


too cool for ya anyways

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 06.08.2007 21:42


strokesilllltMaanantai 06.08.2007 21:13

[vesieläin lasketaan merenneidoks x] Olen merenneito
[x] Hiukseni ovat punaiset
[ ] Silmäni ovat sinivihreät
[ ] Ystäviini kuuluvat mm. rapu ja kala
[ ] Pelkään erästä ilkeää naista
[x] Olen luottavainen ja rohkea
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Maan päällä on paljon mukavampaa!"
yht. 3

AURORA (Prinsessa Ruusunen)
[x] Olen kuninkaallista syntyperää
[ ] Hiukseni ovat vaaleat
[x] Silmäni ovat siniset
[x] Minulla on 3 hyvää ystävätärtä
[/] Olen romanttinen ja hienostunut
[x] Laulan mielelläni
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Ja he elivät onnellisina elämänsä loppuun."
yht. 4½

[ ] Olen köyhästä perheestä
[ ] Hiukseni ovat ruskeat
[ ] Silmäni ovat ruskeat
[x] Luen paljon
[ ] Pelkäsin aluksi jotakin henkilöä, kunnes opin tuntemaan hänen todellisen luonteensa
[x] Olen seikkailunhaluinen uneksija
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Näkyvätkö tähdet silmissäni?"
yht. 2

[ ] Olen kaikkien komenneltavissa
[ ] Hiukseni ovat vaaleat
[x?] Silmäni ovat kirkkaansiniset
[ ] Ystäviini kuuluvat mm. kaksi hiirtä
[x] Olen iloinen ja ahkera
[ ] Inhoan äitipuoltani (ja/tai sisarpuoliani)
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Vaikka sydän itkisi, ole luottavainen, niin kaikki toiveesi toteutuvat."
yht. 2

[ ] Olen sulttaanin tytär
[ ] Hiukseni ovat mustat
[ ] Silmäni ovat ruskeat
[ ] Parhaita ystäviäni ovat lemmikkitiikerini sekä poikaystäväni
[ ] Olen rohkea ja tulinen
[x] Olen tottunut ottamaan ohjat käsiini
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Ruusut tuoksuvat, uneksin lentämisestä - ilmassa on rakkautta"
yht. 1

[ ] Olen rohkea poikatyttö
[ ] Hiukseni ovat mustat ja ne on kierretty sykerölle ja sidottu puikoilla
[ ] Silmäni ovat tummat ja mystiset
[x] Lemmikkieläimeni ovat parhaita ystäviäni
[x] Pelkään tuottavani häpeää perheelleni
[ ] Olen peloton seikkailija
[x] Lempilauseeni on: "Ne jotka kuuntelevat sydäntään, nousevat kunniaan."
yht. 3

[NO EN TIIÄ OONKO MUT OON PRINSESSA] Olen intiaanipäällikön tytär
[ ] Hiukseni ovat mustat, pitkät ja kiiltävät
[ ] Silmäni ovat suuret ja ruskeat
[ ] Ystäviäni ovat mm. kolibri ja pesukarhu
[ ] Pelkään, ettei kansani tapoja ymmäretä ja kunnoiteta
[/] Olen luonnonlapsi
[ ] Lempilauseeni on: "Kotka, siivitä jalkani, ja vuori, kasvata sydämeni suureksi"
yht. ½

[X] Olen prinsessa
[ ] Hiukseni ovat lyhyet ja mustat
[ ] Silmäni ovat ruskeat
[x] Ystäviini kuuluvat 7 hyvin erilaista persoonaa ja eläimet
[x] Olen suloinen, hienostunut ja hyväuskoinen
[ ] Pelkään pahaa äitipuoltani
[x] Lempilauseeni on: "Kerran saapuu oma prinssini!"
yht. 4


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 06.08.2007 21:09

It's so hard to say goodbye, when it comes to this.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 04.08.2007 18:43

Sex and the City

[x] Rakastan kenkiä
[x] Olen ollut kiinni samassa tyypissä jo monta vuotta
[ ] Käytän mitä kummallisimpia vaatteita
[x] Tykkään kirjoittamisesta
[ ] Poltan
[ ] ...mutta voisin lopettaa polttamisen seurustelukumppanin takia
[ ] Minulla on kiharat hiukset
[ ] Olen seurustellut itseäni yli 10 vuotta vanhemman ihmisen kanssa
Total: 3

[x] Osaan kuunnella ihmisiä
[/] Sanon mielipiteeni todella suoraan
[x] Olen punapää
[ ] Olen rakastunut baarimikkoon
[ ] Olen omistautunut työlleni
[ ] Lakiasiat ovat kiinnostavia
[x] Olen ollut koukussa tv-sarjaan
[minä OLEN kissa] Minulla on kissa
Total: 3½

[/] Olen hyvin vanhanaikainen romantiikan suhteen
[ ] Voisin vaihtaa uskontoa avioliiton takia
[ ] Käytän paljon helmiä
[ ] Olen brunette
[x] Voisin adoptoida lapsen Kiinasta
[/] Olen kiinnostunut taiteesta
[x] Olen harrastanut/harrastan ratsastusta
[ ] Haaveilen unelmahäistä
Total: 3

[/] En murehdi liikoja
[ ] Vaihdan kundeja kuin sukkia
[ ] Omistan useita peruukkeja
[oikeesti oon] Olen blondi
[x] Voisin toimia pr-alalla
[/] Olen itsevarma
[ ] Nuoremmat miehet viehättävät minua
[ ] Sitoutuminen on ahdistavaa

miranda O_O NO ENKÄ


Kohtuullisuus: 15
Viisaus: 12
Suhteellisuuden taju: 11
Rakkaus: 9
Lojaalisuus: 8
Oikeudenmukaisuus: 8
Pyhä huolettomuus: 8
Urhoollisuus: 6
Anteeksiantavaisuus: 5
Hiljainen tieto: 5
Jalo joutilaisuus: 2


Murehtiminen: 15
Huumorintajuttomuus: 11 ( JOO IHAN NÄIN EN OO KOVIN HUMORISTINEN SORI :D :D :D :D )
Hengen velttous: 10
Ylpeys: 10
Kateus: 9
Vatsan palvonta: 8
Hekumallisuus: 2
Vihamielisyys: 2
Välinpitämättömyys: 1
Ahneus: 0
Tietämättömyys: 0

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.08.2007 00:05

Tired of Cliché Questions? Come here!

Eggs; Sunny side up, Scrambled or Hard boiled?
scrambled maybe

Sausage or Bacon?

Pancakes, Crêpes or Waffles?
american pancakes or waffles

Croissant, Danish or Pain au Chocolat?

Coffee, Juice, or Hot Chocolate?

Pasta; Spaghetti, Tortellini, Lasagna, Ravioli, or Gnocchi?
any pasta will do ^^

Pasta Sauce; Cheese, Tomato, or Meat?
any, but cheese is very very mmmmmmm

Soup; Mushroom, Tomato, Broccoli, Carrot, Vegetable, Chowder, or Other?
mushroom, broccoli, vegetable, or other

With Soup; Crackers, Toast, Croutons, Bacon Bits or Baguette?
yes please

Pizza; Cheese, Hawaiian, Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Veggie, or Other?
any but not hawaiian or italian sausage

Pizza; Square Slice, Pointy Slice or Deep Dish?

Sandwich; or white bread or brown?
brown but white is good too

Toppings; Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Peppers, Mushrooms,Mayo,Salt, or Other?

Chinese; Springrolls or Eggrolls?
hahahhaha springrolls :'D nah. I dunno.

Chinese; Sweet & Sour Pork, Crispy Sesame Beef, or General Tao Chicken?
these are so stupid questions :D I like it all.

East Indian; Veggie Korma (curry) or Tandoori Chicken?

Meat; Well done, Medium, or Rare?

Mashed Potatoes or Baked?

Salad Dressing; Vinaigrette, 1000 Island, Ranch, or Other?

Cheese; Cheddar, Mozzarella, Havarti, Ricotta, Feta, Cottage, Brie, Soy, or Other?

Milk; Regular Soy, Chocolate Soy, 1%, 2%, Skim, or Chocolate?
no fat and chocolate

Sushi; California Rolls, Spicy Salmon, Crab, Eel, Egg, Octopus, or Other?

Sushi; Wasabi, Soysauce, Neither, or Both?

KFC; 2 piece combo, 3 piece combo, Family-Sized combo, or Chicken Club?

KFC; Coleslaw, Potato Salad, or Macaroni Salad?

Pop; Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Rootbeer, 7-Up, Orange Crush, Cherry Coke, or Other?

Burger King, In & Out, McDonald's, Harvey's, Hardee's, White Castle, A&W, or Other?
burger king is goood, Arby's or whatever it was is ok too

Burger Toppings; Lettuce, Tomato, Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Mushrooms, Or All Dressed?

Fries; Tater Tots, Poutine (if you're Canadian), Cheese Fries, Wedge, or Regular?

Pie; Apple, Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Blueberry, Sugar, or Other?

Pie; With or Without Ice Cream?
depends on the pie but ice cream please

Dessert; Ice Cream, Frozen Yoghurt, Gelato, or Jello?
ice cream

Dessert; Cake, Pie, Brownies, Cookies, or Fresh Fruit w. Whipping Cream?

Popcorn; Buttery, Caramel, Strawberry, Or Plain Old Salted?
mmmmmmm I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW but buttery is the real deal

**Your home***
House, Condo, Apartment, Trailer, or Other?

Live alone, with Roomies, with Parents, or Other?
parents .__. but in a short time I'll live with roomies

Rent or Own? (if you Rent, how much do you pay?)
rent. about 150 € for three fully furnished rooms, electrisity and heating included =)

Neighbourhood you live in; Poor, Middle Class, Wealthy, Artsy, Conservative?
right now? middle class

City Centre, Burbs, or Country?
burbs meets country

Do your area safe?
what? :D :D :D :D yes it is safe

At what age did you move out? If you haven't yet, at what age do you plan to?
at my current age, 19, in a few weeks

What was the hardest part about leaving home?
I won't see any of them for 5 months

Do you and your family still live in the same city or town?
now yes, in a few weeks we live in different countries

Your room; Messy, a bit Messy, Cleanish, or Meticulously Clean?
a bit messy to messy

**Getting Around**
Walking, Bicycle, Rollerblades, Bus, Subway, Car, or Commuter Train?
bus, sub, car, bicycle, walking, train whatever

If you take public transit, how much is the fare?
too much .__.

Tokens, Pass, or Tickets?
tickets or pass

Commuter Ritual (Coffee? Newspaper? Book?)
book and/or music

Which Bus, Subway, or Train stop is nearest to you?

Doughnut run; Glazed, Chocolate, Bavarian Cream, Crueller, or Jam Filled?
no jam, almost anything else goes

Drivers License; Learners, Drivers or None?

Do you own your own car? (what kind of car?)

Home schooled, Private, or Public?

Your School; Uniform or No Uniform?

Your School; Catholic, Jewish, or Secular?

You; Preppy, Jock, Goth, Punk, Cheerleader, Loner, Nerd, Class Clown, or Other?

What year did you Graduate? if you haven't yet, what year will you graduate?
last year, 2006

Discipline; Excellent Student, Good Student, Okay Student, or Abysmal Student?

Where have you travelled? (be specific; name specific cities)
come on there's no space for that here! I'll name a few countries and cities though: USA (san francisco, reno, random cities), GB (london), Sweden,Danmark,Germany,Spain,Hungary (many cities, I was on a tour singing and playing and stuff), France(paris)

Have you flown before? if so, what's your favourite airline?
yes. finnair.

Flying Rituals? (book, ipod, sleeping, etc..)
book mostly

In flight meal; Chicken, Beef, Pasta, Vegetarian/Vegan, Oriental, or Kid's?
Like I'd get to choose .__.

Which class do you usually take; First, Business, or Economy?
always the cheapest since I pay it myself

Have you ever flown First Class? or been Upgraded?
no :(

Have you been on a train before? If so, which? (subways don't count)
:D :D yes and the ones in Finland and the one that goes from danmark to sweden

Have you been on a ferry before? If so, which?
yes and many

Have you been on a cruise before? If so, which?
yes yes yes silja, viking

Do you get motion sick?
sometimes but not that often

Hotel; which sort of room do you usually stay in; Suite, Premium, Regular?

Have you travelled on your own before? (alone; that means no friends, no parents)

**At what age did you...**
Learn to tie your shoes?
can't remember but before I went to school

Learn to walk? (if you're unsure, ask your parents)
umm...1? 2?

Learn about sex?
I can't remember these things :D :D elementary school?

Have your first real kiss?
I was quite old. like 17-18

If you're not a virgin; have sex for the first time?
not answering this

If you're married; when?

If you had kids; when?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D can't be sure

**Mental and Physical Wellbeing**
Are you seeing a shrink?

Are you on any medications?

Birth Control; Condoms, Depo-Provera, the Pill, Vesectomy, or Hysterectomy?
:D apparently none :D :D

Smoke, Drink, Do Illegal Drugs? (if so, which?)
only drink some, not much

If you smoke; have you any intention of quitting?

Is your diet Low-fat, Reasonably Low-fat, or High-fat? (be honest)
reasonably low-fat

Which body type are you; Anorexic, Skinny, Regular, Athletic, Pudgy, or Obese?

Do you follow trend diets such as Low-Carb or Atkins?

Casual, Short-Term, or Long-Term?

Are you an open & honest individual or do you stew in your feelings?
open & honest is what I try to be

Is your relationship such, that if you wanted to candidly discuss sex , you could?
not at this point no :D :D

How do you cope with breakups? (Häagen-Dazs? A Box of Tissues? Revenge?)
lots of good things to eat/do with friends and sobbing

Straight, Bi-Curious, Straight-Curious, Lesbian, or Gay?

What kind of guy/girl do you look for; Rebel, Puritan, Brainiac, Athlete, or Other?
semirebel, intelligent, funny, takes care of himself, takes care of me, thinks about others and not just himself

**Holidays and Religion**
Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzah, or Neither?

Christian, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, Wiccan, Qwaker, Agnostic, or Atheist?

When you buy presents, are they extravagant, reasonable, or cheapskate?
I try to make them funny and so that they fit the receiver

What was the BEST present you've ever received?
I can't pick just one!

Easter; Cadbury Eggs, Kinder Surprise, Jellybeans, or Peeps?
jellybeans and kinder <3

Do you take Valentines day seriously? If so, how do you celebrate?
well let's put it this way: everyday is a valentine's day

Halloween; what is the worst thing you've gotten trick-or-treating?

**Hot topics**
Pro-choice or Pro-life?

Pro-gay marriage or against?

If your daughter or son were gay, how would you respond?
I'd encourage them to be who they are

If your daughter decided to have an abortion, how would you respond?
I'd talk with her and if that is the decision that is best for her and the child, then I'd support her

Are you generally intolerant of those different from yourself?

Do you blog? if so, when did you start?
yes, and not that long ago

What kind of blog; picture blog, personal blog, culinary blog, political blog?

How many people on your friend's list?

What's your MySpace address?
I don't remember it :D :D :D :D :D

Which do you use; MSN, Yahoo, AIM Messenger, and/or Other?

What is your username?

Does webspeak annoy you? (ie. ROFL, LOL, "Peepz", "H8TRZ")

Do you spend more time chatting than hanging out in real life?
I'm forced to do so unfortunately, since the people I'd hang out with are far away

Do you frequent specific chatrooms?

Burial or Cremation?
Dunno really

Funeral; Lavish or Simple? Cremation; Urn or Ashes thrown someplace you loved?
simple, but beautiful

What do you believe happens after death?
I hope people can have their peace

Have you seen a dead body before (human)?

How would you ideally like to die?

Who are your favourite YouTubers? (ie. The WineKone, Renetto, WilliamSledd?)

Do you yourself YouTube? If so, what's your YouTube addy?
some, and not telling you

mulla on NIIN tylsääTorstai 02.08.2007 22:00


Who was your first kiss?
first REAL kiss was probably with Lucas (and I am NOT kidding, I swear! not THAT lucas, is probably good to add :D)

Who was your first date?
hmm.. I dunno if I've had any real dates, really

Who was your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

Who was your first friend?
probably Nina

Where was your first party?
how on earth am I supposed to remember that :D

Where was your first sleep over?
prob'ly at Iida's

Who was your first enemy?
maybe Iida :D :D (before we became friends, after that we were best friends)

Where was your first flight to?

What is the first thing you do in the morning?
get up and put on my clothes or go to the bathroom to wash my face so I at least start to wake up a little

What is your first thought in the morning?
SHIT I have to get up now

Who's the first person you call when you're having a bad day?
that depends so much on what makes me have a crappy day

Who's the first person you call when you're having a good day?

Who's the first person you call when you need to vent?

What is the first thing you look for in the opposite sex?
hair, eyes, smile, the whole picture

Who is the first person you talk to in the morning?

What was your first pet's name?

What was your first pet?
a dog

Who's the first child in your family?
I am

Who's first in your life?
family and friends

Who's first in your cell phone?
my home number

Who was your first grade teacher?

What is the first thing you do when you get home from school or work?
get something to drink or eat and turn on my laptop :D

What is the first thing you do when someone cuts you off in traffic?
I swear

What is the first thing you do before you start cooking?
read thru the instructions?? :D

Who's the first person on your friends list?
what list?

Who's the person you learned your first life lesson from?
mum, dad or grandma

Who's the first person you call when you get into trouble?

Who's the first person you think will come and help you out?
mum or dad

What do you see first in the morning when you open your eyes?
my ceiling full of stars :D or my wall.........or uuno

What was the first thing you said to the last person you talked to?

What was your first car?
I don't have my own

Who taught you to drive for your first time?

What is the first sport you attempted to play?
football. got a golden medal

What were your first words?
"anna" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

IHMEPERHEEN TUNNARITorstai 02.08.2007 03:42

Ihmeperhe omistaaaa enemmän hittejä kun Smakin Kalle/
Ollaa kuuminta mitä oot nähny vaik tavattas keskitalvel/
Jonon hännille siit, sä et oo eka joka haluu tsiigaa/
Jos venaat kiltisti, voin nimmarit penaaliin tai reppuun tussaa/
Tiputan sellast matskuu, jo 15 vuotiaana/
Et toiset jengit on tiltis, niinku Pelkosen Jaana/
Me ollaan mikis "whooouuuu" TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Meil on enemmän baittareita, ku ihmisiä Kiinas/
Joka tyypin hermolomalle saakka me piinataa/
Me laitetaa jengi kyylää, se on satavarma asia
mul on hulluu tyylii, ja pelkästään sen takia/
Tää porukka näkyy joka mestas Stadis Pakkahuoneel ja Euralla/
Ja HEY, kaikki tytöt stalkkaa lattialla/
Kuka siunaa teit ku pappi? 'Te, Ihmeperhe<3/
Täyttäkää vieraslistaa, vaan teidän takii tätä tehää/

Ku me saavutaan paikalle, ja aletaa rokkaan, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Ku taas Ihmperheen feissit droppaa, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Tyypit stalkkaa ja päät nyökkää, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Kaikki messis nyt meidän eteen hyökkää, TYRMÄYSVAARA/

Hassusti käy, vaik oisit isoki jos käyt vastaan/
IP tyrmää kaikki tyypit vaikkei pistä ees parastaan/
"Bling blingii" ei koskaan asiaa fattaan/
Tää jengi gurmee setil kaikki keikkapaikat katsastaa/
Me ollaan pieni suuri jengi, hiphop Napoleon/
Toiset tyypit menee muodist ku bulalakit ja neon/
Se kertoo kaiken et meil beibeil on Kingsize/
Me rokataan enemmän ku koko klikkis- 'that's why'/
Se on vikatikki jos dissaat- 'bye bye'/
'Seukkaax Smakin Kallen kaa?' tottakai, tottakai/
Sä tiedät ketkä pyörii, nyt sun dekissä/
Sä tiedät mitä tapahtuu kun me ollaa liikkeessä/
Nää tyypit ei tuu koskaan oleen duunis mäkissä/
Vaan rullaa Ezkimon ja Yorin kaa cädissä/

Ku me saavutaan paikalle, ja aletaa rokkaan, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Ku taas Ihmperheen feissit droppaa, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Tyypit stalkkaa ja päät nyökkää, TYRMÄYSVAARA/
Kaikki messis nyt meidän eteen hyökkää, TYRMÄYSVAARA/

Put your hands up, stand up, where're the fans at/
Ihmeperhe rock live for you the G-Show so ladies/
'Yeah', boys 'yeah', can I hear your voice 'yeah'/
Everybody "kädet ilmaan" now its party here (when we are here)/
Saara, Jonna, Inka, Katja, Jenna, Sanna in your area/
Our sound moves any crowd, so raise up in the air/
IP with megahits on stage, in radios/
Everywhere any city is in danger, so you better act fair/

Smäkki heiluttaa katanoita, burnaa pakanoita/
Aivopesee kakaroita sotkee lakanoita, ja mitänäitä nyt on/
Smäkin jäbät heittää keikal settii/
Keräilee mangalehtii, pelehtii minkä ehtii/
IP taas rokkaa, droppaa, douppii shittii/
Jossei kama kolissu aijemmin, nii ota täst uus hitti/
Tyypit voi vaan tsiigaa vierest, ku me piestää tyyppei/
Kalle karkaa keikalt karkuu, 'en mä ookkaa nii hitti=('

BY MC Big I Yo Peace!

by SE gallerian Inkkss

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 02.08.2007 03:06

vihaan tätä "en oikeastaan edes osaa määritellä miksi on tälläinen olo"-oloa! vittu jotain hormoneita varmaan hyrrää tai jotain en tajuu. oon salee raskaana (taas) :D