


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.11.2010 14:44

i could easily bring you tears
i could send you to hell, i know you

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.11.2010 13:51

we stopped checking for
monsters under our bed
when we realized they
were inside us

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 21.11.2010 00:14

i love you and i dont wanna loose you.

and i break down as you walk awayTorstai 18.11.2010 23:36

i'll watch the night turn light-blue
but it's not the same without you
because it takes two to whisper quietly
the silence isn't so bad
'till i look at my hands and feel sad
'cause the spaces between my fingers
are right where yours fit perfectly
i miss your arms around me

everything around me reminds me of youTorstai 18.11.2010 23:13

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.11.2010 19:41

i'm (not) okay with(out) you

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.11.2010 23:00

now if i am to survive
the infection must die
murder the beast that's been eating me alive
the infection must die
nothing left but a broken girl
terrified of everything

nothing left of her foolish pride, her
fond memories slowly die, then
as she wakes again alone
still a prisoner in her home

ready to allow the dark to
penetrate her broken heart
and i'm still afraid of the light
and a thousand voices share their laughter at my demise
this is where i draw the line
the infection must die
give me release from this demon of mine
the infection must die

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.11.2010 22:01

kolme roistoa, ryösti konttoria.
silivatiseilaa silivatiseilaa, yksi juoksi pois.
kaksi roistoa, istuu linnassa.
silivatiseilaa silivatiseilaa, yksi petti ne.
yksi roisto vaan piileksii kotonaan.
silivatiseilaa silivatiseilaa, kohta kuolee pois.
kopioi itsellellesi jos sait ikuiset pelletraumat salkkareista!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.11.2010 23:38

quivering now, shivering now, withering
my mind wont let me say that i'm
wondering now, pondering now, hungering
wont let me say that i'm
questioning, wavering, weakening

wont let me say that i want...
i can hear the voice
but i don't want to listen

strap me down and tell me i'll be alright