
uulalalalaa shibbi. 1kk ja 6pväMaanantai 01.06.2009 13:37

Oioioi Italia täältä tullaan! eikä ny aivan paska ohjelma :D

Wednesday 8: tour for the cities of Trani, Bari, e Alberobello

Thursday 9 tour of Vasto and its water park

friday 10 departure for the second place of the camp, a factory with swimming pool;

saturday 11 tour of the city of Teramo

sunday 12 tour of the city of Rome

monday 13 free day at the camp

Tuesday 14 a day at the beach of Giulianova

Wednesday 15 a day at the mountain

Thursday 16 tour at Civitella del Tronto

friday 17 tour at the Frassassi Cave

saturday 18 free day for the last night: good-by party

sunday 19 departure

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