


what choice did they gave us?

he-e-lmiPerjantai 12.03.2010 16:35

jeeeeeeTorstai 11.03.2010 23:15

Olin tänää kapes aluks niinq mä, roope, aleksi, jassu, hanna. Sitte hanna ja aleksi vaa lähti johki sit jäätii hengaa jassun kanssa. sitte oltiiki aika kaua hannan ja maikun kans JA NII OSTIN HIENON MATIXIN PAIDA<3

jooTorstai 11.03.2010 00:05

kavandeЯ sanoo:
dildo ois jees
mäkinen sanoo:
kavandeЯ sanoo:
sille olis käyttöökin :D
mäkinen sanoo:
joo sun anuksessas :D
kavandeЯ sanoo:
jep : D
ja sen jälkee sun suussas
mäkinen sanoo:
nam :D
kavandeЯ sanoo:
jep :D
paskaa täynnä ja sun suuhus <3333
mäkinen sanoo:
kavandeЯ sanoo:
uskon :D

heii?Keskiviikko 10.03.2010 23:13

miten voin lataa myspacest? ;o

kAttokaaaKeskiviikko 10.03.2010 01:03

hyi vittu ;SKeskiviikko 10.03.2010 00:42

rakastan ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Keskiviikko 10.03.2010 00:31

Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather,
And stars may collide
But I love you (I love you)
Until the end of time(until the end of time)
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, Oh I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day

<3Keskiviikko 10.03.2010 00:22