehkä en halua tietää. Tunteesi ovat varmasti oikein lämpimiä.

Tekeekö sunkin mieli suklaata?
-No ei todellakaan, katsopas tarkemmin.

Liikakiloja...joo. monen ongelma.
-Hei onksulla kotisivuja? Url?

No ei.
-Oletko nyt varma että kirjoitit jotain?

-Taidat nukkua, vai?

No hemmetti saa sitä nyt väsynyt olla!
-Vastaukseni on ei.

No pidä vastaukses.
-Vastaukseni on kyllä.

Päättäisit jo.
-Enpä olisi kovinkaan varma.

No etpä ilmeisesti. Joko lopetetaan?
- Ehdottomasti ei.

- OK.

Survey timeeee.Keskiviikko 08.02.2006 18:50

x What is your first name?: Saara
x What is your middle name?: Maria
x What is your zodiac sign?: Capricorn

-L-O-O-K- -A-T- -M-E-
x What is your natural hair color?: Dirty blond
x What is your current hair color?: Dyed brown.
x What color are your eyes?: Blue.
x Piercings?: Ears...
x Tattoos?: I want some.
x Long or Short Hair?: Long.
x Straight or Curly?: straight
x How tall are you?: 168cm
x What is your shoe size?: 38-39.

-C-U-R-R-E-N-T-L-Y- -W-E-A-R-I-N-G
x What shirt are you wearing?: a stripy top and a yeallow hoodie.
x What kind of pants are you wearing?: jeans.
x Socks?: umm...lime :D
x Underwear?: white
x Necklaces?: yup.
x Bracelets?: None.
x Mascara?: yes.
x Eyeliner?: none.

-T-H-I-S- -O-R- -T-H-A-T-
x Rock or Rap?: R-O-C-K!
x Coffee or Hot Cocoa?: Cocoa.
x Baseball or Softball?: Neither.
x Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream?: Chocolate.
x Hummer or Sports Car?: as long as it is a car that works.
x Into Guys or Girls?: Guys please.
x Bracelets or Necklace?: necklace.
x Pink or Purple?: Uhh... depends on what's colored.
x History or Science?: Neither.
x Sleep in or Early to rise?: SLEEP IN.
x Beach or Boardwalk?: Beach.
x Hoodie or Tee Shirt?: Hoodie.
x Night Or Day?: Night!
x High School or College: High school is all right... but I'm looking forward to college.
x White or Black: Black.
x Jeans or Capris?: Jeans.
x Love or Fun?: Both.
x California or Florida?: Cali. Haven't been to Florida so... :)
x Simple Plan or Good Charlotte?: Neither.

-H-A-V-E- -Y-O-U- -E-V-E-R-

x Hugged someone?: what question is this? OF COURSE.
x Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Haha yeah.
x Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours?: Definately.
x Flashed anyone?: Nah.
x Got chased by the police?: Nope.
x Got detention?: not that I can think of.
x Went to Juvy?: Nope.
x Dumped someone?: Nup.
x Got Dumped?: Nup.
x Rejected someone?: Yep.
x Skipped School: yes. well not before upper-secondary school.
x Skipped a Class: Yeah.

-T-H-E- -L-A-S-T-
x Person you talked to in person? anssi.
x Person you talked to online?: katja.
x Person you talked to on the phone?: No idea. some woman from the bank.
x Thing you drank?: coce.
x Thing you laughed at?: katja :D (naantalin)
x Thing you cried at?: Dunno...maybe my grandma
x Person you kissed?: pyry or joel
x Person you told you loved them?: check the last one.

x Do you like surveys?: Yep.
x What kind of shampoo do you use?: don't even know at the moment...
x Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down
the road?: Sometimes.
x Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: Sorta.
x Do you get along with your parents?: usually.
x Are you old enough to vote?: oh yes.
x Are you sad: Yes.
x Do you have mental breakdowns?: Sometimes. :D
x Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't
have to go to school?: Of course...
x Do you have a cell phone?: Yep.
x Do you miss someone?: Yes.
x What are you going to do after this survey is done? be bored.
x Are you done with this survey?: I am now :D

100 QsMaanantai 06.02.2006 17:21

1. Full name: Saara Maria Pirhonen
2. Nick Names: "that-freak-what's-it's-name"
3. Birthday: December 24th
4. Place of birth: Finland
5. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
6. Male or Female: Female.

13. Hair Length: about shoulder-lenght
14. Eye color: blue.
15. Best Feature: You tell me.
16.Height: 158cm
17. Braces?: Nope.
18.Glasses?: yup
20.Piercings?: 3. [ears].
21. Righty or Lefty: Right

___Your 'Firsts'___

22.First best friend: Iida
23. First Award: Soccer. Oh wait...there was this running thing...I dunno
24. First Sport You Joined: Soccer.
26. First Real Vacation: can't remember
27. First Concert: propably Kirka or something even more embarrassing :D :D
28. First Crush: Uhh.... Don't remember.

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: too many to name...let's say PotC for one
30. TV Show: Lost, Alias, Las Vegas, that 70's Show,O.C., Queer Eye for Straight Guy,C.S.I.,24 MY GOD THERE'S MANY.
32. Rocker: Hmmm......that's a hard one
33. Band: MCR, The Used,Fall Out Boy, Smak... Senses Fail, too many to name...check my 'yhteisöt'
35. Friends: The true ones.
36. Candy: chokolate, salmiac
37. Sport(s) to Play: baseball, basket ball...many
38. Restaurant: None.
39. Favorite brand to wear: I don't really lable...
40. Store: none
41. Favorite subject: um...languages
42. Animal: petteri :D
43. Book: again..too many
44. Magazine: the foreign ones
45. Shoes: Converse.

___ Right Now___

46. Feeling Right Now?: bored and very stupid and beginning to panic
47. Single or Taken? Single.
48. Have a crush: not really
49. Eating: Nothing.
50. (Somebody forget to get this one! STUPID IDIOTS.)
51. Typing: Yes.
52. Online: How would I be doing this if I wasn't?
53. Listening To: nothing
54. Thinking About: How I wish life were easier
56. Watching: um...the computer screen? :D d'uh
57. Wearing: black the Used-hoodie and jeans with the Breakfast Monkey - thingie


58. Want Kids? maybe someday
59. Want to be Married?: Yes and No. Yes because I love the thought of being with/commited to someone, and No because I wouldn't want him to turn out a jerk and end up like my parents have.
60. Careers in Mind: -
61. Where do you want to live?: Anywhere but here.
62. Car: As long as it has 4 wheels and works.

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: Dark is always gorgeous, but either way...
64. Hair length: I don't mind.
65. Eye color: Doesn't Matter.
66. Measurements: Excuse me?
67. Cute or Sexy: Either, but I like cute. =)
68. Face or Body: Mind. I like people for who they are, not what they look like.
69. Hugs or Kisses: both :)
70. Short or Tall: Taller! Like, it doesn't really matter, but I love tall guys.
71. Easygoing or serious: Both at different times.
72. Romantic or Spontanious: Both, different times.
74. Sensitive or Loud: Both. :D
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship.
76. Sweet or Caring: If you're sweet, chances are, you're caring too.
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Trouble maker. Muaahaha. With boundries of corse.

___Have you ever____

78. Kissed a Stranger: Nope.
79. Had Alcohol: Yeah.
80. Smoked: Nup. & I'm proud.
81. Ran Away From Home: Yes.
82. Broken a bone: not really
83. Got an X-ray: Definately.
85. Broken Someones Heart: I hope not
86. Broken Up With Someone: Nope.
87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes.
88. Cried At School: Yes.

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: Yes. Kinda.
90. miracles: Definately.
91. Love At First sight: Maybe.
92. Ghosts: Of corse.
93. Aliens: Think so.
94. Soul Mates: I'm not sure.
95. Heaven: Yes.
96. Hell: well...I dunno
97. Angels: ^ maybe
98. Kissing on The First Date: I guess. *shrug* DEPENDS
99. Horoscopes: not really

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't have? Isn't there for everyone? I believe there is.

:)Maanantai 06.02.2006 16:54

Jos luet tätä, jos silmäsi liikkuvat juuri tällä hetkellä näiden sanojen yli, ole kiltti ja kirjoita kommentti, jossa on muisto sinusta ja minusta, vaikka emme edes puhuisi usein. Se voi olla ihan mitä tahansa haluat - hyvää tai huonoa. Kun olet tehnyt tämän, laita tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi ja ylläty (tai kauhistu) siitä, mitä ihmiset muistavatkaan sinusta.

Honestly.Torstai 02.02.2006 22:51

1. Honestly, are you in love right now?


2. Honestly, what color is your underwear?

black - light blue

3. Honestly, whats on your mind right now?

mcr-gift :)

4. Honestly, what are you doing right now?

trying to get my ass up and go to sauna

5. Honestly, what did you do today?

an exam and shopped.

6. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?


7. Honestly, have you done something bad today?

I guess not.

8. Honestly, do you watch disney channel?

I did when I was in Nevada but no, I don't have it here.

9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?


10. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?

music, friends....a lot of things.

11. Honestly, do you bite your nails?


12. Honestly, what is your mood right now?

pretty good :)

13. Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?

katja, jenny....MCR :D :D

14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?

yes. Once I ate all my brothers candy even though I said I didn't :O

15. Honestly, do you hate someone right now?


16. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?


17. Honestly, are you in denial?

no :D :D okay, yes.

18. Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?


19. Honestly, who would you like to have sex with right now?

hahahha :D :D Like I'd tell you :D

20. Honestly, do you like someone?

maybe...well yes ofcourse I like someone but depends what you mean by that question :)

21. Honestly, does anyone like you?

I hope so, but if not, I don't think I care that much.

22. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?


23. Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?

honestly, do you really have to ask that???

IN MY ROOM........Torstai 02.02.2006 18:22

How many windows are in your room?: One.

What color are your walls?: yellow and light yellow

Hardwood floors or carpet?: plastic carpet O_o yuk

Do you get ready for the day in your room or bathroom?: Both.

What kind of bed do you have?: um....bed?

How many pillows do you have?:at the moment, only 3
Is your room big?: I'd like a bigger one...or not necessarily bigger but different shaped

Is it clean?: NO! Faaaar from it.

Do you have the following in your room:

[x] desk
[ ] more than 3 sources of light
[x] phone
[x] chair
[x] book shelf
[x] dresser
[ ] TV
[x] CD player/stereo
[ ] bean bag chair
[ ] computer/laptop
[x] posters/paintings/pictures
[ ] walk in closet
[ ] large mirror
[x] bed
[ ] drumset
[ ] bathroom
[x] clock
[x] clothes on the floor
[x] box of tissues
[ ] guitar
[ ] amplifier
[ ] lava lamp
[ ] smoke detector
[ ] piano/keyboard
[x] bin
[ ] locking door
[ ] can of soda
[ ] bottle of water
[ ] coffee table
[ ] X box
[ ] Play Station 2
[ ] Game Cube
[ ] X box 360

LONDON!!!!Keskiviikko 01.02.2006 23:17

Holy shit! Festivaalille Lontooseen kavereiden kesken...onko parempaa???