


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

.. hajoon :D:D:dddPerjantai 15.04.2011 00:37

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.04.2011 02:52

will you stand here right beside
i truly hear things in the night

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 13.04.2011 01:53

nobody could ever replace youMaanantai 11.04.2011 04:15

you're all on your own
your hands are still freezing
so shocked just to know
your heart is still beating

they say the world is a place full of wonder and hope
all these great things but
you just don't feel it
i just want you to know i think you're beautiful
i just need you to know how much i care
you are the air that i breathe
i love all your clothes
wear black every season
and i love how you smoke
just like marlene dietrich

i say the world is a place full of thunderous love
for everyone
but you just can't see it (you just can't see it)
i just want you to know i think you're beautiful
i just need you to know how much i care
i just wanted to say you're fucking beautiful

you are the air that i breathe
i just want you to know...

fuck.Perjantai 08.04.2011 03:32

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.04.2011 00:52

♥ baby, i'll love you to death

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.04.2011 01:53

he's just too fuckin' perfectSunnuntai 03.04.2011 01:52

♥ you are the kind of guy that has the chemicals that makes me fall in love

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.04.2011 23:22

Go ahead, text him first, he might be checking his phone, waiting
for you. Turn on your iPod and run as far as you can. Say hi to a
stranger. You never know what theyÂ’ll become for you. Have a mental
health day – you know you need it. Don’t go on Facebook for a day
and see what you can accomplish. Give money to a charity, your good
karma will come around eventually. Sneak out, you might get caught,
but itÂ’ll be 100% worth it. Tell that one person that you like them,
what's the worst that can happen? He doesn't like you back. Then he
doesnÂ’t deserve you anyways, right? Smile at a stranger, it could make
their day. Wink, itÂ’s sexy and makes you feel confident, after all, you
are pretty hot. Go for somebody who is totally wrong for you, they
may not be totally wrong after all. Stand up for yourself, because if
you donÂ’t, who will? YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE.

when i see 'explain' on a test:Perjantai 01.04.2011 01:20