


season suicide

omnomn.Sunnuntai 19.02.2012 18:23

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.02.2012 17:41

jee stadii tiistain.

lol.Perjantai 17.02.2012 20:06

I hate myself for loving you.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 16.02.2012 23:10

I'm not a bad person, you just made me do it.

(:Torstai 16.02.2012 23:08

Baby steps.Torstai 16.02.2012 22:22

Stefan points to the sky. "That one looks like a bird."

Caroline groans. "That is a bird!"

Stefan pulls her closer and she can hear his grin in his voice.

"Baby steps, Care. Baby steps."

We're too awesome.Torstai 16.02.2012 22:18

"You're impossible!" she exclaims.

Stefan sighs. "Impossible. Unimaginative. Boring. That's why she's marrying someone else."

Caroline presses her head against Stefan's temple.

"She wanted normal," she says firmly as her chest tightens at the thought of what she's lost as well. "And so did Tyler. That's why they dumped us. Because we're too awesome."

Stefan laughs and turns to press a brief kiss to Caroline's cheek. It starts to tingle, and she grips his hand more tightly to prevent herself from reaching up to touch it.

"You are awesome," he says.

"You are, too. Say it, Stefan."



[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2012 22:55

”Sun pitää tietää että mä rakastan sua”

”Siis mitä?”

”Rakastan sua”

”Kuulinko oikein?”

”Musta tuntuu että kuulit”

”Eli rakastat mua?”




”No eikun..”



”Joo rakastat gerardia tiiän”
”No ei kun mun piti sanoo, että mäkin sua”

”Kummalla tavalla?”

”Sillä toisella”

”Ai sillä miten sanotaan ala-asteella? Sillee niiku 'tykkään susta sillätavalla'”




”No rakastetaan sitte yhessä toisiamme”

”Eli ollaan rakastuneita?”



qqwwddTiistai 14.02.2012 23:20

huuoomen koe..vittu. jajndgphij

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 14.02.2012 18:31

Happy forever alone day!