



www.thewrestlinggame.comSunnuntai 05.07.2009 22:00

Mun hemmojen saavutukset:



1st Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 8 defenses

3rd Lvl Tag Champ:
2 victories and 4 defenses

4th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 5 defenses

5th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

6th Lvl Tag Champ:
2 victories and 1 defenses

7th Lvl Tag Champ:
1 victories and 0 defenses

7th Sub Lvl Champion:
3 victories and 0 defenses

8th Sub Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

9th Sub Lvl Champion:
4 victories and 0 defenses

10th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 1 defenses

10th Sub Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 1 defenses


Tournaments lvl 4 won: 1 times



1st Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 2 defenses

2nd Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 2 defenses

3rd Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

4th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

5th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

6th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

7th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

8th Lvl Tag Champ:
3 victories and 0 defenses

8th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

9th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

10th FB Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 3 defenses

10th Lms Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 0 defenses

10th Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 0 defenses

11th Lvl Tag Champ:
5 victories and 1 defenses

11th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 1 defenses

11th FB Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

11th Sub Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

12th Lvl Tag Champ:
16 victories and 12 defenses

12th Lms Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

13th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 1 defenses

13th Sub Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 1 defenses

13th Lms Lvl Champion:
2 victories and 1 defenses

14th Sub Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses

14th Lvl Champion:
1 victories and 0 defenses


jee :DKeskiviikko 01.07.2009 01:59

Kuinka hullu olet? Jos rastitat yli 50, oot hullu!
...mut jos menee yli sata, nii RAUHOTU VITU HULLU !

[ ] Istunut Poliisiautossa
[ ] Tullut umpikännissä kotiin
[x] Suudellut jotakuta hetken mielijohteesta
[ ] Nukkunut samassa sängyssä monta vuotta itseäsi vanhemman vastakkaisen sukupuolen henkilön kanssa
[x] Kontannut koulun lattialla
[x] Sanonut opettajaa vahingossa äidiksi/isäksi
[x] Poiminut sieniä
[ ] Juossut todella henkesi edestä
[ ] Murtautunut asuntoon
[ ] Unohtanut jotakin lentokoneeseen
[ ] Pussannut serkkuasi
[x] Polskutellut Serenassa
[x] Uinut vaatteet päällä
[x] Laulanut mikrofoniin
[x] Piilotellut jotakuta muijaa
[ ] nyt koulussa
[x] Ollut masentunut
[x] Leikkinyt vetäväsi huumeita ja kiskonut nenääsi tomusokeria tms
[ ] Oksentanut ihmisen päälle
[ ] Purrut kissaa, kun se on purrut sinua
[x] Haukkunut koiralle
[ ] Mennyt viemään roskia ja heittänyt roskasäiliöön vahingossa roskapussin sijaan oman laukkusi
[x] Potenut vauvakuumetta
[ ] Ollut raskaana
[ ] Kaatunut mopolla
[x] Heilunut jossakin alusvaatteillasi
[x] Liukastunut banaanin kuoreen
[x] Pessyt ikkunoita
[x] Maistanut mustekalaa
[ ] Ollut ambulanssissa
[ ] Ratsastanut kamelilla
[x] Harjannut kissaa
[x] Ollut jälki-istunnossa
[x] Lyönyt kaveria
[] Halannut naapuria
[x] Juonut samppanjaa
[ ] Heittänyt televisiota ikkunasta
[x] Yöpynyt hotellissa
[ ] Käynyt Amerikassa
[x] Käynyt Puuhamaassa
[x] Ollut alaikäisenä baarissa
[ ] Ollut musiikkivideossa
[ ] Tanssinut napatanssia
[ ] Kokeillut isäsi pitkiä kalsareita
[x] Valvonut koko yötä
[x] Rikkonut ikkunaa
[x] Ollut rippileirillä
[x] Nukkunut villasukat jalassa
[x] Syönyt kuivattuja banaanilastuja
[x] Mokannut kotitalouden tunnilla
[x] Tehnyt yli 80e kännykkälaskun
[ ] Leikannut koiran kynsiä
[ ] Pessyt vauvan pyllyä
[x] Ollut päivän syömättä mitään
[ ] Ajanut traktorilla
[ ] Tilannut taksia
[ ] Yrittänyt iskea itseäsi yli 7 vuotta vanhempaa ihmistä
[ ] Ajanut viiksiä
[x] Syönyt kynsiä
[x] Soittanut pilapuhelua
[ ] Ollut Ankkarockissa
[x] Rikkonut lupaustasi
[ ] Ollut moottoripyörän kyydissä
[] Nukkunut samassa sängyssä samaa sukupuolta olevan henkilön kanssa
[ ] Haukkunut hoppareita (myös tumma ihoset lasketaan)
[x] Soittanut bassoa
[ ] Kuullut kunnasta nimeltä Vesanto
[x] Kuunnellut klassista musiikkia
[ ] Ajanut pyörällä laiturilta järveen
[x] Röyhtäissyt ruokapöydässä
[ ] Koskenut sähkölankaan eli paimenpoikaan
[x] Nielaissut jääpalaa
[x] Haukkunut hevareita
[ ] Ollut vaahtobileissä
[x] Lähettänyt viestiä mtv3 chattiin
[x] Soittanut väärään numeroon
[ ] Oksentanut ruusupuskaan
[ ] Vilautellut julkisilla paikoilla
[] Itkenyt ilman mitään syytä
[ ] Laskenut pulkalla katolta
[x] Nostanut lippua salkoon
[ ] Ollut järjestämässä discoa
[ ] Saanut turpaan tuntemattomalta
[ ] Matkustanut peräkontissa
[] Siivonnut lattialta oksennusta
[ ] Kävellyt yli 10cm koroilla
[ ] Tilannut Mix-lehteä
[x] Saanut 4 kokeesta
[ ] Käynyt eduskuntatalossa
[x] Pelannut kännykällä kirkossa
[ ] Vastannut seuranhakuilmoitukseen
[ ] Nähnyt kaupassa julkkista
[x] Pelännyt hämähäkkejä
[ ] Kirjoittanut Reginaan
[ ] Ihaillut gootteja
[ ] Ollut puolukassa
[ ] Poistanut punkkia
[ ] Laulanut kun olet ollut kävelyllä ja kuvitellut ettei kukaan kuule...
[ ] Hypännyt 10 metristä pää edellä
[ ] Liftannut
[ ] Kerännyt mansikoita
[ ] Ajanut mopolla päin seinää
[ ] Seisonut hevosen selässä
[ ] Käynyt navetassa
[ ] Kokeillut vanhusten vaippoja
[ ] Esittänyt Güntheria
[ ] Juonut pepsiä ja maitoa sekaisin
[x] Tuntenut mielisairasta
[ ] Hypännyt benjihyppyä
[ ] Ollut yksin lentokoneessa
[ ] Eksynyt kaupungille
[ ] Koulussa tiputtanut terveyssidettä lattialle
[ ] Laittanut metalliesinettä mikroon tai muuta mitä sinne ei saisi laittaa
[ ] Astunut lehmän paskaan
[x] Nielaissut purukumia
[ ] ollut/vieraillut vankilassa
[ ] Itkenyt itseäsi uneen
[ ] Ajatellut itsemurhaa
[x] Tykännyt The Rasmuksesta
[x] Täyttänyt 14 vuotta
[ ] Käynyt psykiatrilla vierailulla
[x] Juonut Hyla-maitoa
[ ] Ollut krapulassa
[x] Fanittanut RAW:ta
[x] Hengittänyt heliumia
[ ] Käyttänyt ripsentaivutinta
[ ] Juonut venäläistä valkoviiniä
[ ] Ollut tuhkarokossa
[ ] Hävennyt poikaystävääsi
[ ] uinut avannossa
[x] tehnyt runoa
[ ] ollut isosena jollain leirillä
[ ] jättänyt kokonaan lukematta kokeisiin
[x] tuntenut itseni yksinäiseksi
[ ] tehnyt kurkkunaamiota kasvoillesi
[ ] ollut katsomassa oopperaa
[ ] lukenut Mauri Kunnaksen kirjoja
[ ] neulonut lapasia(edes yrittänyt)
[ ] katsonut Stand by me-leffaa
[x] eksynyt
[x] keksinyt aprillipäivänä pilaa jonka joku uskoi
[ ] järjestänyt yllätysjuhlia jollekin
[ ] syönyt pizzaa aamupalaksi
[ ] saanut paniikkikohtauksen
[x] omistanut lemmikkieläintä
[ ] laulanut sooloa jossain tilaisuudessa
[ ] laulanut bändissä
[ ] ajanut autoa
[x] nukahtanut koulussa tunnilla
[ ] saanut aivotärähdystä
[x] lukenut salaa toisen päiväkirjaa
[x]ollut tietokoneella yli 5 tuntia putkeen
[ ] ollut yli kuukautta pois kotoa
[ ] ollut kesätöissä
[ ] luntannut kokeessa
[x] saanut ampiaisenpistoa
[ ] saanut murtumaa
[ ] antanut rahaa katusoittajalle
[x] ensin inhonnut jotain leffaa/tv-sarjaa ja sitten alkanutkin tykätä siitä
[x] käynyt Ruotsissa
[x] pelannut twisteriä
[x] katsonut Kauniita ja rohkeita kokonaisen jakson verran
[ ] hukannut kirjastonkirjan
[ ] ollut galleriassa päivän kuvana
[x] opetellut elvyttämistä
[x] Pelannut (mini)golfia
[x] ollut sairaalassa yötä
[ ] vuokrannut asunnon
[ ] ollut lapissa
[ ] esiintynyt oikeassa teatterissa
[x] käyttänyt heijastinta
[x] leikkinyt pikkuautoilla
[x] syönyt viimeisen tunnin sisällä
[ ] valvonut yli 48 tuntia putkeen
[x] ollut onkimassa
[x] kuvitellut olevani kala
[ ] palauttanut kokeen tyhjänä
[ ] ollut nälkäpäivä-kerääjänä
[ ] pessyt hampaani joka ilta
[x] saanut kuhmun viimeisen vuoden aikana
[x] saanut mustelman viimeisen vuoden aikana
[x] käynyt lääkärissä viimeisen vuoden aikana
[ ] saanut silmätulehduksen viimeisen vuoden aikana
[ ] käynyt kampaajalla/parturissa viimeisen vuoden aikana
[x] ihastunut viimeisen vuoden aikana

77 pistettä eli aika hullu oon :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.05.2009 20:23

Millä nimellä ystäväsi kutsuvat sinua? - Jali
Oletko sinkku vai varattu? - varattu
Onko sinulla lävistyksiä, missä? - Eipä ole, inhoon piikkei :D
Omistatko lemmikkejä? - Jep
Oletko sanonut kellekkään rakastavasi häntä? - Jep
Tarkoititko sitä? - Jep
Onko sinulla oma tietokone? - Jep
Juotko alkoholia? - No en vitus
Poltatko tupakkaa? - No en vitus
Oletko kokeillut nuuskaa? - No en vitus :D
Oletko koskaan soitellut pilapuheluita? - Joskus tos ala-asteel :D
Omistatko digikameran? - Ikiomaa ei oo mutta kyl semmonen löytyy :)
Entä web-kameran? - Oma ei ole sekään :D
Tiedätkö ketään joka on tehnyt itsemurhan? - En
Onko abortti mielestäsi murha? - Jep
Minkä nimen antaisit tyttölapselle? - Älä mult kysy :D
Entä poikalapselle? - Älä mult kysy :D
Lempinäyttelijäsi? - Antonio Banderas
Oletko omistavainen vai välinpitämätön? - Riippuu mun mielentilast :D
Paljonko sinulla on tällä hetkellä rahaa? - Jonkin verren
Onko sinulla asioita joista et ole puhunut kenellekään? - Jep
Oletko koskaan meinannut kuolla? - En
Mitä mieltä olet yhdenillanjutuista? - Perseest koko juttu
Mikä lasketaan mielestäsi pettämiseksi? - Liian pitkä juttu selitettäväksi :D
Mitä mieltä olet kaukosuhteista? - Ei se haittaa, kuha ei asu liian kaukana toisest
Koska viimeksi olet pussannut jonkun kanssa? - Sunnuntaina :) <3
Minkä ikäisenä olit ensikerran humalassa? - Lasketaaks sokerihumala??? :D
Onko vanhingonilo paras ilo? - Riippuu kohteest :D
Missä viimeksi olet ollut yötä? - Oman kullan luona<3
Kuka teillä on viimeksi ollut yötä? - Mun oma kulta<3
Suurin määrä keitä sängyssäsi on nukkunut? - 2
Onko huoneessasi TV? - Jep
Voisitko seurustella itseäsi nuoremman kanssa? - Jep
Entä itseäsi vanhemman? - Jep
Koska viimeksi värjäsit hiuksesi? - En oo koskaan värjänny, raitoja löytyy vähäsen :D
Onko kaulassasi nyt fritsu? - Jep
Haluatko? - Höhlä kysymys :D
Föönaatko hiuksiasi? - En
Jos katseella voisi tappaa, kuinka monta tappaisit? - Siin on melkoinen luettelo :D
Oletko joskus kostanut jollekin jotain? - Ainahan mä :D
Millaiset silmät sinulla on? - Siniset silmät :D
Voisitko pettää tämänhetkistä poika/-tyttöystävääsi? - En
Onko sinulla hyvä viinapää? - Ei
Oletko koskaan myöhästynyt koulusta? - Muutamia kertoja :D
Kenen vieressä nukuit viimeksi? - Oman kullan vieressä<3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.04.2009 21:46

1. Luotatko minuun ?
2. Olenko ystäväsi ?
3. Miten tutustuimme ?
4. Mitä haluaisit tehdä kanssani ?
5. Kertoisitko minulle tärkeimmän asiasi minulle jos saisit tilaisuuden ?
6. Voisitko katsoa minua silmiin.. ?
7. ..ja kertoa jotain ?
8. Parasta minussa ?
9. Voisitko hylätä minut jos tekisin jotain kauheaa ?
10. Välitätkö minusta oikeasti ?
11. Voisitko kopioida tämän että voisin vastata ?

WRESTLEMANIA 25 (25-DIVA BATTLE ROYAL)Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 22:45

Santino Marella may not have been allowed to compete for the coveted crown of “Miss WrestleMania” at the silver anniversary of WWE’s greatest spectacle … but it didn’t stop his “twin sister” Santina from besting 24 other Divas in Sunday’s Diva Battle Royal.

While more than 70,000 raucous fans inside Reliant Stadium, and the rest of the world watching the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania at home, rocked out to Kid Rock’s live performance of his hit single “So Hott,” that was hardly the term to describe “Santina's” surprise entrance, joining the Divas in their battle royal.

The WWE Universe was more than excited to see WWE Diva Alumni returning to the ring for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Former Divas Joy Giovanni, Miss Jackie, Molly Holly, Sunny, the recently-retired Victoria and Torrie Wilson all made their way to the ring in hopes of once more achieving WWE glory on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

An all-out brawl began the match, with a flurry of fast-paced action, as one suspect Diva -- clad in pink shoes, a pink skirt and black form-fitting top -- watched the action as it unfolded within the squared circle. As one Diva after the next was strewn on the floor outside the ring, it came down to Beth Phoenix and Women's Champion Melina.

As Beth Phoenix attempted to throw Melina out of the ring, the low-key Diva flipped The Glamazon to the floor, eliminating both she and the Women's Champion. As Phoenix glared back inside the ring, the unknown Diva revealed her name: Santina Marella, Santino's twin sister from Italy.

And though Santino's twin sister may have taken the crown of "Miss WrestleMania" and danced in the ring after receiving her crown, on this night, hopefully, the memorable appearances of past Divas will ease the ugly memories of "Santina" for the WWE Universe.

WRESTLEMANIA 25 (TRIPLE H VS RANDY ORTON)Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 22:43

For months, the venomous Randy Orton tore through the life of Triple H, brutally attacking and injuring his father-in-law, brother-in-law and even his wife. At the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, The Legend Killer had an opportunity to take away yet another thing his rival held dear: The WWE Championship. Yet despite OrtonÂ’s sadistic mind games, Triple H persevered, defeating his opponent to avenge his family and keep his coveted championship gold resting securely around his waist.

The match began with not one bang, but two, as Triple H and Orton both hit their patented maneuvers (the Pedigree and RKO respectively) within moments of the contestÂ’s start. The Game dominated the early match, prompting The Legend Killer to move the fight outside of the ring. Keenly aware of the stipulation that would have the WWE Championship change hands on a disqualification or count-out, Orton hoped to leave his opponent battered and broken outside the ring as the referee counted to 10. But Triple H was running on pure fury, repeatedly coming back from the third-generation SuperstarÂ’s underhanded tactics.

With his options running out, Orton took out the referee, giving himself a few unsupervised moments to retrieve a sledgehammer from underneath the ring. But as he started to climb back in, Triple H served the venomous Superstar some of his own medicine, delivering a vicious punt and retrieving the sledgehammer for himself. While the ring official was still incapacitated, the WWE Champion clobbered Orton, setting him up a game-winning Pedigree and three-count.

Randy OrtonÂ’s Road to WrestleMania began in earnest at the 2009 Royal Rumble, where with the help of The Legacy he eliminated Triple H to earn a spot at WWEÂ’s greatest spectacle. The Legend KillerÂ’s phenomenal win came at a time when the third-generation Superstar was already up to his eyes in trouble for punting Mr. McMahon in the head less than a week earlier. OrtonÂ’s ensuing rivalry with the WWE ChairmanÂ’s progeny quickly escalated to the point of no return, when in one night of utter brutality, Orton both punted Shane and RKOÂ’d Stephanie, drawing her husband, a livid Triple H out to the ring to her aid.

Though he had already incapacitated three beloved members of The GameÂ’s family, Orton still had his eye on his rivalÂ’s WWE Title, and subsequently announced that he would be challenging Triple H for it at the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania. Escalating into realms rarely seen in WWE, their conflict saw The Game smash his way through OrtonÂ’s St. Louis home, prompting the third-generation Superstar to once again attack his rivalÂ’s wife, but this time following it up with a demented kiss, which the handcuffed WWE Champion had no choice but to watch in rage-filled horror.

With his defeat of Randy Orton, Triple H achieved much more than simply retaining the WWE Title. For months, The Legend Killer and The Legacy had run roughshod over WWEÂ’s royal family, promising that a win at the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania would begin a new era. But with a punt, a sledgehammer and a thunderous Pedigree Triple H both avenged the McMahons and put an end to OrtonÂ’s delusions of grandeur.

WRESTLEMANIA 25 (MONEY IN THE BANK)Keskiviikko 08.04.2009 22:40

Mr. Money in the Bank CM Punk regained that status from last year, making history as the first person ever to win multiple Money in the Bank Ladder Matches.

The repeat golden opportunist overcame seven worthy opponents, the laws of probability and the laws of physics. In the week leading up to the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania, The Straightedge Superstar admitted, “You really can’t ignore what a dangerous match this is.”

The briefcase dangled from a 265-foot ceiling and was only obtainable by stunning the seven other competitors long enough to climb one of multiple ladders towering 20 feet over the canvas to detach the coveted prize. It is a feat that is hard enough to accomplish once, but CM Punk has managed to fulfill mission impossible and win the contest twice in as many years.

The victor faced stiff competition, especially from Christian. Captain Charisma, who returned to WWE just more than a month prior, had made it his mission to win this bout, a stipulation he helped to create by participating in the first-ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match. He exuded the type of fearlessness it would have taken to make a run at his first World Title. He even miraculously survived a fall off the ladder while he was on top by catching himself on the ropes and pushing himself back upright, but in the end CM Punk proved he wanted it the most.

Another member of the first Money in the Bank contest was present, as Shelton Benjamin looked for his first win for the stipulation after participating in all but one of the contests that have existed. The former United States Champion is always known for making memorable moments in this type of match, and this yearÂ’s competition was no exception. He made the ladders his personal jungle gym, swinging off of them and pulling off impressive aerial moves. He even had Punk by his feet as The Straightedge Superstar dangled from a rung. Unfortunately for his seven opponents, Punk was in the same situation last year and like then, he overcame this time.

In addition to facing Christian and Benjamin, CM Punk had to withstand a current champion in United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter, the high-flying Kofi Kingston, the experienced Finlay with help from his son Hornswoggle, and two massive, intimidating giants in Kane and Mark Henry. The Big Red Machine was a step away from securing the briefcase until Punk regained his balance after hanging by his legs and kicked Kane to the canvas. At that point, it was all CM Punk and no one was close enough to do anything about it.

Now, two questions remain. When will CM Punk cash in his title opportunity, and will he spend wisely and continue the streak of each Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner successfully earning championship gold within a year? Time will tell.

jep :DKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 22:36

Valitse 6-8 minuun sopivaa sanaa. Ota tämä myös omaan päiväkirjaasi, niin saat tietää, mitä muut ajattelevat sinusta.

1. Seksikäs
2. Komea
3. Pervo
4. Hyvä suutelija
5. Huumorintajuinen
6. Mielipuoli
7. AD/HD
8. Laiha
9. Lihava
10. Kurvikas
11. Taitava
12. Nopea
13. Musikaalinen
14. Iloinen
15. Surullinen
16. Kyylä
17. Masokisti
18. Holtiton
19. Vaikea
20. Täydellinen
21. Homo
22. Nero
23. Viisas
24. Vitun fiksu joskus
25. Fruittari
26. Hoppari
27. Emo
28. Kaunis

WRESTLEMANIA 25 (JBL VS REY MYSTERIO)Tiistai 07.04.2009 22:54

For months, John “Bradshaw” Layfield had promised that he would accomplish something never before achieved at a WrestleMania that’s been 25 years in the making. On the final week before WrestleMania, he vowed to deliver “the most decisive victory in WrestleMania history.” And the vessel on whom he would carry out his claims was Rey Mysterio.

Well, JBL certainly lived up to his words in HoustonÂ’s Reliant Stadium Sunday night. And he did so in an astonishing 21 seconds, in front of more than 70,000 fans. The problem? He was on the losing end.

That’s right, WWE Universe – if you headed to the kitchen or Reliant Stadium concession stands for a beverage break, it’s quite conceivable that you actually did miss the ring official slap down a three-count that would award Rey Mysterio his first Intercontinental Championship … and in essence, send The Longhorn Loudmouth into a frenzy that resulted in him quitting right on the spot.

Truly, no one expected such an historic moment quite so quickly, especially considering the significant height advantage enjoyed by JBL. Mysterio – the David to JBL and his Goliath-sized ego – had no such benefits heading into his first WrestleMania since 2006, when he captured the World Championship. In fact, one could argue that Rey had even less of an advantage this time around; after all, the match had been set weeks in advance, giving JBL plenty of time to prepare. And even though Rey defeated JBL on Raw less than a week leading up to WrestleMania, one had to believe that the Wall Street media maven would know precisely how to counter the “Ultimate Underdog.”

Then again, JBL also probably thought that he would have been in this fight much longer than 21 seconds on Sunday night, particularly after several minutes of declaring himself a "hero" to the Lone Star State - a point vociferously debated by the fans he passed by en route to the ring. And when JBL nailed the Joker-themed Mysterio in the face with a boot before the bell even sounded, his historic victory seemed all but certain. But the bell did ring, and within those 21 seconds, Rey caught his opponent completely off-guard, nailing him with an immediate 619 inside the ropes and a Frog Splash off the top rope.

The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania was the latest example in which Rey Mysterio proved to be the ultimate bane in JBL's otherwise pampered existence. It was Mysterio who had forced The Longhorn Loudmouth into a premature retirement on SmackDown back in May 2006. And on a Sunday night in Houston, less than three years later, he would do so again Â… and this time, judging from JBLÂ’s irate reaction afterward, for good.

With that, more than 70,000 fans in Reliant Stadium welcomed Rey Mysterio as their newest Intercontinental Title holder Sunday night in Houston, and also made it abundantly clear that JBL would always be remembered in his final and most historic match in WWE history. Especially since theyÂ’d only need to remember less than a minute of it.